Chapter 455 To win some people’s attention!

“I don’t have time to play with you at this time.

“You should also be able to understand what I mean, don’t you?”

“Once when such power bursts directly.”

Even if I make a little change, it is impossible to restore this kind of thing directly.

It seems that you don’t understand my heart at all.

Otherwise, how could it be like this now? It’s okay if you don’t have a “four, four, zero”..

It happened that at this time I was also able to clearly realize.

What are you thinking about right now, this feeling is for me.

Say no more, say less, at least I wouldn’t bow to those guys.

Don’t think I’m joking and be prepared I will just hold them all in my hands!

In comparison, you should be able to understand what I mean now, right?

But the real situation has actually begun.

Gradually, Chu Chen faced some very dangerous things at this time.

And he doesn’t need to pay a higher price at this stage!

Only then can we take other things we can see now.

And he was really sure at this time, the kind of threatening feeling he was thinking about in his heart now.

At this time, he also really wanted to have a special sense of existence than he might have imagined.

All the power will evaporate like what he is thinking in his heart!

It’s a pity that it will become like this recently.

However, the real threat is not something that Chu Chen can determine.

He also understood at this time the kind of price he might have to pay.

The pain of the series has gradually begun to make him very dangerous at this time.

Some people also want to take this opportunity to steal some power from the hands of secretly.

Let him become the poorest existence at this time!

This feeling is really a bit unfriendly to Chu Chen.

He also understood at this time

If the anxiety that I was thinking about in my heart now rises directly.

Few people can hold on.

“As I have determined now, after I understand your breath clearly.”

“I don’t even know what to do, this kind of thing is really hurting me too much.

“As a result, I can’t use that dangerous way to hold all this breath in my hands…”

If I don’t care about these either.

If you dare to continue to pretend to be outstanding in front of me.

I can’t be sure whether you are still alive.

But what I can be sure of is that you will definitely be within this time period.

Put all your strengths together for this in pain.

It will also make me become meaningless at this time. Perhaps this is destiny.

Although Chu Chen’s words are 0.4 messy, they also tell the truth of something for this reason.

In fact, there are some costs for Chu Chen to do this.

He really shouldn’t speak in this way.

But there is no way to change what you can be sure of!

If he could contain everything.

Then how could he still be like this after this?

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