He knew that these two people must be doing something shameful.

Thor walked forward with a smirk on his face and patted the two of them gently on the back.

This scared Thanos and Scarlet Witch. They turned their heads and looked at Thor awkwardly and said.

"General Thor, what are you doing here? N

"I also want to ask what you two are doing here. You two are sneaky and won't do anything shameful, right?"

Thanos smiled awkwardly when he heard Thor's words, and he said to Thor.

"General Thor, what are you talking about? How could the two of us do something shameful? We came here to perform the mission under Odin's order." 057

Scarlet Witch stood beside him and said nothing.

His face turned red. When Thor saw Scarlet Witch's performance, why did he feel that they didn't look like they were out to perform a mission?

If they go out to perform a mission, why would the Red Witch be blushing?

Thor looked at Thanos and said with a smirk.

"Thanos, please stop hiding it from me. You and Scarlet Witch are out on a date, right? Don't you know what my father hates the most?"

In Odin's place, his men are not allowed to have feelings. If anyone has feelings, Li Ding will deal with them severely.

If Odin knew that Thanos and Scarlet Witch were secretly dating, he would never let them go.

When these two people heard Thor's words, they were frightened.

Thanos said hurriedly to Thor.

"General Thor, please don't tell King Odin about this. The two of us will never dare to do it again. This is our first and last date."

In fact, Thor didn't think there was anything wrong with them having feelings.

After all, they get along day and night, together all day, even if they have some feelings, it doesn't matter. I don't know what Odin thinks. Why aren't his men allowed to have feelings?

Thor looked at Thanos and Scarlet Witch looking nervous, he chuckled and said to them. (ajbd)

"You two, go away. Just act as if nothing happened today. Don't worry, I won't mention this matter to my father."

Thanos and Scarlet Witch nodded gratefully when they heard Thor say this.

They didn't expect Thor to help them hide the matter.

They thought Thor would be as cold-blooded and ruthless as Odin.

Thanos said to Thor before leaving.

"Don't worry, General Thor. If you have any use for me in the future, just ask. Even if I have to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will still be willing to sacrifice my life for the people.

When Thor heard Thanos' words, he nodded slightly.

He quickly found a place to hide, and he was also afraid that he would be exposed in front of Miemei.

If Thanos saw that he was injured and asked him what happened, he wouldn't know how to explain it to Thanos.

Linn led these people to build a protective wall in the manor. He knew that Odin would definitely send people again.

This time it’s Thor who’s here, but next time I’m not sure who it will be.

Lin En has now become a thorn in Odin's side, and Odin will eradicate him sooner or later, so Lin En must be fully prepared.

Lin En led the big guys to build the wall here.

Hela saw Lin En building a protective wall here. He felt that this thing was useless and could not guard against those people at all. .

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