He said to Qin and the Red Queen.

"It seems that Lin En is fine now. We don't have to worry. Maybe Lin En will find a way to come back on his own." 1

Several people can see Linn through this night pearl.

They saw Linn constantly dealing with the woman over there.

They couldn't hear what Lynn was saying.

All I could see was that Linn's expression was very angry.

They really wanted to catch Linn through this magic ball.

But they could only watch here and couldn't communicate with Lin En at all.

Qin and the Red Queen saw that Lin En's situation over there probably wasn't much better.

The two of them were also very anxious and said 360 to Gwen.

"What should we do? We now know that Lin En is trapped in that woman's country. Look, the red woman in the room is not going to marry Lin En, right?"

After the Red Queen and Gwen heard Qin's words, they looked carefully at the scene on Lynn's side.

They just saw Lin En dealing with this woman and didn't know what Lin En was doing there.

But now after listening to Qin's words, the two of them took a closer look. Yes, there were red balloons hanging in the room over there, and red lanterns with the word "hi" in red. Isn't this the scene of a wedding?

Could it be that Lin En was forced by this woman to marry him?

When Gwen saw everything in front of him, he also felt that it was this damn woman who trapped Linn there and made Linn marry him.

Lin En really has no choice.

Gwen was a little worried, and he said to Qin and the Red Queen.

"Yes, what should we do? How can we find ways to save Lin En? If Lin En marries that woman, can he come back? Doesn't he have to stay in that time and space? He won't be Just stay there and be the king, and quickly find a way to rescue him."

Gwen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

It was useless for him to worry.

He thought that finding this magic box would bring Lin En back.

But there is only one big luminous pearl in this magic box, and it can only see Lin En and cannot contact Lin En, and (abeh) cannot bring Lin En back, so what is the use of having this thing?

Qin and the Red Queen circled around the luminous pearl.

They felt that this was not an ordinary luminous pearl. He could see Lin En's situation over there, so this luminous pearl should still have its use.

It's just that a few people haven't grasped his essence.

Jean said to Gwen.

"Don't worry. This thing may have some use, but we haven't mastered it yet. Think about how to use this luminous pearl to bring Lin En back."

When Gwen heard Qin's words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He felt that what Qin said made sense. Since Ye Mingzhu could see Lin En's situation over there, could he also contact Lin En through this?

Gwen reached out her hand to touch the luminous pearl.

This luminous pearl is extremely smooth and cold to the touch, and there is nothing different about it.

But when he lifted the luminous pearl, he felt that the magnetic field of the luminous pearl was different.

He seemed to have a magical power flowing through his body.

This made him a little unclear. When Gwen was holding the Night Pearl here, Linn felt everything about Gwen in another time and space.

It turned out that Linn could feel it when Gwen picked up the Night Pearl. .

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