Just now when he became small, Linn was really scared.

He was also afraid that he might become as big as an ant.

Now he has slowly recovered. Although he has not yet returned to his original appearance, he has recovered a lot now.

Lynn said to the queen ant and queen bee.

"It's okay, you two don't have to worry about me. I'm recovering slowly. I can use my super ability "267" to slowly recover my body. You two can go back and do your own thing.

When the ant king heard Lin En's words, he went back to his ant nest directly.

The queen bee did not leave him and said to Linn.

"What method did you use? You can also let yourself recover slowly. We were so anxious just now. Even if we gave you honey, it had no effect. Now you are slowly recovering to your original appearance. "

"I've told you, don't worry about me. I'm super capable. I can control myself. You should go back too. It's okay. Qin, are you okay? Why didn't I see Qin?"

Qin is not far from the laboratory, and he was here just now to care about Lynn's situation.

After Linn closed the door to the laboratory, he stood outside and waited. Now that he heard Linn talking, Qin quickly stepped forward.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm already fine. The queen bee's honey is very effective. He saved me."

"That's good, it's okay. You all can go back first."

After speaking, Linn directly entered the laboratory again.

Qin and Red Queen didn't know why Lin En returned to the laboratory again. Couldn't he recover slowly?

Look at Lynn now as a little dwarf.

Lin En had just returned to the laboratory. As soon as he closed the door of the laboratory, there was a rumble and rumble from outside. He didn't know if it was thunder or something else.

When Qin and Honghou heard these sounds, they were suddenly nervous and scared. What happened?

Lin En has not fully recovered yet. Nothing will happen at this time, right?

Lin En didn't hear any sound from outside at all in the laboratory. The sealing conditions in the laboratory were very good. If he closed the door of the laboratory tightly, he would not be able to hear any sound from outside, even if it was blowing outside. He could not hear the strong wind or thunder.

When Qin and Honghou heard the sound outside, they came outside the manor. They were standing at the gate and saw a black shadow floating in front of them...

When the two of them saw the black shadow, they were stunned for a moment.

Qin glanced at the red queen beside her and said to him.

"Did you see a black shadow floating past? Does this have something to do with the noise just now?"

The red queen shook her head. He didn't know if this had anything to do with the noise just now. At this moment, the black figure floated past them again.

He saw that this was not the Black Widow. The Black Widow had disappeared in the past few days.

Why did he suddenly appear here again, and turned into a black shadow that kept floating around them? 4.2.

When Qin saw that the black figure was Black Widow, he became a little impatient and said to Black Widow.

"Can you please stop hanging around in front of us? If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't have anything to say, just stay away. Stay away and don't hang around outside our manor."

"Hurry up and help me, I can't stop at all."

When the two of them heard Black Widow's words, they didn't believe it at all. .

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