It turns out that the video that guy showed him just now is the current situation here.

Lin En felt like it had only been a few hours since he entered the headquarters. Why had such a big change happened here?

When did these zombies come out? Could it be that as soon as I entered the headquarters with my front legs, these zombies rushed out from behind?

Is all this within that guy's control?

When Lin En just jumped out of the "560" headquarters, these zombies seemed to sense something. They were all avoiding and trying to escape from here.

Now the street is empty, only Linn is standing on the street.

There were not even pedestrians, and the city seemed to suddenly become an empty city again.

Lin En looked at the tall building in front of him.

He just jumped from this twenty-something floor.

Now Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen are still on top, and Linn doesn't know how to rescue them.

What on earth is this mysterious figure up to?

Will he turn the whole world into a zombie city, or will he turn this city into a zombie city?

There seem to be few surviving humans in this city now.

Lin En stood here by himself. He didn't know what he should do next. He felt as if he suddenly became confused.

At this moment, Lin En saw a red shadow, which kept moving back and forth on the tall building. The shadow looked a little like Spider-man, but not quite at all.

When did Spider-man become like this?

When this red figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin En.

Lin En then realized that it was really Spider-man. Where had Spider-man been during this time?

Didn't he leave with that Starscream?

Spider-man saw that Linn was the only one on this quiet street.

He also thought it was quite strange. He received a signal that there were zombies everywhere.

So he came to clean up the zombies, but when he got here, he didn't see any zombies, and he saw Lin En standing here quietly alone.

Spider-man stopped in front of Linn and said to him.

"Weren't there zombies here just now? Where did the zombies go?"

"The zombies have all run away and are hiding, and I don't know where they have gone.

"Why don't you look for it? Why are you standing here?"

"Where should I look? I've searched all over and I can't find it. Didn't you go to an alien planet? Why are you back again?"

"After all, aliens are not my home. I will definitely come back, and I will protect everything here..."

"Isn't the alien world your home? I saw Starscream, isn't it your family?"

"Lynn, you misunderstood, they are not my family."

Spider-man didn't explain too much to Linn.

He just told Lynn that he was not an alien.

I still have to come back to protect the earth.

Lynn definitely didn't want to tell Spider-man that much.

He didn't want to hear Spider-man explain either.

Whether Spider-man is an alien, protects the earth, or comes to destroy it has nothing to do with them.

Linn saw Spider-man coming, and he could use his cobweb to help him rush up to the 20th floor to rescue Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen.

Lin En was just about to ask Spider-man for help.

I saw a few people thrown out of the windows on the 20th floor.

These people were tied with ropes and hung outside the window.

When Linn took a look, weren't they Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen?

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