
Walter got off a bus, with a look of despair on his face.

The commission he received was actually very simple. A strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the Babu Forest of Bangladesh. Walter's commission was to find out what the strange energy fluctuation was.

Although Walter used his employee privileges to teleport to Bangladesh, he did not teleport directly to the Babu Forest. He still needed to travel by bus for a whole day and night to reach the Babu County, and then entered the Babu Forest through the county. .

You must know that Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries, so although the road he drove on was a cement road, it had already become potholed due to disrepair. In addition, the bus driver did not know what was going on and always liked to step on it. Braking resulted in the bus having to hit the brakes not long after it left.

Or they didn't slow down at all when passing through potholes, and rushed over them in one go. Many passengers flew directly into the air while they were sleeping, and then fell down hard on their butts. They were so painful that people all over the carriage were cursing.

After experiencing such torture for a full twenty-four hours, Walter arrived in Barbu County. Now he is like a walking zombie.

Fortunately, the nearby hawking sound brought him back to his senses. He walked directly towards the Babu Forest, looking at the map while walking. Through the longitude and latitude of the energy fluctuations, he determined the location and distance, and then started on his way.

At the same time, somewhere in the Babu Forest, several hunters were carefully tracking their prey, a 500-kilogram wild boar. You must know that ordinary wild boars can only grow to one or two hundred kilograms, and can grow to five At 100 kilograms, it can basically be said to be the king of wild boars.

And this wild boar king only appeared a few times before it was targeted. A rich man in Bangladesh offered 10 million taka, which is equivalent to almost 100,000 U.S. dollars. This is basically considered as a lot in local terms. The price was astronomical, so many hunters nearby decided to catch this wild boar king so that their families could live a prosperous life.

But this wild boar king has rough skin and thick flesh. In addition, it often rolls in the mud and is covered with mud. After the mud dries, it will form layers of armor. In addition, the locals either use bows and arrows or muskets. , the damage was not very serious, so there was no way to hunt it. Instead, it killed more than a dozen hunters with its fangs.

Gradually, the nearby hunters no longer dared to hunt it, leaving only a few hunters who were bound to catch it.

Father, can we really catch this wild boar king? a Bengali who looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old asked cautiously.

Mengka, don't worry, we will definitely catch this wild boar king. With this wild boar king, you can go to school, and your sister doesn't have to marry someone she doesn't like.

Okay father, we will definitely catch it!

Don't get excited! Another hunter scolded in a low voice.

The two father and son then closed their mouths. They followed the traces of the Wild Boar King, and soon they came to a valley. There was only one entrance to this valley. For the sake of safety, they did not enter, but climbed up the steep mountain. The wall came to the peaks surrounding the valley.

Looking down, they saw a large group of wild boars. In addition to the wild boar king, there were more than a dozen adult wild boars weighing no less than 200 kilograms. If they were really angered, even if the tigers came, Nor will they be their opponents.

What should we do next? one of the hunters asked.

I'm afraid I didn't ask you to bring sleeping pills specially designed for wild animals? Shoot a few pheasants, put the sleeping pills inside, and then throw them to them. When the sleeping pills take effect, they will not be slaughtered by us. The leader of this group of hunters said.

Everyone nodded, and then left a few people here to pay attention to the whereabouts of the Wild Boar King, while others went hunting nearby. As the gunfire rang out, the Wild Boar King shook his body, and then stood up. After finding no problem, he Lying down in the mud again to sleep.

Everyone in the valley breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the wild boar king would run away when he heard the gunfire.

Not only the animals heard the gunshots, but Walter who was on his way also heard the gunshots. He immediately ran towards the location where the gunshots were made, and happened to see the father and son who were hunting. Walter immediately hid himself and followed them. behind.

Soon they returned to the valley and threw the pheasants filled with sleeping pills down the valley.

The wild boars that were sleeping were woken up one after another. Looking at the motionless pheasant carcass lying on the ground, they just touched it with their noses and did not bite until the wild boar king came over and ate the pheasant carcass into his stomach. The pheasant carcasses were eaten by the wild boars.

Okay, now we just need to wait for the Wild Boar King to fall asleep.

Who are you! What do you want to do to Luosang! A boy dressed as a primitive man asked holding a stone spear.

Who are you? a hunter asked unhappily, while drawing the bow string and pointing the bow and arrow at the boy.

The boy frowned slightly and said, It seems that you are also here to capture Luosang. In this case, I can't let you go!

After saying that, the boy rolled and disappeared into the jungle. The hunter wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the leader.

At first glance, he looks like a hunter who lives in the forest all year round. This is his home court, don't be impulsive! But as soon as he finished speaking, a poisonous snake appeared and bit the leader's ankle directly, causing pain to the leader. He swung his machete and cut the poisonous snake in half, but he fell to the ground.


But this was just the beginning. As more and more voices appeared, everyone was horrified to find that they were actually surrounded by a group of poisonous snakes. They wanted to escape, but they could not escape from the group of poisonous snakes. In the end, they all died in this group of poisonous snakes. Among the poisonous snakes.

Then the boy appeared again. He looked at the body with disgust, and then ran towards the valley.

Walter didn't want to get into trouble, so he opened the map and planned to run towards the mission location, but he didn't expect that the mission location was actually in the valley in front of him, which made him very curious.

So when Walter approached the center of the valley, he found that the boy in front of him had changed. Down had grown on his body, and his human characteristics had transformed into animal characteristics.

Luosang, you shouldn't have gone out. Look, you caused such a big commotion as soon as you went out. It's also my fault that I shouldn't have touched that crystal. Otherwise, we wouldn't be like this.

Listening to the chat between one person and one pig, Walter thought of something, but he needed to confirm it, so he dodged and came behind the boy. Before the Wild Boar King could react, Walter directly put a knife on the boy's neck and Said: If you don't want to die, don't move.

When the Wild Boar King saw that the boy was being controlled, he immediately kicked his hind legs back angrily, as if he was gathering the strength to charge.

I know you can understand human speech. From now on, when I ask a question, you can only nod or shake your head. If you dare to mess around, I promise to kill the boy first. Do you understand?

The Wild Boar King didn't respond, still staring at Walter.

Seeing this, Walter increased the strength of his hands and asked again: Do you understand?

The Wild Boar King nodded quickly while looking at the blood on the boy's neck, and Walter smiled with satisfaction.

Did you mutate around two o'clock in the afternoon on March 25th?

The Wild Boar King nodded.

Seeing the Wild Boar King nod, Walter had already guessed what happened, and said to the Wild Boar King: Give me the source of your mutation, and I will let this child go.

The Wild Boar King and the boy looked at each other, then turned and left. After a while, the Wild Boar King came out with a small piece of black crystal in his mouth. After throwing it on the ground, Walter picked it up and let it go. The boy.

When the Wild Boar King saw this, he immediately rushed towards Walter, but Walter ducked sideways. When the Wild Boar King wanted to call his friends, Walter had already disappeared.

Huh, this commission is pretty simple. All you need to do next is send the video to Coulson. After speaking, Walter's figure disappeared directly from the spot.

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