Lin En suddenly woke up and saw everything in front of him, which shocked him.

What are these zombies doing?

How could he lift Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen?

Lin En yelled, and the zombies were so frightened that they suddenly threw several of them to the ground.

After these people were thrown to the ground, they rolled and crawled to Lin En.

Gwen looked at Linn and seemed to have returned to his original appearance.

Gwen said to Lynn.

"Lynn, you finally recovered. You scared us to death. We almost got killed by you, you know?"

Linn shook his head, and he felt like there was another voice calling in his body.

He knew that he was controlled by this strange sound. He was confused just now, so these things happened. He couldn't remember clearly what happened just now.

He didn't want to be confused by another voice right now.

Linn didn't want to hear that voice, it kept calling her.

He knew that voice was leading him to become evil.

Linn didn't even remember what happened just now.

He just remembered seeing another version of himself, what was going on?

Could it be that he was hallucinating or seeing his own clone?

Linn quickly stepped forward and scolded these zombies aside.

Then he walked to Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen and rescued them.

These people were relieved to see that Lin En had returned to normal.

Gwen said to Linn worriedly.

"Lynn, you finally got to know us. You almost scared us to death just now. What happened to you just now?"

"I don't know what happened to me. It was like I had a dream just now. I dreamed of an exact version of myself."

"You did see an exact version of yourself just now, and that person was you. But after he handed the throne to you, he suddenly disappeared. What's going on?"

When Linn heard Gwen say this, he was also stunned for a moment. He was not dreaming just now.

He thought it was just a dream. Why did they travel through time and space to come here?

Is it just to inherit the throne and rule these zombies?

Linn didn't want anything to do with these zombies.

Linn said to Gwen and the Red Queen.

"What the hell is going on? Don't scare me here. I don't want to have anything to do with those zombies.

"Lynn, it's true that we didn't scare you. Look, you have an extra treasure in your hands now. Isn't this the thing that rules the zombies?"

After Linn listened to Gwen's words, he saw that he indeed had an extra treasure in his hand. What was this?

These things are not his at all, why are they in his hands?690.

When Lynn saw this thing, he said to Gwen.

"What's going on? What is this? Why is he here with me?"

"Lynn, this is what the person who looks exactly like you just gave it to you. Do you really not remember it?"

"Why did he give me this?"

"I definitely want you to inherit everything from him and help him rule these zombies. What else can he do if he gives you this? This is the thing that controls the zombies."

Linn heard Gwen's words and looked at everything in front of him.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with these zombies. It's better for these damn guys to stay away from him. .

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