As night fell, after Li Qingyue obtained the required equipment and information, he began the commissioned operation.

Driving a dilapidated motorcycle, he parked it in front of a bar, and this bar was where the three vampires were. Of course, the group of people selling information didn't know that these three people were vampires. Just treat them as ordinary people.

After all, behind this intelligence organization is an existence that can be called the American version of the Beggar Gang. Tramps, beggars, and homeless people throughout the United States are among their members. As long as you provide information to the organization, you will wait until the organization uses the information. After collecting intelligence, they can get paid. For this reason, the intelligence possessed by the entire intelligence organization is even comparable to that possessed by the entire U.S. government.

Looking at the bar in front of him, Li Qingyue went straight to the door without any hesitation. Just as he was about to push the door open, a voice sounded behind him: If I were you, I wouldn't push the door open and go in.

Li Qingyue looked back and found a man slowly walking out of the shadows. He was carrying a samurai sword behind his back. He was wearing a black leather jacket and leather trousers. Underneath, he was wearing a piece of clothing with a similar armor structure. There were also two arms on both sides of his thighs. Two micro submachine guns.


You know me?

Of course, I'm a firm owner and I thought there should be somewhere we could work together.

Do you know where it is inside?

Vampire lair, I know. My client asked me to come here and capture three vampires, so the other vampires are up to you. I want to take away the three vampires, but I can guarantee that their fate will never be worse than The consequences will be disastrous for you.


Then let's go in together. After saying that, Li Qingyue pushed open the door. At this time, exciting music was playing in the bar, and a group of people were shaking their heads crazily to the music. Suddenly, the fire sprinkler suddenly started spraying a large amount of unknown liquid. When Li Qingyue saw this, He quickly took out an umbrella to completely isolate the liquid.

Well, those three over there are my targets this time. Just keep an eye on them. Li Qingyue pointed at the vampire lying on the three women in the corner and said.

The Blade Warrior did not speak, but took out the submachine guns on both sides of his thighs and pointed them at the vampires in front of him and fired. The silver-plated bullets crazily harvested their lives.

When the vampires and others reacted, only a dozen or so of the forty or fifty vampires present were left, and those who could stay were basically the strong ones among the vampires. Especially the clothes they wore were made from the use of Made of bulletproof material, although it cannot offset the impact of bullets, it can ensure that bullets cannot penetrate, but this is enough.

A flash of red light flashed in their eyes, and they roared towards the two of them.

I really don't want to do it. Li Qingyue said coldly. The next second a gunshot rang out, and the bullet directly penetrated their so-called body armor and killed a vampire.

The Blade Warrior looked at Li Qingyue in surprise, then threw away the gun in his hand, then drew out his samurai sword and rushed towards them.

The other three vampires saw this and rushed over. Li Qingyue was afraid that the Blade Warriors would kill them, so he kicked the three of them away and shot at the other vampires at the same time, quickly killing eleven vampires. At the same time, he swiped the gun on the bandolier on his waist and loaded the bullets. These bullets were ordinary bullets, specially used to suppress the actions of these three vampires.

Soon the Blade Warrior also eliminated his enemies, and in the end only the three vampires Li Qingyue needed were left in the bar.

I'll leave the rest of the matter to you, Li Qingyue said.

The Blade Warrior nodded, and then Li Qingyue shot the three vampires in the head to ensure that they could not wake up for a short time, then took out chains and tied them up, and then dragged them all the way back to the office.

By the time they returned to the office, all the flesh and blood behind them had been worn away, leaving only clearly visible bones and internal organs.

Li Qingyue casually threw them in a corner, then fed them some blood packets to ensure that they would not die immediately, then he stopped caring about it and contacted the client.

Hello, this is Marvel Studios. Your commission has been completed. Please come over as soon as possible.

Okay. The old man's voice came from the other end of the phone. After a while, the sound of the car braking sounded. Then the old man opened the door and walked in. When he saw the three vampires in the corner, his body shook suddenly and he started to breathe. It became difficult, so Li Qingyue hurried over.

Calm down. You don't want to go there before you can take revenge. Calm down and take a deep breath.

Under Li Qingyue's persuasion, the old man calmed down. He looked at the three vampires and ordered the people behind him to take them away. At the same time, he asked: You can kill them with silver, right?


This is your reward. The old man handed over a bank card, and Li Qingyue took it directly. At the same time, he took out the sheepskin scroll and threw it into the air. In an instant, the sheepskin scroll spontaneously ignited and disappeared.

After the old man left, a gift box appeared on the table. Li Qingyue immediately walked over and opened it, revealing a card floating inside.

Li Qingyue picked it up and saw a figure appearing in the card, and behind the figure there was a black figure.

Subhuman physique: After use, you can obtain subhuman physique. You need to die to activate it.

Li Qingyue raised his eyebrows. He never expected that he had this physique, so he used it without saying a word. After all, with the sub-human physique, he could be free.

As the card turned into a stream of light and sank into his body, Li Qingyue felt that his body seemed to have something extra, but also seemed to have nothing extra.

He slowly exhaled, then pointed the gun at himself. After thinking for a while, he still couldn't make up his mind. After all, he wanted to kill himself. Even if Li Qingyue killed many people, he was killing others after all. Not to kill yourself.

After a while, Li Qingyue raised the gun again. This time he decided not to give himself a chance to think. He raised the gun and shot. The bullet penetrated directly into his head. A marquee began to appear in front of his eyes. Feeling his life passing by little by little, Li Qingyue Lying completely motionless on the ground.

Suddenly Li Qingyue suddenly woke up. His sub-human body had been activated, and except for the blood stains on his body, all other traces had disappeared.

Huh~ This feels really uncomfortable. Li Qingyue said lightly, and at the same time, a dark ghost appeared behind him. This kind of ghost looks like a figure wrapped in countless bandages. They have 100% light transmittance, so humans cannot see it. , unless he was emotionally excited, or Li Qingyue was full of murderous intent when he summoned him, ordinary humans would not be able to see their traces.

And because there is not much IBM material in Li Qingyue's body, the time to summon the dark ghost can only last eight minutes, and it can only be summoned twice a day, but this is enough.

With the sub-human physique, at least safety is guaranteed.

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