Soon, the day passed.

The major middle schools are especially lively, because seven days have passed since the last job transfer ceremony, and now all the students are once again back in their classes to prepare for the big exams.

The matter of the big exam is even more important than Lu Fan’s previous Blue Star’s college entrance examination.

In addition to deciding whether to go to a higher education institution next, there is also an important reason that only those who are eligible to enter a higher education institution can they be eligible to enter the copy.

Now many known copies in the world are controlled by the state, so the eligibility to enter the copy is also stipulated by the state.

This rule is that only those who enter institutions of higher learning are eligible to enter the copy.

After all, although the copy can be brushed indefinitely, it is like a mineral deposit, and one day the energy will be exhausted.

Therefore, this kind of resource is naturally for people with more potential, that is, people who have the capital to be admitted to institutions of higher learning.

If you can’t enter a higher education institution, you won’t be qualified to enter the secret realm, and if you want to make money by fighting, you can only go to the wild to be a despised material hunter.

In the class, many of Lu Fan’s classmates were talking excitedly.

“…… You’re even level 11? Awesome! It seems that you haven’t been practicing in the field these days, right? ”

“Hehe, I followed my dad and my uncle to form a team and let them take me to the outskirts of the mountain and rock plains to kill some monsters. Now I feel that I have mastered the skills of the mage, and when the big exam comes back, let’s form a team? ”

“Okay, no problem! I’m a swordsman, physical output, you come to magic output, let’s team up, the efficiency of brushing monsters should be fast. ”

“Hey, if you guys have to form a team, why don’t you take me with you?” I’m a pastor, and I’m worried that there is no one to form a team. ”

“Of course it’s no problem! In this way, the configuration of our team is basically complete, and we will definitely be able to get a good score when we look back on the big exam! ”


Everyone was very excited, but Lu Fan could also find that there were less than twenty people in the class today.

The rest have not returned to school and have given up their qualifications for the big exam.

These people are all life or amplification occupations, and there is no point in going to the examination room of the big exam.

This is life, there is no way.

Lu Fan sat in the corner of the classroom, naturally attracting the attention of other students.

“You see, Lu Fan is also here. I thought that he would definitely give up the big exam and sell buns for a living all his life, he. ”

“People are top students, the average four-dimensional attribute point is more than twenty, maybe he wants to rely on his strength, get a good score in the big exam, and find a pheasant to go to college.”

“Top student? Hahaha, what’s the use of top students, changing jobs to become a waste profession, even if the results are really good at the big exam, there may not be universities willing to ask him, right? ”

“Even if you want him, it is estimated that he is the kind of broken university that can’t receive people, and he can barely mix up the qualifications for a copy.” But so what? At that kind of university, you can’t even find a teammate who makes a copy together, that is, pay tuition for nothing. ”

“That’s right, the more junk the school, the more expensive the tuition fee. How many buns does Lu Fan sell to be able to afford that kind of university for himself? ”

Because Lu Fan is a top student, there are many people in the class who want to see him laugh.

At this time, they switched to a combat profession, but Lu Fan switched to a waste profession, of course, they felt a feeling of raising their eyebrows and exhaling.

These people’s words naturally fell on Lu Fan’s ears, but Lu Fan didn’t care.

In the previous life, Lu Fan had seen a lot of this kind of person.

Some students with poor grades and finally became big bosses are like this, seeing the top students in the class that year, their sense of achievement came, must go up and sneer, the words are all said, you studied so well back then, how come you are not one-tenth of me?

It seems that reading is useless!

This kind of person, Lu Fan is too lazy to meet them generally.

What can really hit them in the face is not the current battle of words, but to tell them with practical actions, you couldn’t read back then, you were a waste, and now you are still a waste in front of me.

Soon, the head teacher Li Qun came to the class.

Seeing that there was only such a third of his students left, he inevitably sighed secretly.

But immediately, he still came to the podium with enthusiasm and smiled to everyone: “Dear students, congratulations on having this confidence to return to school to take the big exam!” ”

“Regarding the importance of the big exam, I have already said that my mouth is calloused, and I guess you are tired of hearing it, so I will not repeat it too much.”

“In short, everyone has to cheer today, and you are also a classmate, if you can, you can form a team as much as possible to deal with various situations, so as to achieve a good result.”

“Come on, everyone, now, I’ll distribute the teleportation stones, and in a while, everyone can use the teleportation stones to gather at the test center and wait for the big exam to begin.”

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