At the Continental Hotel, an Asian man entered the Continental Hotel. As soon as he entered, he was greeted by a black man.

Hello, my name is Charon. Are you a novice killer? the black man asked with a smile.

I'm not a killer. By the way, can I sit here for a moment? the Asian man asked, looking at the chair at the front desk.

The black man was a little confused, but nodded.

Then the Asian man sat down and looked at the Continental Hotel where people were coming and going. Suddenly he pulled out a gun. When the black man saw this, he immediately came behind him.

Guest, I think you should understand the rules of the Continental Hotel, which is that killing is not allowed.

I know, but I came here this time to challenge the High Table. Please give you ten minutes to leave here. As he said this, Li Qingyue pointed his gun directly at the ceiling.

The sound of gunfire attracted the attention of everyone present, and the black man immediately called the hotel manager, the top leader of the Continental Hotel.

I saw him holding a wine glass and saying with a smile: It seems that you are the boss of Marvel Studios. I have no ill intentions towards you.

I know, but the High Table behind you has a lot of objections to me, and I can't find other leaders, so I can only look to you.

I understand, the people who can speak, they are here.

Everyone looked at the door. A woman with short hair came to the hotel manager with elegant steps. She took out a black gold coin and said: I am the arbiter sent by the High Table, Mr. Li, we want to do something with you. A deal.”

What deal?

If you survive the remainder of the battle, we will revoke the bounty.

Oh, what about the battlefield?

It's here. Winston will lift the restraining order in half an hour, and the High Table will be responsible for all losses. The short-haired woman said coldly.

Okay, Lord Judge.

Following Winston's order, alarms sounded throughout the Continental Hotel, and a large number of guests began to evacuate in an orderly manner. Li Qingyue found a seat to sit down, while Charon and Winston came to his office.

Three sides of the office are made of thick steel plates, especially the door, which is specially designed for the vault. Unless a large number of bombs are used, the door cannot be opened at all.

The two of them were in the office, observing Li Qingyue's every move with the help of cameras.

Charon, do you think he's going to win?

I don't know. I've only met the High Table's special service team once. He has little chance of winning by himself.

That's right. No matter he wins or loses, the people on the bounty order are dead, because I think the High Table has already sent people to assassinate the three people on the bounty order. Winston took a sip of his wine. said.

Really? Manager.

Of course, if they didn't send someone there, it wouldn't be the High Table I know.

Suddenly, the power to the entire Continental Hotel was cut off, and the originally bright hall became dark for a while, but the emergency lights were soon turned on, and the dim green light made the atmosphere suddenly become scary.

Then several buses stopped outside the Continental Hotel, and a large number of special service teams got off the buses. They put on night vision goggles and entered the hotel. But as soon as the first person stepped in, a bullet penetrated directly. His bulletproof helmet killed it.

This sudden attack made the special service team subconsciously counterattack in the direction of the bullet.

But when they reacted, they found that there was no enemy at the location where they shot them.

Hello, are you looking for me? Li Qingyue's voice came from the other side. They turned their heads to look, but they still couldn't see where Li Qingyue was.

For this reason, they dispersed to look for traces of Li Qingyue, and Li Qingyue waited for them to disperse.

Everyone only heard gunfire from time to time, but could not see Li Qingyue at all.

Soon the team only survived for five minutes before they were all massacred by Li Qingyue.

The two people in the office, looking at Li Qingyue's ghostly marksmanship, couldn't help but sigh: Manager, now I feel that their chances of winning at the High Table are zero.

Do you think it's possible for us to learn such a marksmanship?

I don't know about the manager, Charon responded softly.

In fact, they are now convinced that the High Table has lost. After all, Li Qingyue can kill all these special agents without showing up, unless the High Table is willing to use a large number of lives to consume Li Qingyue's bullets, but every special agent here is trained to do so. Nearly a million US dollars have been spent. They are all very precious combat power beings, and it is impossible for the High Table to allow them to make fearless sacrifices.

So when two teams were sacrificed, but Li Qingyue's face was not even seen, the judge had to restart the water and electricity in the Continental Hotel, and walked in again, and Li Qingyue walked out.

I won, didn't I?

Yes, you won. The judge said helplessly.

After all, through the surveillance camera, she also saw the scene just now. They died without even seeing Li Qingyue's figure. Especially the gun in Li Qingyue's hand could easily penetrate the bulletproof helmet they developed. This is the most shocking thing. They were surprised.

By the way, may I know who is putting a bounty on the Black family?

Sorry, the High Table will not betray any guest information. The judge said coldly.

It's up to you. By the way, those people sent to Hell's Kitchen should also be taken back.

The judge ignored Li Qingyue, waved his windbreaker and left, but he still said when leaving: I have ordered a retreat.

Oh, this commission is really terrible. Just when Li Qingyue was about to leave, Winston and Charon suddenly appeared.

You two, is something wrong?

Mr. Li, are you wondering if we can learn your marksmanship?

Well, actually you just need to study more physics. Li Qingyue said with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

By the way, this is my business card. If you need anything, you can contact me.

After saying that, Li Qingyue left the Continental Hotel and rushed back to the office. Unexpectedly, he felt a throbbing in his heart, as if something big was going to happen in the office.

And his feeling was not wrong. At this time, Marvel Studios was going through a tough battle.

Richard, Walter, and Tony provided long-range support, while Constantine attacked at close range. They were constantly repelling the incoming special service team, but I don’t know when it started. This group of special service teams began to change, and their speed became... Faster, his eyes gradually turned red.

What's going on! Tony immediately noticed something was wrong and asked.

The power of hell is the power of Mephisto! As soon as Constantine shouted this name, all the special service teams stopped, one of them stood up, and a deep voice slowly sounded.

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