"!"All the new and old players watching were shocked!

No one expected that Brother Mian was so defiant that he successfully used the power of the combination and the human wall to continuously weaken the power of the Void Spear!

But if you think about it carefully, Mian Ge people already have the ability to freely absorb and transfer the power of the source. Otherwise, how could those players who dual-wield the grilled strings transform ordinary Mian Ge people into those with the source of fire by grilling Mian Ge people? The power of the flame-faced brother?

But at this moment, all the new and old players watching held their breath!

Can the ninety Mian Ge people who contain the power of the source really be able to block this void spear from the indomitable bear?

After all, the difference between containing the original power and perfectly exerting the original power and manifesting it into law runes is huge and terrifying!

The group of melons who used the eight-hundred-mile flaming giant palm that contained the power of fire were a bloody lesson!

"Phew!"And soon, with a penetrating sound, under the gaze of all the new and old players who were watching, the indomitable bear's strong void gun penetrated the human wall composed of Shenmu Mian brothers with one blow, even if the power was weakened again, the speed It also slowed down a lot, but still... a successful blow pierced the chest of Wanxiang Samsara!

"it's over……"Seeing this scene, the indomitable Xiong Jianqiang suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly, already judging that the battle was over.

But at this moment... a scene that no one expected happened!

"I am an oarsman……"

"Why fear a battle!!!"


Wanxiang Samsara actually let out a loud roar, and immediately grabbed the Void Spear, which had been greatly slowed down by three blocks and penetrated his body, with both hands, and raised and lowered his hands frantically!





Seeing this scene, everyone was confused.

At this moment, no one can understand the operation of all things samsara, or even completely unable to understand it!

Everything is reincarnated, what the hell are you thinking about?

What the hell are you rowing about?

Why use the Void Spear?

Walter Zefak!

"Click click click click……"Under everyone's gaze, the wound on Wanxiang Samsara's body that was penetrated by the Void Gun has begun to distort space!

However, what is incredible is that unlike those melon skins that instantly belched farts before, the explosion of space power at the wound of Wanxiang Samsara is not only greatly weakened, but the collapse speed is also much slower!

Even a monkey can see that although the reincarnation of all things is inevitable, it can definitely last for more than a few breaths!

Maybe it's because the power of the Void Spear was weakened by the human wall formed by the Triple Face Brothers!

It may also be that Wanxiang Samsara itself has been integrated with Brother Mian, which has the effect of greatly weakening the damage of the original power!

In short, for a while, the reincarnation of all things will indeed stop happening!

It’s just that everyone still doesn’t understand a little bit.

Even if you don't burp for a while, you can only hold on for a few more breaths, but the final result will still be burping!

So... all things are reincarnated, why are you so crazy about Brother Xiong's Void Spear?

But at this moment, the reincarnation of everything started to move!

"Brother Bear! Your attack is over, then it's my turn!!!"Wanxiang Samsara suddenly paused, and then he raised his hand and actually took out a flying gun!

A very familiar flying gun!

Brother Shenmu Mian's flying gun form!

"Go for it! A blow that imbues me with all my power!"As soon as Wanxiang Samsara raised his hand, he threw the flying spear form of Brother Shenmu Mian, roaring towards the indomitable bear!

"!"The indomitable Xiong Qiangqiang was shocked!

All the new and old players who were watching were also shocked!

Damn it!

Wanxiang Samsara actually wants to fight back?

Do you want to drag Brother Xiong to die together?

But is this possible?

"……"Facing the flying spear form of Brother Shenmu Mian who was roaring towards him, the indomitable Xiong Qiangqiang just tilted his head slightly and dodged easily.

Not to mention the indomitable bear is strong, even the fifth-test players can easily avoid this ordinary attack that has no speed advantage, no teleportation, and no cover with thousands of flying guns shooting at the same time!

And make sense.

Tie a Shenmu-faced man to a stick and throw it... even a monkey can dodge it, okay?

How many people must be there to be hit by such an attack?

However, just when Brother Shenmu Mian's flying gun missed the indomitable bear's strong body and flew into the starry sky, an astonishing scene happened again!

"Whoosh!"Huahua, who was in the form of a flying spear that missed the indomitable bear, suddenly flashed with light, and then a figure appeared in the air!

It turned out to be Wanxiang Samsara!

Or... the Emperor Yan clone of Wanxiang Samsara!

This avatar of the Emperor Flame hidden in the flower form of Shenmu Mian's flying spear, raised his hand and threw another Shenmu Mian's flying spear form, directly towards the indomitable bear!

"Damn it!"All the new and old players who were watching were shocked!

Oh my god!

It turned out to be a two-stage flying spear?

In the flying spear form of Brother Shenmumen... there was actually a clone of Emperor Yan and a brother Shenmumen hidden in it. Human flying gun form?

"Two stage flying gun?……"However, the indomitable Xiong Qiangqiang had already expected it. He didn't even turn around, just a thought!

"Snapped!"The indomitable bear was distracted and took action instantly. Void raised his hand and grabbed the flying gun!

"!"Seeing this scene, all the new and old players watching couldn't help but sigh.

Brother Xiong has already seen the two-stage flying gun. This move is no longer effective against Brother Xiong!

However, at this moment... another shocking scene broke out again!

"Wow!"In the flying spear form of the second-stage flying spear, there was a flash of light, and a figure appeared again! The whole body was slightly transparent, sometimes twisted, and sometimes colorful, the brand new Mian Brother!

Void Mian Brother!

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