"boom!!!"In the ancient formation realm, one of the three thousand realms.

In the deepest forbidden area where the sect of the ancient formation holy gate is located, a high tower was directly exploded.


"Lord Ancestor!"

"Ancestor, what's wrong?"


Many strong men from the Ancient Formation Holy Sect were startled. They all jumped into the air and looked in the direction of the tower.

"Haagen-Dazs skinny face, I swear I won’t be a human being until I kill you!!!"

"The Holy Gate of the Ancient Order, three days later……"

"Follow me into the chaotic sea of ​​stars! Completely destroy Haagen-Dazs' Skinface and his Yellow God Cult!!!"


In the ruins of the tower, a figure roared with anger!

Astonishingly, it was Gu Zhenzi himself who was so angry that he exploded!

Generally speaking, powerful gods rarely take action personally.

After all, who can achieve the realm of divine transformation, who is not a giant?

Find one of the three thousand realms without an owner, spend thousands of years refining it into your own world of incense, and then you can squat here and quietly absorb everything from hundreds of millions of creatures, nourish yourself, and grow stronger.

Why go out and fight and kill?

Therefore, the normal power of deity basically sends out clones to do things, while the main body hides in the safest place and remains silent.

Of course, there are also a few arrogant and arrogant gods who believe that their strength is unparalleled and invincible, and they like to wander around.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a few of them wandered into the depths of the Chaotic Sea of ​​Chaotic Star Sea, and then... nothing happened after that.

This disappearance lasted for tens of thousands of years, and there was no news at all.

There are also some powerful gods who tried to cross the Chaotic Star Sea and arrived at the other end of the Chaotic Star Sea.

Then... these powerful gods came to nothing.

Therefore, the realm where the Chaos Star Sea is located is also called the realm of chaos. Even if many powerful gods come here, they do not dare to run around.

After all, the stubborn ones are either burping or missing.

Generally speaking, in the Chaos Realm where the Chaos Star Sea is located, most of the powerful gods say that it is because of the agreement that they are not allowed to enter easily!

In fact, I am afraid of this realm. The water is too deep, so I generally won’t go there.

But now Gu Zhenzi simply ignores these!

The water is too deep to ride horses!

Go to the chaotic realm of riding a horse!

The dangers of riding a horse are everywhere!

The clone of Gu Zhenzi and the original form of Gu Zhenzi share all the memories and emotions simultaneously, as well as what they see and hear.

It's like the clone is yourself.

And not long ago, his clone turned the skin of Haagen-Dazs into a big white pig and was beaten to death with a stick!

Can you endure this humiliation?

You kill my clone, I can bear it!

But it’s so disgusting that you turned my clone into a pig and beat him to death with a stick!

Okay, even if I can endure this step on horseback... is this stick still stained with Xiang?

I can't stand this horse riding king, okay?

Following the order from Gu Zhenzi, the high-end experts of the Ancient Zhen Sect, the retreat masters, various elders, core disciples, battle formation legions, special monk groups, etc. were all mobilized.

"Senior brother, what's going on?"At this time, a young figure couldn't help but asked curiously.

It was a new disciple who had just entered the ancient formation holy sect not long ago.

"I heard it was about the rise of the Yellow Clothes God Sect in Luan Xinghai! For some reason, the ancestor was furious and decided to go on an expedition himself! Oh my god, this is the first time in eight thousand years that the ancestor has gone on an expedition!"A senior fellow from the Ancient Formation Holy Sect slowly explained.

"Oops, so that’s it……"The cute new disciple nodded, then grinned after his senior brother left.

Inadvertently, under the robe of this new disciple, a golden color appeared when the wind blew...

At the same time, on the chaotic star sea

"Damn ants, where are you going?!!"Although it took a while for the four powerful clones, including the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, to catch up with the masked figure.

"Die for me!"The clone of Lord Ten Thousand Beasts hit the masked figure with a casual blow.

However ,……

"???"The masked figure suddenly disappeared like clouds.

It's obviously just a clone, not the real thing

"not good!!! We were fooled!"Seeing the masked figure disappear, the clone of the Lord of All Beasts and others finally reacted.

This guy wearing a mask and calling himself Haagen-Dazs Skin Face is just a bait!

The purpose is to delay time!

It’s no wonder that the four powerful clones of the gods such as the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts didn’t notice.

The shadow clones transformed by the Sky Fire Heart Flame are difficult to distinguish between true and false. After all, the Sky Fire Demon Prison Heart Flame has evolved to the seventh level of the god transformation realm. level, its power of heavenly fire is naturally equivalent to the power of the God Transformation Realm! The

Four God Transformers including the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts are all clones, and it is not surprising that they did not see through the shadow clones transformed by Xin Yan of the same realm.

"Quick, go back to Tianlong Island!!!"Without saying a word, the clone of the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts quickly rushed back to Tianlong Island with the other three powerful clones of the gods.

It took a quarter of a stick of incense, and the Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts and other four divine clones Da Neng's clone finally rushed back to Tianlong Island.

However, Tianlong Island at this time was simply miserable.

"!"The clone of Lord Ten Thousand Beasts looked down and couldn't believe it.

The entire Tianlong Island was under a huge attack. Countless monks and strong men who stayed on the main island of Tianlong Island died all over the place.

"Damn it, all the alchemy rooms, forging halls, and treasure halls have been looted!"

"The treasure house of our Face Killer Alliance has also been looted, and all the treasures worth tens of billions of spiritual stones are gone!"

"Where is Gu Zhenzi’s clone? Didn't he stay here? Why would it be attacked by the enemy even if he was in charge?"


At this time, the other three powerful clones used their spiritual consciousness to quickly understand the situation on Tianlong Island at this time.

Those who were killed were all members of the Face Killer Alliance. Some of the original monks on Tianlong Island and those who had not joined the Face Killer Alliance basically survived.

According to the descriptions of these survivors, there were nearly one million followers of the Yellow Clothes Sect at that time, and more than 300 million Pipi shrimps came in together to kill them!

"This is impossible! How come there are so many followers of the Yellow Clothes God Sect? We had clearly massacred hundreds of thousands before, and drove them all together to kill them all, right?"The clone of Lord Ten Thousand Beasts was full of questions at this time.

With his own hands, he killed all the last 10,000 followers of the Yellow Clothes God Sect on Shrimp Island with one blow, as well as hundreds of millions of Pipi Shrimps.

And the surrounding area The strong men of the human race, monster race and demon race have also reported that they killed many followers of the Yellow Cloth God Sect during fierce fighting along the way!

Are the killing of so many followers of the Yellow Clothes God Religion all fake?

"Something's wrong!!!"The Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts and other four powerful clones of the gods conducted an investigation and discovered more shocking facts...

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