All-round Athlete

Vol 5 Chapter 147: Serializer

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The Chinese team has two points for receiving points, and they are big guys who are good at shooting. This is very bad news for the Lithuanian team.

The continuous development of basketball, especially nba brings its style to the world, big men who are good at shooting, especially three-pointers are becoming rare, and even gradually become different. nba requires big men to stand inside to fight physically Instead of drifting outside to shoot a three-pointer. For example, in the future, the New York Knicks selected Porzingis and was scolded by the media all the time. Some melons were crying in the toilet, the Zen master ruined the Knicks, and other news sprang out. However, the facts proved that the Knicks had choices. How correct.

Nowadays, although big men who are good at shooting three-pointers are not as scarce as the future, but there are not many players who are more than 2 meters 10 and will still shoot three-pointers. Although many big men in Europe have the ability to shoot, including Novos Kee, Gasol, etc., but they will spend more time inside instead of shooting three points outside. Because from the tactical level or from the strategic level, the paint area is where they are most needed.

Any player with a height of more than 2 meters 10 is a valuable asset for the team. Even in places such as Croatia and Lithuania, where big players are abundant, a player more than 2 meters 10 is always willing to stay outside. With a three-pointer, the revenue from an offensive attack is obviously greater.

In the next offensive and defensive battle, the Lithuanian team still scored easily, and the Chinese team once again copied the previous style of play, roughly hitting a three-pointer under unmarked defense.

After two rounds, the Lithuanian team scored 4 points, but the Chinese team scored 6 points. This result made the Lithuanian players a little depressed.

Coach Slerica decisively called another timeout and rearranged his defensive tactics.

The Lithuanian team has the world’s top defense system. Of course, it will not be defeated because of one or two break points. Although the Chinese team’s two shots have a huge height advantage, but the Lithuanian team has passed its own The adjustment is still barely able to cope with it.

At this time, the joint defense system of the Lithuanian team will carry a lot of pressure. They need to run more actively and decisively in order to make their own joint defense system work, and they can successfully mark the Chinese team’s every defense. A person.

"Still Zhang Guan, his breakthrough speed is really too fast. I remember the Olympics four years ago. Iverson and Wade in the United States did not have such a fast breakthrough speed. Although we are very good at preventing breakthroughs, but the speed of being a player When it reaches a certain level, we must involve more energy."

Slyrica thinks of the four-year Olympics. When they faced the breakthrough of the US team, they had a very successful defense. When the coach of the US team found it difficult to score points, they changed their tactics decisively.

The Chinese team and the American team are different. The American team are all superstars, and each person's personal ability is top, even if Iverson can't, Wade can't, there is a stronger Kobe, and a stronger James. . Breaking twice has no effect, then don’t break through. We change to an offensive method. Anyway, what the American team lacks most is the scoring method.

However, the Chinese team is not as wealthy as the American team, there are not so many stars, they can compete with the Lithuanian team with only one or two sets of lineups, they can use so many scoring methods, so even the Lithuanian team The joint defense system is good at preventing breakthroughs. Zhang Guan still has to fearlessly rush to the basket with the ball, because the Chinese team has few other scoring methods to break through the Lithuanian team's joint defense.

Back to the court after the timeout, Zhang Guan again attacked with the ball, still breaking the ball.

This time, the Lithuanian team's defense was very good. They did not miss Dayao, nor did they miss it.

However, they missed the United League. Although he was far from Zhang Guan, Zhang Guan still passed the ball to the United League with a one-handed throw.

The arc of this pass is a little high, but the United League is the best one of the three major inside bouncing. He jumped up to receive the ball, and then landed again as a jumper.

"Whoosh!" The basketball fell into the box.

Coach Slyrica's complexion instantly became cloudy.

"What a big man who can shoot!"


In people's perception, the Chinese team is a team that relies heavily on the inside line. The core of the team is the inside line. The team's offense depends on the inside line. The team's defense depends on the inside line. A big man, the word "small lineup", never appears in the Chinese team's dictionary.

However, today, the Chinese team's three major insiders are all floating outside. Only Zhang Guan, the point guard, breaks towards the basket. No one can think of this situation.

2 meters 26, 2 meters 14, 2 meters 13, these are the height of the three insiders. These three numbers make the Lithuanian team feel desperate. It is difficult for them to find enough manpower to mark the three insiders unless they are willing to go to the fourth Big man.

Zhang Guan's breakthrough speed is very fast and sharp. If the defender is not tall enough, Zhang Guan can directly layup, so there must be a big man to defend Zhang Guan's breakthrough, in addition to sending three big men Come and stare at the three insiders of the Chinese team? This is definitely impossible.

At this time on the court, the three inside lines are like three turrets, but in fact the most critical part of this tactic is still the crown, because this play requires one person to connect the three inside lines, and one person needs three doors. The turret provides ammunition. This person needs to be strong enough, fast enough, have enough pass awareness, have enough passing skills, and have rich experience, and can calmly judge the situation of the court and determine who can pass the ball to The best choice, and if the players have the above conditions, they must have become a basketball superstar.

However, as a basketball superstar, there will inevitably be more offensive methods, which will inevitably become the core of the team's offensive, and will not do the work of tandem turret delivery of ammunition. Players of the same level as Kobe James are placed on any team by others to play with them. So this situation on the field is impossible for other teams, because no superstar will be green leaves, or incarnate candles to illuminate others.

Zhang Guan alone, he has a strong body, top speed, and also studied an undergraduate experience book, but he is a rookie in basketball, so he became the one with three turrets in series.


The Lithuanian team's joint defense system can't help but the Chinese team's three fixed turrets, they will always miss one of them, and Zhang Guan will always find the person who was missed by the Lithuanian team.

Similarly, the Chinese team cannot resist the Lithuanian team. When the game reached the second half of the fourth quarter, Kreza and Siskoskas had already scored 20, and Jasco Visius had already scored two. Double data.

The scores of the two sides rose alternately and eventually reached 92. At this time, there was still half a minute before the end of the game. According to the current situation, the two teams each had an opportunity to attack.

The moment of decisive battle has finally arrived. (To be continued.) ()

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