Chapter 383

After investigating for half a day, I also understood the situation of the entire mining area one by one, but Su Tianyi frowned.

Because the mining area has collapsed and caused a very serious stay, the geology of this area is very unstable.

There were originally several mining teams, but now there is no one, because this is a huge mess.

Due to the terrain, large-scale equipment cannot operate normally, and it is difficult to clean up the collapsed ninety-three mining area.

And no one can guarantee that it is normal. Even if a large sum of money is spent on clearing the collapsed mining area, there is no guarantee that the future will be smooth sailing. What if one day continues to collapse again?

Regarding this result, Su Tianyi gave a wry smile: “I knew that a group of mercenaries would not be well-intentioned. This is a huge mess, and it was thrown into my hands, and now I can’t lose it.”

He already understood that the mercenaries didn’t want to open the mining area at all, they were just cheating themselves into signing the contract. Once the contract was signed, he couldn’t go back, and the other party would threaten the sky-high liquidated damages once the contract was signed.

After seeing the situation, an expert he brought not only shook his head: “This situation is too difficult to mine, unless the entire geology can be detected first to ensure that there will be no secondary collapse in the process of cleaning up. ”

“Secondly, it is necessary to purchase a large amount of equipment for the second reconstruction. It will not work without certain financial strength. Moreover, unlike ordinary mining areas, both large-scale equipment and sophisticated equipment are needed here.”

After the expert’s explanation, Su Tianyi finally understood that to dare to develop this mining area is thankless.

Even if the mining is forced to continue, even if everything goes smoothly, there is no guarantee that it will be able to pay back. In case the mining area and oil below are very scarce, it may not even be able to make the money for the equipment.

“Boss, this mining area cannot be mined. I just inquired about it. There have been homicides in this mining area, that is, the murders caused by other parties. The people around this area are afraid to avoid this area.”

At this moment, another little brother came back to inquire, bringing even worse news to Su Tianyi.

Compared with landslides that make mining more difficult, the homicide incidents that have occurred have obviously had a greater impact on Su Tianyi. A landslide in a mining area caused a homicide, which would make all workers dare not come to work in this mining area again… …

Secondly, it is also an unlucky existence. If something happens to the moths, I am afraid the mess will become more serious.

“You can really be sure, is there really a murder case or a false rumor? After all, some rumors can’t be believed.”

Su Tianyi also expressed doubts, and the little disciple nodded affirmatively. He naturally did not dare to be sloppy on this matter. He asked several villagers in a row, but every villager answered exactly the same result.

It is said that the mining team at that time was punished, and the family members who have been killed have been held accountable. It is also scared that other mining teams dare not come here at all for fear of taking over the mess.

For this reason, the mining area here is very cheap, which is why the mercenaries can take it.

Su Tianyi’s face was uncertain, he was really thrown away by the mercenary, and he still had trouble telling him. The contract had been signed and he had to mine, otherwise the other party would find trouble and the contract would be the basis.

He took a deep breath, no matter how angry he was, he was not in a hurry to take revenge immediately. .

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