Linn didn't know when these zombies would return to normal.

After this mysterious figure escaped this time, he has not been seen again for a while.

These zombies also slowly returned to normal.

When Lynn and the others opened their eyes the next morning, it seemed as if this was all a dream.

When Linn walked out of the manor with Gwen and Spider-man, he saw that everything on the street had returned to normal.

Linn rubbed his eyes and said to Spider-man and Gwen beside him.

"What's going on? 12 Did we dream yesterday? I remember didn't the whole city turn into zombies? [Why are they back to normal now?"

Spider-man knows that these people are not really zombies.

They are only temporary. As long as the mysterious figure does not continue to rule this city, the people here will not become zombies.

He only temporarily turned these people into zombies.

But these people won't hurt people unless they turn into real zombies.

When Lin heard Spider-man's words, he didn't expect Spider-man to know so much about all this.

Lynn said to Spider-man.

"Then according to what you say, as long as we keep an eye on that mysterious figure and prevent him from occupying this city, these people will be fine. Even if they turn into zombies, it will be temporary."

When Spider-man heard Linn's words, he nodded. This is why he has been running non-stop to drive away mysterious figures recently.

He is also slowly exploring experience, and he also knows that only by using this method can the safety of these people be protected.

The city had been in ruins before, and many places had been bombed into ruins.

In the past few days, Lin En and the others have rebuilt the city.

Everything is back to normal here now.

These people also act as if nothing happened.

Lin En walked down the street and asked them if they knew about the zombie invasion in the past few days.

These people all shook their heads, they simply did not believe in the existence of zombies.

What happened in the past few days had no impression on them at all.

Lin En saw that this was a good thing. If they didn't know what happened and didn't remember these things, it wouldn't be so painful. Lin En looked at Gwen, Qin and the Red Queen and said.

"It seems that our next task is more difficult. We have to develop some more advanced weapons to prevent that mysterious figure from attacking again. This guy escaped last time and has not been seen again for several days. It seems that this guy is going Gone to recuperate."

Linn knew that the mysterious figure must have been injured when he flew a fighter jet to attack him on his manor last time.

213 So he hasn't been around these days, and Linn has to go back and perfect his system.

This time he not only wants to improve the system on his manor.

He also wants to expand this system and cover the entire city under his system.

In this case, Linn won't be afraid when the mysterious figure appears. When the time comes, he can activate the system at any time to protect the entire city. Even if the mysterious figure comes to throw cannonballs or use other methods, it will be completely useless. None of them work.

With this idea in mind, Linn was about to start implementing it.

He returned to his laboratory and typed quickly on the computer keyboard. .

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