Lin En regretted it now. He shouldn't have brought these aliens out.

But there is nowhere to sell regret medicine here.

Besides, even if Lin En doesn't bring them out, these aliens will come out on their own.

They don't need Linn's permission for these aliens to see these tall buildings on Earth.

They were full of curiosity and the alien wandered around here.

They returned to Lynn's side.

When Lin turned around and saw these aliens, he said to these aliens angrily.

"What are you guys doing? You are so mysterious. I tell you not to scare people. Do you hear me?"

Lin En was afraid that these aliens would suddenly appear and startle people. After all, they were indeed ugly and scary. How could ordinary people be able to bear the sight of aliens all of a sudden? Woolen cloth.

When the aliens heard Linn's words, they laughed.

They all appeared in an invisible state, so these earthlings did not see these aliens.

So they have nothing to fear, the alien said to Linn.

"You earthlings can't be so timid, you feel scared when you see us. y

"Absolutely, you are so ugly. I will definitely feel scared when I see you."

"Are we ugly? We look pretty normal. I think you earthlings are the weird ones. 7"

When Lin En heard about these aliens, she really didn't know what ugly and beautiful were. They looked like this and they were still in trouble.

Each one's brains and eyes are about to pop out. How scary it is to look like this.

This alien looks really different from Earthlings.

At this time, the alien saw several beauties walking on the street.

When they saw these beauties, they couldn't take their eyes away. No wonder Lin En said that the people on earth are beautiful.

The woman is indeed pretty.

The aliens, regardless of gender, all look the same, with big heads and bulging eyes, all looking like monsters.

Before they came to the earth, they didn't think how strange and ugly they looked.

But now they come to earth, when they see these earthlings, especially when they see these women.

They felt that their aliens were really ugly.

These aliens suddenly had a whim. If these beautiful women on the earth were captured to aliens and had children with them, would their alien children also change and become like them? They are just as beautiful as the people on Earth.

This was their idea, and they didn't mention it to Linn.

They knew that if they expressed this idea, Linn would not agree.

These aliens are muttering here using their special language and planning their new (Li's good) plan here.

He would go back to the alien planet first, and then when Linn wouldn't pay attention to them, they would think of ways to come to Earth and capture some beautiful women back.

These aliens will slowly implement their plan.

Lin En watched these aliens secretly whispering to Sun.

He didn't know what these aliens were muttering.

But Dai must be up to no good, secretly discussing something. .

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