Chapter 142

To be honest, Su Tianyi came to his club once because he was too busy at ordinary times, and the situation of the usual club was only learned through Qiu Gaojie’s report.

Su Tianyi quickly walked into the clubhouse, and after passing the door, there was a woman approaching Su Tianyi. Although Su Tianyi’s car was just an umbrella and an ordinary off-road could not enter the eyes of these wealthy business women, but Su Tianyi’s cold face and unique temperament are still very marketable. It is normal for a woman to resist wanting to have a friendly match with Su Tianyi.

Su Tianyi just glanced at the woman who was talking to him, and looked at the heavy dusty aura and walked directly into the clubhouse gate without answering.


The security staff in the clubhouse, who had always been tall and straight, bent down and shouted respectfully, and even faintly changed the loud music of the bar because of the excitement.

Su Tianyi has become accustomed to this scene. He nodded first, and then Su Tianyi calmly said to a man: “Take me to Gaojie’s office!”


“The boss, please!” The man raised his head and quickly excitedly led Su Tianyi to the elevator.

The security staff who had bent down before Su Tianyi left did not resume their straight posture. This is a treatment that only Su Tianyi can enjoy.

Umbrella employees don’t need to face anyone and bow their heads. This is what Su Tianyi said personally. With Su Tianyi backing up, employees will hold their heads up and become confident wherever they go, and then have their own arrogance, except for Su Tianyi There is no recognition that these men can lower their noble heads.

“Brother, did you call the boss just now?” The security guard’s voice was loud, and of course it caused the “hunting” girls at the door. A woman with a good face didn’t know if she didn’t hear it clearly or couldn’t believe it, and quickly asked.

The man glanced at the girl. Since the opening of the clubhouse, he has been arranged at the door to be responsible for the security of the clubhouse. He still knows the minds of these girls who stand at the door all day long. He disdainfully said: “Your idea is wrong. It is impossible for our boss to follow you.”

The man’s words indirectly recognized Su Tianyi’s identity.

Many girls at the door are also paying attention to the man’s words. They regretted hearing the answer. As for the man’s attack, they didn’t care much. They had little hope of “hunting”, but they still chose to do it because if it was true. To catch that slim hope is to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

Although Su Tianyi didn’t show up at the opening of the Umbrella Club at the beginning, the ostentation was not small. The people who came into this Xiangjiang with a lot of fame at the beginning were all enthusiastic. Even the Hong Kong government and the top-notch figures like Shen porridge in Hong Kong specially sent their closest secretaries. I gave the flower basket, which was spread on the day of Tongluo Bend. The most talked about thing is that the leader of Xinyi’an, the leader of Xinyi’an, personally came to congratulate Long A at the time, but his little brother finally drank too much wine. He got into a drunken madness directly at the bar, and Xiang Long was angry and personally interrupted his little brother’s legs and expelled him from the club to explain to the umbrella.

You must know that Xinyi’an basically occupies all the sites in Tongluo Bend. No one dares to provoke him in Tongluo Bend. But Xiang Long A is convinced that he is softened in his own turf. There is nothing like this that can make ordinary people more aware of the umbrella. Strength, so the girls know very well that if they climbed Su Tianyi, it would be better than becoming a “Phoenix”, but it was a pity that they didn’t even try to let Su Tianyi walk past their eyes.

Of course, Su Tianyi didn’t know that the girl at the door was regretful. He just wanted to tell Qiu Gaojie his guess in the car and let him confirm it.

The man took Su Tianyi and took the elevator to the second floor of the basement. “Boss, I can only take you here. The front is a secret area of ​​the white umbrella. I am not a white umbrella person, so I can’t see the faces of the people inside.”

The man bowed and said, then he pointed to the heavy iron gate.

“Not bad! Go back!” Su Tianyi nodded and patted the man’s shoulder in praise.

Su Tianyi is very satisfied with the man who broke into the white umbrella area unscrupulously because it was his order. The umbrella has its own rules. Since they are rules, they must be followed, and no one is allowed to go beyond them.

Watching Ma Tianhua help him open the door, Su Tianyi continued to walk inside. The base of the white umbrella in the back mountain has not been built, so the clubhouse temporarily became their temporary base.

After Su Tianyi entered the door, he immediately felt a lot of gazes that even he felt dangerous. Since Su Tianyi became a master of Bajiquan, no one could give him a sense of danger for a long time. Fortunately, these gazes were fleeting.


Su Tianyi heard a deafening and respectful voice.

Su Tianyi glanced around and nodded with satisfaction. The space behind the door is very large, most of which are some fitness equipment and many small doors. As for the space behind the door, when Su Tianyi sees a blood stain in front of the door, it is clear. After all, the white umbrella is mainly responsible for intelligence, such as interrogation is definitely indispensable.

And what makes Su Tianyi satisfied is the people. Maybe most of the people are on the mission because there are not many people. There are only a few dozen people, but everyone feels like hiding in the dark at night and ready to give prey to Su Tianyi. The fatal blow of the wolf, Su Tianyi felt indifferent to life in everyone, and of course this group of “wolves” respected themselves as the wolf king. Su Tianyi sighed Qiu Gaojie’s brainwashing work with No.1 good.

“Brother Yi!”

Qiu Gaojie heard everyone shouting to me from his office, but his face was sad.

Su Tianyi looked at Qiu Gaojie and knew that this was because the intelligence work hit a wall for the first time. Su Tianyi just smiled.

“Yes! I am very satisfied to see you, but you are the mainstay of the umbrella, I hope you can always maintain your current attitude!” Su Tianyi first shouted to the people who had been standing still and respectfully.

“Yes!” The crowd squeezed their right hands and placed their fists on their chests and shouted decisively. This is the unique action of the umbrella to show their determination.

“Go to your office and talk.” Su Tianyi looked at everyone and said to Qiu Gaojie.

Qiu Gaojie nodded and turned and led Su Tianyi to push open another heavy iron gate. After passing through the iron gate, the space was much smaller than before. There were about a dozen people sitting inside, and each of them had a little sweat on their foreheads. Although it is summer now, don’t forget that they are underground. The environment here is cold and the ventilation system is good. The temperature should be just right for me. It’s impossible to feel warm.

Su Tianyi looked at everyone’s movements and quickly found the reason. .

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