American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 1460 Experience The Power Of Thor’S Hammer

Then he needs to learn a lesson. He wants to see how powerful this Thor that Lin En mentioned is.

Spider-man didn't give Thor a chance to speak at all. The cobweb in his hand spurted out and entangled Thor's Thor hammer.

Thor wanted to hit them together, but the sticky cobweb was wrapped around his Thor hammer, making it unable to function. Only then did Thor realize that the man in front of him was wearing a red tight-fitting "Zero-53" suit. Weird people are so powerful.

Thor tried hard to break away from the cobweb, but Spider-man spurted out the cobweb like a steel wire, tightly wrapping his Thor hammer.

Then Spider-man pulled hard and pulled Thor's Thor hammer directly over.

Spider-man reaches out and holds Thor's hammer in his hand.

Linn saw that Spider-man was really powerful. His cobweb could actually steal Thor's hammer.

Lin En wanted to step forward and take Thor's Thor Hammer. He knew that all of Thor's super abilities were in his Thor Hammer. If he snatched his Thor Hammer, Lin En would hit the Thor Hammer. What will be the consequences? Will Odin's manor collapse?

Does he know how powerful the super ability of this Thor hammer is, Linn said to Spider-man.

"Give me this Thor hammer and I will deal with them."

When Spider-man heard Linn say this, he threw the Thor hammer directly to Linn.

Linn stretched out his hands and caught the Thor hammer.

When Lin En held the Thor hammer, he realized that the Thor hammer had some weight. It was so heavy.

Linn held Thor's hammer, and when he hit it hard, the wall of Odin Castle began to tremble, and even the ground shook.

Odin sat in his castle and looked at everything in front of him. He didn't expect that this Spider-man was so powerful.

He can also erupt. Cobweb can also snatch Thor's Thor hammer away.

Now that Thor's Thor hammer has fallen into Linn's hands, it seems that these super abilities have followed Linn.

Thor saw everything in front of him, and he was frightened and tried every means to get back his hammer.

He couldn't let Lin destroy everything he had here by banging Thor's hammer like this again.

Thor shouted, and he quickly rushed forward to take back his Thor hammer...

When Spider-man saw Thor charging towards him, he erupted his cobweb again.

Thor saw Spider-man's move and quickly dodged aside.

He knows how powerful this cobweb is, but he can hide away and not let this cobweb wrap around him.

Spider-man is here constantly erupting cobweb, and Thor is here jumping up and down to avoid it.

Linn kept banging the Thor hammer here, and he found that the Thor hammer in his hand was no worse than in Thor's hand.

After a long time of trouble, Thor didn't have any real skills at all, he only relied on this hammer.

Qin, the Red Queen, and Gwen 2.7 were all hiding in the distance. When Linn knocked on Thor's hammer, they didn't dare to step forward easily.

The destructive power of this Thor's hammer is so powerful that it has now caused the walls outside Odin's castle to collapse.

When Odin saw that something was wrong, he had to send people out to support Thor quickly.

Odin didn't expect Spider-man to be so powerful. Seeing this man dressed so strangely, his super ability was even stranger. .

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