"In the Wuchai era, which of the following is the most delicious kebab?"

"A, Deep Sea King skewers!"

"B, Golden Deep Sea King skewers!"

"C, Origin Evil God Deep Sea King skewers!"

"D, Super Platinum Limited Hot Neptune Kebab!"


Seeing this question, all the online candidates tilted their heads.

Can I hit someone?

I haven’t even entered the game yet, how the hell do I know which one is delicious!

The most important thing is that everyone has different tastes, so who can be sure that what they like best is what others also like?

However, while most of the online candidates were confused, there were still a handful of figures who smiled disdainfully.

"The Deep Sea King Kebab was from the first and second beta eras, the Golden Deep Sea King Kebab was from the third beta, and the Origin Evil God Deep Sea King Kebab only appeared in the fourth beta! Combined with the question, the answer is naturally……D!"

These very few legendary cloud players chose D directly with great skill.

Moreover, the analysis is reasonable and well-founded.

However, most confused online candidates have no choice but to continue to choose C without thinking.

Soon, the third question came.

But this time, even the very few legendary cloud players who got the questions right twice before couldn't help but curse!

"Excuse me, among the following four people, who deserves the most beating!"

"A: Mushroom noodles"


"C: handsome face"

"D: Haagen-Dazs noodles!"


Seeing this question, even the legendary cloud players who had previously been so shy all vomited blood.

"Damn it, what the hell is this question? What kind of question is this?"

"Madhu, even the Wolf Planner is not so disgusting!"

"What the hell? I want to beat these four people to death a hundred times. How the hell can I tell who deserves a beating more?"

"I searched these four people and found that they are not online players at all. What is going on?"


"For some reason, I want to choose C...anyone who is more handsome than me deserves a beating!"


Countless online candidates thought carefully for a moment, but finally found that they could only choose C with tears in their eyes.

After all...

I really don’t know which answer is the right one!

Next, questions appeared one after another, refreshing the outlook of all online candidates again and again!

"I would like to ask: A player who eats skewers in a fish tank and kicks his feet at the same time, which genre does he belong to?"

"A: Foot-picking"

"B:Grilled skewers"

"C: Bath flow"

"D: Happy flow"


"Excuse me, if you enter the world of the Heaven-defying Demon Fairy, a young man wearing a straw hat says that he urgently needs 10,000 contribution points to save the world, so he asks you to borrow them. What should you do?"

"A: Lend it to him"

"B: No borrowing"

"C: Play dead"

"D: Beat him to death"


"Excuse me, a player claims to be Wang Lufei’s chief bossHe is also the eldest son of Qianshou's old Zhujian, and the only limited edition eldest son whom Emperor Yan Mo Yu Xinyan loves the most. So, what should this player call beef noodles when they see it?"

"A: Dad"

"B: Big brother"


"D: What a fucking noodle guy"


As one question after another was completed, the 600 million online candidates felt as if they were on the wrong set.

Didn’t I come to take the sixth-level entrance examination?

Why... why do I feel like I'm being tortured?

What exactly did he see?

How cool do you have to be to come up with these damn questions?

Is my answer correct?

Why until now...

I can't even answer a single question, why am I choosing C without thinking?

After two full hours, the last online candidate finally finished the last question and chose to submit.

As the exam time ended, a progress bar appeared in front of the 600 million online candidates, indicating that automatic marking was in progress.

Although most of the online candidates were covered in sweat at this time, some were disgusted, some were disgusted, and some were disgusted.

But most of the players still forcibly calmed down and waited for the automatic marking to end with some anxiety and uneasiness.

After all, only by passing the audition can you be qualified to go to the site and take the on-site exam, and only by passing the on-site exam can you get the sixth test quota!

Ten minutes later, the marking is over.

Under the excited eyes of 600 million online candidates, the official website sent the test results

"Congratulations, you scored 61 points and passed the audition exam!"

"Sorry, you only received 0 points and failed to pass the audition exam!"

"Sorry, you only scored 16 points and failed to pass the audition exam!"


In front of each online candidate, the exam results appeared almost at the same time.

Most of the online candidates failed to pass 60 points, which means they failed the audition.

Only a small number of online candidates received a score of 60 or above, that is, they answered at least 60 questions correctly out of 100, successfully passed the audition exam, and obtained the qualification to take the on-site exam!

After all the results came out, the 600 million online candidates were instantly in an uproar!

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