Chapter 639 Absolutely helpless enough!

The younger brother of Elder Flame Star God is in this time period.

Showed a very desperate look!

He didn’t know how he should continue to describe his heart now.

All the thoughts in it are not…

He has only one idea now, if he can’t handle this situation well at this time.

Then this final result is completely lost here.

This is the most worrying point in his heart now.

While he looked at Chu Chen, he couldn’t help being more pious than before.

Kneeling on the ground like a weak man, his heart was extremely desperate.

He always thought he could pass such a way!

Let Chu Chen understand what he is thinking about now.

But the situation has changed, Chu Chen didn’t take this guy into his heart at all at this time…

With just a big wave of his hand, there were dozens of fighters under his hand.

Just come forward and bring this guy down to death..

The guy in front of him, who was fascinated by the Three Ways, felt all the pain like this.

His expression turned out to be even more grief and anger than before.

He didn’t know what kind of method to describe his heart.

“If you kill me at this time, you will lose all your secrets…

“I can assure you that those things are what you want to know the most!

You know why your subordinates leave you one after another.

Don’t you have any ability to maintain them?

It is because they saw the tragic truth!

Don’t want to have any intersection with you at this time, you are really a fool.

Such wild words really sound powerful enough to Chu Chen.

I don’t know what is in this kid’s head today!

After having such a conflict with myself.

He also knew that it was necessary to create some deeper pain for this guy again…

Only then can he understand this.

What kind of state is he in now!

Chu Chen didn’t even think about it, and directly left an extremely painful mark on him in the most ferocious way.

Let him hardly even have a chance to relax at this time!

The whole person uttered a heart-piercing roar again.

And the body also showed signs of collapse!

Chu Chen knows very well that what he needs to re-customize at this time will be others.

I can’t experience it at all.

“” “You don’t cherish the opportunity given to you, I use this kind of method…”

“I just want to tell you that life is like this, always full of surprises.”

When my friend comes, I will ask you one last time, everything after this.

Are you still willing to have some serious communication with me at this time?

Remember that there is only one chance.

This time Chu Chen’s speech is obviously much more serious than before!

The flames of the burner in his hand only need to lightly pat the body in this corner.

It can be completely burned into an altar of ashes in an instant (Li Ma’s).

Of course Chu Chen did not do this!

On the contrary, he just looked at this guy with a very special look.

While such power burned directly on his body, it was also given to him.

Created some imprints that are hard to give up!

Suffering at this time almost instantly caused this incomprehensible existence in front of him.

Lost his life completely, as if everything had frozen at this time.

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