Although he couldn't see the battle, the Prison Suppressing Emperor had absolute confidence in these three red imperial guards!

As for the players, they skillfully sent voice messages to MC Shinhwa and Tongue Tips, urging them to start a live broadcast!

But soon, only MC Shinhwa agreed to start the live broadcast.

So after several players were busy for a while, a crystal screen suddenly appeared, and a picture appeared!

In a different space filled with all kinds of strange colors, MC Shinhwa faces off against the red-clad Imperial Guard!

"!"The prison-suppressing emperor was also shocked when he saw this scene.

Disciples of the Yanhuang Sect actually have the ability to penetrate different spaces and perceive and record images?

However, the Prison Suppressing Emperor soon stopped caring about this, and instead focused on it. Like other powerful men and players present, they all looked at the picture on the crystal screen.

MC Shinhwa, one of the supreme elders of the Yanhuang Sect, faced off in a desperate battle against the two imperial guards in red!

"Are you the Supreme Elder of the Yanhuang Sect? MC myth?"The red-clothed imperial guard Erji glanced at MC Shinhwa, as if he couldn't believe it.

"good!"MC Shinhwa nodded and answered casually.

"Haha, although I haven't met you before, it seems that you were defeated by those ordinary red imperial guards before and then thrown into the Exile Land, right?"

"Even the strength of the ordinary red imperial guards is not as good as that of ordinary red imperial guards. How dare you fight with this guard?"


The second imperial guard in red spoke ferociously, with a strong sense of arrogance.

Seeing this scene, countless players were curious, how would Brother MC respond?

After all, a month ago, as the red-clad Emperor Wei Er'er said, all the bosses from the first and second tests overturned and were defeated and thrown into exile!

This is a fact and there is no explanation at all!

And soon, MC Shinhwa’s answer made all the players watching the live broadcast vomit blood.

"You know nothing about my true strength!"

"As the Supreme Emperor of the Yanhuang Sect, why do you want to remain invincible?"

"Although I have had invincible strength since ancient times! However, as the Supreme Leader of Yanhuang Sect, he defeated together with his disciples, felt the pain of failure together, accompanied the weak disciples, grew up with them, stood up together, and fought back together!"

"Since ancient times, this is what a true Supreme Being should do!"

"If my defeat can lead to the explosive growth of my disciples, then……"

"I am willing to lose!"

"Because I am the Supreme Elder of Yanhuang Sect, MC Myth!"


MC Shinhwa spoke words that were extremely natural and truth-like, word for word, and his whole temperament and aura were like those of a great master, vicissitudes of life and vastness!

"!!!"The two imperial guards in red actually believed it for a moment!

However, the players present who saw this scene all vomited blood!

"Damn it! Why has Brother Shinhwa become so shameless?"

"Oh my god, so shameless!"

"It's over. Brother MC has been transformed into a wood escape!!!"


While the players present were all talking, MC Shinhwa spoke again.

"I know that like Liu and Qi before, you can use the power of the person behind Zhen Yu to increase your strength by more than ten times!"

"I won’t bully you, just go ahead and explode!"

"if not……"

"I don’t even have the heart to bully you!"


MC Shinhwa opened his mouth leisurely and said domineeringly.

"!!!"The two imperial guards in red were stunned!

I have seen arrogant ones, but never such arrogant ones!

The other party actually put himself into the strongest state under the direct control of the one behind the Prison Suppressing Emperor?

Does he know what kind of terrifying power it is?

The three to seven-year-old imperial guards in red are not as powerful as me!

And if such a powerful person could increase his strength by more than ten times with the help of that person's power... the two imperial guards in red couldn't even imagine it!

But since the other party is so rampant, why can't he satisfy his wish to die?

"Since you take the initiative to seek death, I will agree to your request!"The second child of the imperial guard in red stopped talking nonsense. Without saying a word, he suddenly showed his full strength!

"One of the ways of law, the way of demonic flames!"

"The second law path, the divine sea path!"

"The third way of law, the way of obliteration!"

"The fourth way of law……"

"The law and the way……"


Under everyone's gaze, the power of nine kinds of law and order emerged from the two red-clothed imperial guards one after another!

"The tenth law and path, the indestructible path of vajra!"

When the two red-clothed imperial guards finally displayed the tenth law, all the players who saw this scene, as well as the millions of strong men under the command of the Prison Suppressing Emperor, all took a breath of cold air!

Oh my god.! Damn it!

This red-clothed imperial guard's second child... actually controls ten kinds of laws?

How is that possible?

"Hahaha, do you feel it? This is the absolute strength gap between you and me!"

"Benwei himself understood the three laws and ways, and even used unnatural means to seize seven laws and ways from other geniuses!"

"In the entire Tower of Gods and Demons, for millions of years, it is impossible for there to be a second existence that controls more laws than I do!"

"Can you block these ten powers of law?"


The two imperial guards in red spoke ferociously!

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