All-round Athlete

Vol 5 Chapter 334: Technical knockout

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David Haye made the scene silent, and many people didn't even believe that what they saw was true.

Sebastian felt the dull sense of depression, his face somber like a mummy just untied.

"David Haye was knocked down! Did I spend more than 40 million pounds just to let Zhang Guan show off his force? Just to get David Haye beaten twice in a row? Is it just to let Zhang Guan trample the boxing of the whole British underfoot? I will never accept this result!"

Sebastian stood up violently, he shouted to David Haye on the boxing ring: "Get up! Get up! Get up!"

Sebastian's shout was like a thunder on the ground. It seemed exceptionally clear in the silence. It was like a lightning in the night, illuminating the surroundings. The audience at the scene also seemed to be infected by Sebastian's shouts, and for a while, they also shouted.

"climb up!"

"Hurry up!"

This sound seemed to be contagious, and quickly dispersed to the surroundings, and soon spread throughout the audience.

After all, this is the home ground of Britain, and the atmosphere of the home ground makes the audience become full-hearted. They don’t want David-but have lost the game, and all the shouts have gradually gathered into one voice.

"climb up!"


David Haye was awakened by the sound. He opened his eyes violently and saw the first row of dazzling white light.

That's the light. A row of lights hit the boxing ring directly, lighting the boxing ring. In the entire boxing ring, there is only a ceiling in such a row of headlights.

"That's the ceiling?" David Haye was a little inexplicable. He remembered that he was in the middle of the game. He clearly saw his opponent Zhang Guan, how did he suddenly become the ceiling.

"Six, five..."

Also at this time, the referee's voice came into David Haye's ears.

"Seven behind six, how is five? This is a countdown...countdown? Ceiling? What are the people around? Climbing up?" A series of messages flipped in David Haye's mind.

"Is it because I was knocked down?" He suddenly realized the whole thing, and within a second, he quickly got up from the ground.

"I was really knocked down!" David Haye looked around in confusion, but the audience gave a deafening cheer because David Haye got up from the ground.

"Good thing! David Haye got up!"

"I knew that David Haye was not so easy to admit defeat, he can continue to fight!"

"Come on, Lord Haye, get rid of that Chinese guy!"

The crowd's noisy cheers drowned the scene, and David Haye rubbed his head to make him more awake.

Zhang Guan’s fist is not a heavy punch, but the punch that David Haye knocked down just now is Zhang Guan’s full blow, and the lethality is a grade higher than usual punches. David -Although Haye got up from the ground, he still felt a little bit spinning.

The referee came over again, and then there were two questions that David Haye had just heard.

"What's your name?", "What's this number?" 【Love ↑Go △Small ↓Say △Net wqu】

After David Haye answered two questions, the referee confirmed that he had nothing to do, saying that the game could proceed and the game was restarted again.

Looking at the opposite crown, David Haye's eyes showed a sense of confusion.

"What happened just now? I seem to have suddenly lost consciousness. When I remembered, I was punched by Zhang Guan, was it beaten by Zhang Guan? I was knocked out by Zhang Guan? How could this be possible, I also suffered before After a punch, his fist lethality is very general, that kind of strength, I can definitely carry it."

At this time, the second round of the game was nearing its end. David Haye had just been hit by Zhang Guan with a heavy blow. He clearly was unable to attack the next time. He decided to defend until the end of the second round.

Zhang Guan did not intend to give David Haye such an opportunity. He knew that David Haye must not be in the state now, so Zhang Guan decided to chase after victory.

The referee's hands were just evacuated from the two, Zhang Guan slipped forward, and jabbing to test.

David Haye backed away to dodge, Zhang Guan continued to approach, David Haye had to dodge again, the scene became the way it was at the beginning of the second round, David Haye was chased and beat by Zhang Guan all the way .

"Hey!" Some of the audience began to sigh.

"What if you get up? Haven't you been chased by Zhang Guan all the time? It looks like the result of this game is doomed. I think David Haye might as well admit defeat, so as not to get caught again later. Zhang Guan was knocked down. He was knocked down three times in one round, which is too shameful."

"I think the level gap between the two is a bit big! David Haye couldn't even make it evenly matched. From the end of the first round, David Haye has been at a disadvantage. If the score is twelve rounds, David Haye may lose!"

"It's not possible, but it must be. If it is knocked down again as before, the referee may punish David Haye for being technically knocked down."

Technical knockdown is also called tko, which means that the referee or doctor decides that the player can no longer continue the game, or the player itself and the player coach decide to give up the game. This is different from the ordinary ko countdown of 10 seconds. Once the player is judged as a technical knockout and loses the game, he will face punishment. He will be banned from the boxing competition within 30 days; if he is knocked down twice within 3 months, he will be banned from participating for 3 months ; If you are knocked down three times within a year, you will not be allowed to participate in the competition for one year.

It is relatively rare for a player to actively admit defeat, and when the coach decides to give up the game, he will throw a towel into the field to express his admission. Seconds, all count as doing things to lose the game.

At the same time the referee can also determine a technical knockdown. Of course, the referee's decision must be without controversy. The most common is to judge the technical knockdown after knocking down three times. If a boxer is knocked down three times in a match, it basically means that the strength of the two sides is very different. The referee judged the player to be defeated by a technical knockout. There is certainly no dispute. Therefore, it is often said that a match that is knocked down three times will be awarded a penalty. In fact, it is based on the referee's punishment for a technical knockout.

This punishment standard is always in the hands of the referee. In the rules of boxing, it is not clear that three knockdowns will result in a loss. Even if they are knocked down three times, as long as they are not judged as a technical knockout, they can still fight. There are also examples of this in reality. American boxer "Black Knight" Clares was knocked down three times, but was not judged to be a technical knockout. Then he turned his opponent ko in the tenth round and completed the overturn.

If a punch punches out the opponent, of course, there is no need to count down for 10 seconds at this time. The doctor will directly come up to check the situation of the boxer. If the boxer loses consciousness, it is also a technical knockout. At the peak, Tyson often KOs off opponents one round, and most of them are the case. One punch makes the opponent unconscious and then completes the technical knockout.


The second round of the game was finally over, and David Haye returned to his little corner, breathing heavily, seemingly consuming a lot of energy.

Only two rounds of matches were played, which should not be the case for professional boxers, but today’s match is a bit too weird for David Haye, and inexplicably fell twice, making him psychologically responsible Under the tremendous pressure, this further exacerbated his physical exertion.

The coach walked to David Haye and said, "Don't worry about tko, just go and fight! Just now the boxing council has greeted me, even if you are knocked down again, The referee can't judge tko, they want you to stand up and continue fighting!"

The coach paused, hesitated, and finally added: "I won't throw towels."

"What? Do you even think I will be knocked down by Zhang Guan again?" David Haye suddenly angered, he growled and said: "The idiots of the boxing council look down on me, you but me Coach, don’t you even think of me? I’m David Haye! I’m the best boxer in the UK!"

"David, I can understand your current mood, but the facts are clearly in front of us. Zhang Guan has taken the initiative in the scene. He has been pressing you to fight and knocking you down. His footwork Too flexible is simply not something heavyweight fighters can own. You are indeed at a disadvantage. If you continue this way, it is difficult for me to find a reason why you can win." The coach said.

"That was just an accident just now!" David Haye stood up fiercely, put on his braces, and said vaguely: "I'll go up now and explode Zhang Guan!"


As soon as the third round of the game started, David Haye, in a rage, launched a fierce attack on Zhang Guan.

Zhang Guan avoided a series of offenses, but on the scene, David Haye seemed to pull back a lot, at least he was not chased by Zhang Guan.

Many of the audience at the scene rekindled hope, and they started cheering for David Haye again.

However, the cheers only lasted a short time, and David Haye was hit again.

David Haye's strengths are flexible feet and fast speed, but as a sprinter's crown, his explosive power is already very strong, plus the assistance of butterfly steps, he is more than David Haye's Flexible and faster, David Haye's proud strengths have turned into weaknesses. For professional boxers, their characteristics are completely suppressed by their opponents, which is no longer possible to win. It can be said that Zhang Guan is invincible.

The butterfly step forward and the confusion of fake movements, David Haye was hit again. Although there was no substantial killing, David Haye was more and more detained in the score.

Zhang Guan keeps his rhythm in a hurry. After all, David Haye is a boxer-level athlete. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Guan can hit David Haye, but it is difficult to hit him. If you don’t hit David Haye, it’s hard to kill David Haye.

David Haye seemed to have figured it out. He didn’t force himself to attack Zhang Guan’s vital parts. Instead, he aimed to make an effective hit, just hit Zhang Guan’s body. This is for David Haye. A heavyweight champion has reduced a lot of difficulty, so some non-critical parts of Zhang Guan's body were also hit by David Haye. This attack is also difficult to cause substantial damage to Zhang Guan, but only a little pain will pass, but it can make David Haye not too far behind in the score.

"You hit me, I hit you, and you can't hit the vital parts, and no one of us suffers!" David Haye thought silently.

David Haye feels that this style of play does not hurt him, and even makes some money, because as a professional boxer, he must be better than Zhang Guan. Although he can't hit the key position, the game is still complete. Ten rounds are over, and ten rounds of 30 minutes are played down. Even if it is not the key, it will always kill Zhang Guan.

But in fact, Zhang Guan has been waiting for an opportunity, that is, the opportunity to trigger the impact.

25% chance, say high is not high, low is not low, this time you can’t trigger a heavy blow, then wait for the next time, you won’t be able to trigger the next time, then wait for the next time, the number of hits is more, and will come out sooner or later One blow, and as long as one blow, Zhang Guan is a chance to knock down David Haye.

Finally, during an attack, the effect of a heavy blow was produced again. Zhang Guan didn't hesitate anymore. When he stepped forward to face David Haye's head, it was a punch. David Haye failed to maintain his balance and fell again. Fall to the ground.

"Knocked down again!" The audience around made a frustrated voice.

"It's the third time, will it be judged tko? Is the game going to end?"

David Haye stood up immediately. After all, there was only 1 second of dizziness, and he would soon wake up.

People looked at the referee. Many people felt that this time David Haye would be judged to be a technical knockout, but the referee signaled that the game would continue.

"The referee didn't judge tko. Wasn't David Haye's kneeling down?

The audience began to guess, and many people whispered.

On the boxing ring, David Haye was in a state of anger. Although he didn't understand why he was inexplicably hit by that punch, he didn't think much at this time, and he launched an attack on Zhang Guan again. .

Zhang Guan once again avoided his edge, withdrew from David Haye's offensive range, and then the future of the butterfly step, the jab test, the game was dragged into the rhythm just now.

When he was hit by Zhang Guan, the heavy hit effect appeared. David Haye climbed to the end, and then was hit by Zhang Guan. The heavy hit effect appeared again. David Haye fell to the ground again, and then climbed up again. In just two and a half minutes, David Haye was beaten by Zhang Guan three times and then got up three times.

The audience was too lazy to boo, a boxer was knocked down three times in a round. Although he can get up every time, this kind of game has completely lost its head. Moreover, watching the strongest boxer in his country be knocked down again and again, no one will feel good in his heart.

Also uncomfortable was David Haye on the court, who was knocked down three times in a round, which can humiliate him all his life. And his body is also uncomfortable. Although the boxer resisted beating, he was knocked down three times in one round, which was still very harmful to the body. Now David Haye has shown a concussion performance, which he needs most. Is to take a short break to let the body relieve and recover.

David Haye did not do this, maybe it was irritated, or maybe he was beaten silly. In short, David Haye has lost his mind now. He looks like a mad dog, and stands up Zhang Guan launched a fierce attack.

Fighting sports aren’t quizzical, and as long as you are cruel and not afraid of death, you can win. Any fighting sports are brain-powered. Brainless punching doesn’t help you. Give the opponent a chance. So whether it's boxing, Sanda, or taekwondo karate, the first thing you need to learn is calm when you are in the game. In daily life, if you get a punch, you may immediately slap someone and return it, but you can’t do it in the game. When you get a punch in the game, you don’t have to return it, you have to calm down. Analyze the situation on the field and analyze the opponent's next move.

So an unreasonable David Haye is more like a fierce beast fighting a beast.


Near the end of the third round, Zhang Guan caught a mistake made by David Haye and hit David Haye again. The heavy hit effect made David Haye lose his ability to resist, followed by Zhang Guan's set of fast combined punches gave him strength, and after continuous punches, David Haye fell to the ground for the fourth time in this round.

But this time, he didn't get up on his own. When the referee stepped forward to check, David Haye's eyes were closed and he had lost consciousness.

Although the boxer is durable, there is always a critical point. Especially after being hit continuously, there is no time for rest and recovery. The body will always have a moment that can't hold it.

"Get up, get up!" Sebastian stood up again and shouted.

But this time, David Haye didn't move on the boxing ring. The doctor immediately stepped onto the boxing ring, checked David Haye's status, and shook his head at the referee.

The referee looked at David Haye on the ground and sighed helplessly.

"Hey! A few times ago, I didn't judge a technical knockout, but this time, I really can't help you!"

As the referee thought, he approached Zhang Guan, grabbed his hand and raised it high into the air...

ps: Yesterday was a two-in-one, and today is also a two-in-one. The main reason is that the plot is not very good. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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