However, in fact, there is no need, there are only 3 semi-crippled gunboats, which can't affect the overall situation, not to mention, the key is to waste a lot of time, the area of this activity space is not large, so many players on both sides are in this space, and the probability of encounters is very large.

The naval battle just now lasted for more than an hour, not to mention, and the fighting was so fierce that the roar of artillery and the explosion of shells had already completely spread throughout the surrounding sea areas, and even if there was no search radar to detect it, the sound alone could attract the attention of many people.

Since the advantage has been enough, it is natural that we should quickly transfer, count the gains of this battle, rest and adjust, and prepare for the next battle.

The Huaxia fleet, which had completed the convergence, quickly left the sea area and turned around with a full harvest, leaving the other players who were attracted by the sound of cannons to run lonely.

When the fleet was transferred, Ye Bai was opening the box in the bridge, and after the system rules were changed, all the dropped treasure chests obtained by the player would appear directly in the bridge, and there was no need for the player to work hard to salvage on the sea, but it was a lot more convenient.

In this battle, the Huaxia fleet sank 13 alien players' warships, and dropped as many as 13 treasure chests, including 7 iron boxes and 6 copper boxes, which is a lot of gain.

Open these 13 dropped treasure chests one by one, but the final harvest is not very ideal, most of them are some small objects and basic living materials that Ye Bai can no longer use now, looking at a lot of things, in fact, they are not worth much money at all, and even the reward of money is less than 200,000, which made Ye Bai pouted with some disdain, and secretly scolded a few poor ghosts.

This kind of drop chest obtained after sinking the alien player's battleship is like this, which is basically a part of the resources, equipment and other things stored on the player's battleship, in other words, the richer the player's wealth, the more generous the reward in the drop chest after sinking, and vice versa 037.

Whether it's a Blue Star player or an alien player, it's only been 1 month since you entered the World of Discovery, and it's already a rare thing to be able to upgrade a ship to a destroyer level, not to mention the reserves of a large number of materials and funds, and there are not many things that can be dropped in the treasure chest in the end.

This is also the general status quo of the current players, if it is replaced by the high-level of those player organizations, it is almost the same, how many good things can these lone players have in their hands, and these things are actually Ye Bai can't look down on, but they are good things in the eyes of other players.

After a rough inventory, some things that may be used in the future are stored in the small space of the logistics cabin, and some of the others are directly hung up in the trading plate.

"Report to the commander, the fleet was found 20 kilometers ahead, and there were quite a few of them. "

I really don't know whether to say that Ye Bai is lucky, or bad luck, not long after the fleet left the warring sea, the sea search radar on the Yanhuang once again detected the information of the enemy fleet.

On the radar display screen, which had become much larger, a large red dot of light was constantly flickering, and there was a faint roar of artillery and the sound of rumbling shells in my ears.

"It's kind of interesting, it's all fighting, could it be infighting?"

Ye Bai was surprised by such a never-before-seen (CGDC) situation, the identification system of the search radar had already given the identities of these warships, and the scarlet light points indicated that they were all warships belonging to hostile forces.

In this activity space, it is not uncommon for a large group of warships of hostile forces to appear, not to mention that the number of these warships looks quite a lot, there are dozens of them, but for the total number of players entering this activity space, it is not worth mentioning at all.

What is really strange is that this group of warships, which also belong to the hostile forces, actually fought, and the faint sound of explosions has fully explained the intensity of the battle, it is not a skirmish at all, but a battle of life and death.

"The fleet stops advancing, and the staff officers will mark their positions on the nautical map according to the results of the radar detection. "

Two warships belonging to the same force actually broke out in a life-and-death war, the general contradictions and conflicts should not be, the biggest possibility is that it involves resource points, after all, the theme of this event is to compete for resource points, for resource points, even if the two sides beat out the dog's brain, it is also a normal thing.

Qi Sicheng's movements were very fast, as a captain navigation staff officer, this was originally his specialty, almost as soon as Ye Bai's voice fell, Qi Sicheng marked the location of the group of warships on the navigation map, but the result made Ye Bai even more surprised.

Because according to the situation shown on the navigation map, there was no resource point near the group of battleships that were fighting fiercely, and even the nearest resource point was hundreds of kilometers away from them, indicating that they were not fighting for resource points at all.

"It's not for the resource point, and it belongs to the same force, is it really that the contradictions in the original world are too deep, and they can't be resolved here, so you have to fight to the death?"

Ye Bai was a little puzzled, to be honest, he would never believe that the muzzle of the gun was unanimous with the outside world, especially when there were contradictions and conflicts between the two sides, even in the face of foreign invasion, cooperation was reached on the surface, and there would be no less small actions in private, and the principal on the earth was not an obvious representative.

"Commander, do you order the fleet to go around, or do you want to go over and have a look?"

Ye Bai turned his head to glance at Lu Teyansi, then turned his head to look at the Dongyang not far away, gritted his teeth, and said, "The fleet has set sail, lean over and take a look." "

No amount of speculation is useless, only to check it out in person, anyway, according to the radar detection results, those are just alien player fleets, and the threat to the Yanhuang and Dongyang, which have reached the level of light cruisers, is not very great.

Even if the opponent has a large number of warships and can't beat them, with the advantage of speed, there is no problem in evacuating in time, and there is no worry about safety.

But for this group of alien players who are infighting, he is really curious, and he has to figure out why the battle of life and death broke out without taking a look.

It was still the Yanhuang and Dongyang two light cruisers at the head, and the Peng Ze and Yujiang followed far behind, since they were not sure about the specific situation ahead, they naturally would not let the entire fleet go over to take risks, with the thick armor and ultra-high speed of the light cruisers, it was the best way to reconnoitre.

According to the results of radar detection, they were already about 20 kilometers away from the battlefield in front, and this time Ye Bai was just to observe the situation, and he was not participating in the battle, so he didn't need to get so close at all, and soon arrived at a position about 10 kilometers away from the battlefield. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When they arrived here, the Yanhuang and Dongyang turned their bows and did not continue to move forward, but the speed did not mean to decrease, the entire hull of the ship was horizontal, and almost all the lookouts were dispatched, holding binoculars to observe the situation on the battlefield ahead.

"Report to the commander, the lookout confirmed the target, this is a fleet belonging to two forces, one of which is flying some never-before-seen flags, which are not unified, and the other side is flying the skull flag, and the fleet size of the warring sides exceeds a hundred. "

"Unknown flag?"

Ye Bai whispered again, his eyes lit up, he finally understood, no wonder it made him feel weird, dare to love these two forces.

The warships flying different unknown flags on one side must belong to the alien players, and only their flags will be unknown to the crew of the Huaxia fleet, and the crews of the Blue Star camp know about those flags.

If it is really the flag of the Blue Star World, the lookout will not be unrecognizable, not to mention that the battleship of the Blue Star player will not be displayed as a red dot on the radar screen, but should be a blue dot of light.

As for the other group, Ye Bai is even more familiar, isn't the black skull flag a symbol of pirate power, in the past month, Ye Bai and his fleet don't know how many pirate warships have been sunk, and they can't be familiar with it.

Now that the identities of the warring parties have been confirmed, Ye Bai's previous doubts have been solved, no wonder, whether it is an alien player or a pirate fleet, for Ye Bai as the Blue Star camp, they are all enemies, and it is normal for them to be judged as an enemy force by the identification system of the search radar.

But in the same way, alien players and pirates are also hostile forces, and the fleets of these two sides collide together, and there is no ghost until they fight.

Ye Bai shook his head helplessly, in the rules released by the system about this resource point battle, the system sent a special reminder, not only to be careful of hostile player forces, but also to be careful of pirates, dare to love that there are not only players in this activity space, but also an unknown number of pirates.

"The fleet stopped advancing, kept a close eye on it, informed the lookouts, and ascertained the class of the ships on both sides as soon as possible. "

Ye Bai showed a sinister smile on his face, a big battle broke out between the alien player fleet and the pirate fleet, for him, it was good news, there was no need to mix it at all, just eat melons and watch the show in the distance.

Lu Teyansi's eyes rolled, and he whispered in Ye Bai's ear: "Commander, you are planning to wait for them to be defeated before cleaning up the mess." "

"General Luteyans, there is an old saying in my hometown, called the praying mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch is behind, since they want the dog to eat the dog, then we naturally want to be the yellow finch, wait with peace of mind, and when they are almost done, we will go up and reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

Although I don't know if Lu Teyans can understand the unique culture from the ancient oriental country, as a rabbit, he is still used to expressing his meaning in this way and words.

However, Ye Bai was obviously worried, and after listening to Ye Bai's words, Lu Teyansi showed an inexplicable expression on his face, and even directly stretched out his right thumb, indicating that the idea of his own commander was really high.

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