What kind of mirror was this? Linn was full of curiosity.

Linn reached out and touched the mirror. He felt that the mirror seemed to have a power.

Lin En was attracted by this power, and his hand slowly reached into the mirror.

The Queen saw that one of Linn's hands had reached into the mirror.

He was so frightened that he quickly pulled Linn over and said to Linn.

"Don't put your hand in it, this mirror will eat you up."

Lin En didn't believe what the queen said.

He thought that instead of eating him, the mirror should take him away from here.

Lin En rushed towards the mirror desperately.

The Queen was here chanting a spell in front of the mirror, and the mirror suddenly seemed to have lost its magic.

He is no longer as attractive as before.

When Lin rushed to the mirror, when he stretched out his hand to touch the mirror, he felt nothing.

Lin En was stunned for a moment, what should he say?

Can the Queen control this mirror?

Linn turned around and glared at the Queen angrily.

"What's going on? What did you do in front of the mirror just now?"

The queen laughed and said to Lin En.

"I told you, don't even think about leaving here, this mirror can't take you away.

Lin En looked at the mirror and found that (abfb) had now lost his magic power.

This mirror was emitting light just now, but now it becomes dim.

He knew that this was all caused by the Queen, and Linn quickly rushed forward and stretched out his hand to directly grab the Queen's neck.

He pinched her hard, wishing he could strangle this woman to death.

The queen was choked by Lin En and was a little out of breath. She was already old and not in good health.

When Lin pinched him, he felt that the skin under his hands suddenly became wrinkled.

Lin En took a closer look and saw why the queen suddenly turned into an old woman.

Her skin was particularly wrinkled, and she looked like she was eighty or ninety years old.

Lin En was so frightened that he threw the queen aside.

The queen was unaware of the changes in her body. He hid aside, covered his neck and coughed hard.

Lynn said pointing at the Queen.

"You old guy, who are you? Why are you so old?"

When the queen heard what Lin En said, she was horrified. "She took a mirror and looked at herself, and she turned into an old woman."

This frightened him so much that he quickly went to his dressing table and recited a set of spells in front of the magic mirror.

Then she returned to her youthful and beautiful appearance.

Lin En saw with her own eyes the scene when the Queen cast a spell on the magic mirror. What was going on?

No wonder he values ​​this magic mirror so much. It turns out that this magic mirror can make him younger.

This queen turned out to be an old guy. When Linn saw everything in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

He wanted to go forward and smash the magic mirror to break the queen's illusion, so that he would not live in this illusion.

He was originally an old woman, so why would he use this method to make himself younger?

Lin En grabbed the bench next to him and threw it at the magic mirror.

When the queen saw Lin En, she wanted to smash his magic mirror, but that wouldn't work.

He had to protect this magic mirror with all his life.

This is what keeps him young forever. If Linn smashes it, he will be an old woman forever. .

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