Lynn, Gwen, Qin and Red Queen ran a short distance ahead and stood there waiting for them for a while.

When these people saw that Lin En was provoking them, they didn't take them seriously at all. They actually ran away for a while and came back to wait for them.

The director was sitting in the car and kept shouting from behind.

"You chase them for me, and you must catch them. If you want to see them alive or dead, you can see their corpses. If you can't catch them, you can just bring them back to me."

This time the director had to deal with Lin En and the others.

If he couldn't catch them alive, he would catch them dead. Anyway, he wanted to take these people back to deal with that mysterious figure.

These staff members in the bureau definitely listened to the director. When the director gave an order, they all chased after them with submachine guns.

Lin En, Gwen, Qin and Red Queen Juren ran to the empty place in the suburbs, and several people stood there motionless.

They just stood here waiting, and this group of people rushed forward.

The group of people rushed forward and looked at Linn and the others who were still.

The staff in the bureau were suddenly a little scared. Seeing Lin En and the others not moving here, isn't this what they are ready and waiting for them?

The staff of the bureau stood here waiting for the director to give orders.

The chief rushed over from behind in a jeep.

He saw Lynn Gwen, Qin and Red Queen taking a stance in front.

The director said to the people under his hands.

"What are you idiots still doing here? Hurry up and fire the submachine guns for me. I'm going to beat them up and blow them into powder today.

As soon as he said this, the group of people under his command would definitely not dare to neglect him.

This group of people rushed forward and fired at Linn with the submachine guns in their hands.

Lynn, Gwen, and the Red Queen, they're all jumping up and down here.

They have super-ability body protection, and these charging runs can't hurt them at all.

Linn jumped back and forth, and when he jumped forward to the game, the director was dumbfounded.

How did Linn come here just now?

Isn't he very far away from me?

Why did he suddenly jump in front of me?

Linn smashed the windshield of the jeep with one punch.

Then Linn reached in and grabbed the chief's collar and pulled him out of the jeep.

…Please give me flowers…

His men were firing submachine guns there.

This submachine gun has great destructive power against distant objects. If it is too close, the submachine gun will not be able to show its power.

Now Lin En is in front of him and is still holding the director in charge.

The staff were holding submachine guns here and didn't know what to do.

They didn't dare to fire the submachine gun. The director was in someone else's hands, and they were still so close. Even if they fired the submachine gun, they might not be able to hurt Lin En.

Lin En smiled and said to them.

"Throw all the submachine guns in your hands to the ground and put your hands on top of your head."

When this group of people heard Linn's words, they did not put their assault jackets on the ground.

After all, the director hasn't spoken yet, so they don't dare to act rashly.

Lin En saw that these guys didn't listen to him, right?

Linn raised his hand and hit the director on the head, he said to the director.

"Have them put the cannon on the ground."

The director remained silent, he did not want these people to hand over their weapons. .

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