Chapter 441 It’s not appropriate to do this directly

If we have to use such a form

Turn this into something that people can’t believe.

So what I can do next.

It will also be stronger than what each of you can see.

You’d better think carefully and see if what I said is right.

I have already put all the words that I want to say in my heart now.

Of course it’s all expressed

If you can be like what I have determined now. 27

If you put an end to this kind of problem.

Maybe after this we can still be at this time.

Cooperate in another way.

Chu Chen is very curious about what these fighters are thinking in their hearts now.

Is it a little different from what he sees now?

But he didn’t go to make this all difficult because of the immediate things.

He knows exactly what he wants now.

As long as you can grasp all the power of this series.

Then maybe he can get some more things in the end.

Including this kind of guy in a state that can’t be noticed at all.

Some worse things will definitely happen…

And they are already at this time now.

Having made some sort of judgment on these things, Chu Chen is now quite sure.

This situation is something he can control!

He doesn’t need to make this kind of thing anymore.

Directly become more powerful than ordinary people can believe.

He also really planned to do what he should do in the shortest time.

After that, what was already happening became what made each of them very angry.

I also understand that such a thing is for him…

In fact, it has become very interesting.

And he can see clearly now, the last strength he has left.

If even this kind of thing can’t be directly touched in a short time

Then what will be left of him in the end?

The main reason is that there is no harm to ordinary people.

However, the Elder Flame Star God at this time also frowned for this!

He always feels that he is not doing it right in those places.

So everything that causes everything becomes meaningless.

Now his heart has become calmer than before, no!

It’s like when dealing with this kind of thing…

His heart has also become no longer as difficult as before.

Of course, Chu Chen also knows exactly what is left behind by his last self.

If you can speed up and go on at this time!

Perhaps the real threat will disappear.

Of course, he is also very aware of the kind of things that 433 wants most now.

For him, all the circumstances will actually be compared to before.

Even more so.

Chu Chen also knows the price he must pay in the end!

He has no worries about this situation..

He just wanted to hold his opponent in a certain way at this time.

Let the opponent be very afraid of what is in front of him at this time.

Perhaps this is fate, in short.

The current Chu Chen has actually begun to gradually make the other party nothing in this way.

A real opportunity, you can have some special communication with yourself at this time!.

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