Chapter 293

In the end, Su Tianyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to modify the vehicle, and said that the cost of modifying the vehicle was also paid by himself, so he also started the plan to modify the transport vehicle.

According to the design book prepared by Su Tianyi, the owner of the garage started to refit the transporter to reinforce and prevent theft. Seeing that the owner worked very hard, Su Tianyi was relieved to leave the garage and go to other work. Business is ninety or forty.

Su Tianyi spent a huge amount of money on the transportation vehicle at his own expense, and had no choice but to ask Boss Xu for the percentage of shares. Su Tianyi had to take Rockefeller to discuss with Boss Xu.

At first Boss Xu was only willing to give up to 50% of the shares. If it is too much, it is impossible. Boss Xu’s attitude is also very tough, and there is no room for retreat. Facing the toughness of boss Xu, Su Tianyi still wanted to take more shares, and finally used his own investment and refitting the transport vehicle to increase it to 80%.

Although Boss Xu is not very willing, considering what Su Tianyi has done to him, he can indeed reluctantly agree, otherwise he may no longer have a company, and may have already closed down.

Although Su Tianyi also achieved his goal, he saw that Boss Xu was a little reluctant, and finally ended the room for discussion early and left Boss Xu’s office with Rockefeller. Leave Boss Xu alone in the office thinking about something.

Counting the previous investment and modification of transport vehicles, only 80% of the shares can alleviate the previous economic expenses. Su Tianyi is also very reluctant. Seeing the hardship Xu boss, he can’t bear to be so cruel. .

At this time, the KKK was very angry to learn that the Middle East Petroleum not only had not closed down but had a lot of business to do, and organized personnel to carry out the next suppression. They are ready for everything.

It turns out that the KKK has already established a foothold in Mexico, and gradually established underground gangs in Mexico. With its previous strength foundation, it will soon have its own place in Mexico. The KKK, which has not done anything in Mexico, is also fully targeting Su Tianyi.

The 3k organization, which only operates underground in Mexico, is also silently recruiting troops and buying Malays to strengthen its own team strength… ……. The progress is also very impressive, and the strength is also growing rapidly and steadily. I believe that in the near future, It will also return to its previous strength.

It is worth mentioning that the 3K gang recruited the most powerful female compatriot. She was also the most representative and influential legendary figure in Mexico before. Now she has already seen through the red dust and chose to retreat, but she does not know why she joined. Under the pen of the KKK.

The newcomer, An Lin, was born in a rich family in Mexico. As the daughter of a well-known assassin, An Lin received the best care in every aspect when she was young. Whether it is learning foreign languages ​​and knowledge, or body and double quotient, An Lin is taller than ordinary people. In particular, her attractive appearance makes it impossible to remove her eyes, which makes people feel suffocatingly beautiful and deadly.

An Lin always acts in the middle of the night, and the prey that is assassinated is countless. Every prey killed is his most satisfying work. Her hot body and beauty always make people put down their guard. .

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