American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 33 Commission from other worlds

Walt and Richard were drooling as they looked at the items in the vending machine. Walt could at least buy some of the items inside, and Richard had just become a member of the staff, let alone buying things.

Boss, how is the combat power of this T-800 Terminator? Walter asked, because the only Terminator he can afford is the one in front of him. He can't afford other Terminator series at all, even the T-800 Terminator. The -800 Terminator also requires 10,000 points, which is almost all of Walt's points.

It's not bad. Its core is some kind of alloy skeleton, and its appearance is human epidermal tissue. In other words, its appearance is exactly the same as a human being. Ordinary firepower can't kill him at all, unless missiles or the like are used, and its combat power is useless. It’s said that it can easily crush an army.”

Hearing what Li Qingyue said, Walter gritted his teeth and bought a T800 Terminator directly. The next second, a Terminator who looked exactly like the governor appeared next to Walter.

Here I go, this physique and appearance are so tough.

Wow, brother Walter, you actually have so many points.

Haha, it's okay. Walter said with a smile.

But brother Walter, why don't you buy the X gene? I think this X gene seems to be better than the Terminator.

What X gene? Walter looked at the vending machine, only to find that this thing could turn pages. After he turned the page, he was confused because there was actually a second page, and the products sold on the second page were It's the X gene, the alien gene, the T virus, the ancestor virus, the G virus, the black light virus, etc.

After Walter read the details of these viruses, he slapped himself in the face: Oh, boss, can I return this product?

Sorry, there are no returns once sold. Li Qingyue clapped his hands and said helplessly.

I'm convinced, hey, I would have known better to see it in detail. Walter regretted it, after all, these viruses looked very awesome.

Okay, what are you yelling about? It's like you can redeem it. The only thing you can redeem is the T800 Terminator. Li Qingyue rolled his eyes at Walter and said.

Walter smiled and said: Yes, I didn't even look at it seriously.

Looking at Walter's appearance, Richard couldn't help but shake his head.

Boss, what is that bulletin board for? Walter asked, looking at the bulletin board next to the window.

Just as Li Qingyue was about to explain, a notice suddenly appeared out of thin air on the bulletin board. Li Qingyue hurried over to take a look and found that it was actually a commission. After looking at the commission, he found that it was not difficult, so he called Richard.

Richard, I'll give you some practice here, but for your safety, bring the T800 with you. Li Qingyue shouted to Richard.

Richard and Walter came over to take a look and found that the commission on the bulletin board actually came from other worlds. However, the commission in front of them was not very difficult. It just helped an organization liberate a certain area, and the reward was five hundred points and The Art of Gun Fighting that can be practiced in a formulaic manner.

This thing is still very useful for Richard.

Tear it off and you will be transported to that world. Unless you complete the commission or the client is killed, you cannot leave that world. Do you understand?

I understand, teacher, I will be back as soon as possible.

Li Qingyue nodded, and then Richard grabbed T800's hand and tore off the notice. The next moment, he was transported to a certain world.

In the world in front of him, there are gray and white buildings everywhere, and no other colors can be seen at all. This makes the blue clothes that Richard is wearing at this time look very dazzling. People passing by immediately shout something when they see this: There are criminals of emotional crimes here, there are criminals here!”

Soon, countless people wearing helmets, black windbreakers, and holding weapons appeared, and Richard hurriedly ran towards an alley.

T800, follow me!

After hearing this, T800 followed Richard obediently, but before Richard could run for a while, a man with a samurai sword in his left hand, a pistol in his right hand, and wearing sunglasses appeared in front of him and stopped him. .

Richard slowly exhaled and said to the T800: You stop the enemy behind you.

T800 didn't speak, and silently turned around and walked toward the other exit.

Richard looked at the man in front of him, his hand slipped, and his M629 revolver appeared in his hand. The man looked at Richard expressionlessly, and immediately raised the gun to shoot, but he did not expect Richard's speed. It was actually faster than him, but the man dodged the bullet with a weird move, which Richard never expected.

The man then shot at Richard, and Richard began to dodge. However, the alley was so big that no matter how hard he tried to dodge, he couldn't completely avoid it. In the end, his face was scratched by a bullet.

But the man also wasted all the bullets. He immediately threw away the gun, raised the katana in his hand and slashed at Richard. Richard flicked the M629 magazine and ejected it, poured out the cartridge case, and Richard looked away. He loaded the bullet while dodging the attack. The bullet was quickly loaded, and Richard immediately raised the gun.

Upon seeing this, the man immediately blocked the sword in front of him. If it was the previous M629, he would definitely be able to block it now, but the current M629 is an upgraded one. The bullet easily penetrated the katana blade and shot straight to the man's head. Killed.


Richard looked at the corpse and gasped for air. Suddenly there were footsteps behind him. Richard was so frightened that he turned around and pointed his gun at the person behind him. He was relieved when he found out that the person coming was T800.

What should we do next? Richard? T800 asked.

Richard looked back through the T800's body and found that the enemy who had just chased them had become a corpse.

First grab a car and go outside the city. Find a place to stay and wait for the client to come. Just as Richard finished speaking, a man in sky blue clothes appeared.

Are you from Marvel Studios?

Are you the client?

I'm not, but our leader is. The man looked at the black muzzle of the gun and swallowed.

Take me to see your leader. If I find out that you lied to me, the consequences will be very tragic for you. Richard said trying to pretend to be indifferent.

Okay, please come with me.

Under the leadership of the man, they came to the space below the square, where Richard saw many books, paintings and bright cloths. Not only that, there were also many people working here.

You are finally here. I am the leader of the resistance, Jurgen. A man in blue overalls came out and said.

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