American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 1592 Don’T Know Whether To Live Or Die

But with the strength of the two of them, it seems that it is really difficult to put out this fire.

Qin and Honghou went to get a pipe, connected the other end of the pipe to the faucet, and started spraying water into the woods with the pipe.

But the water flow was too small and it was impossible to put out the fires.

Lin En didn't know what was going on. When his super ability hit the tree, why did the tree catch on fire?

Lin En is also hiding here. He knows that if he continues to stay here, he may be burned to death here.

Lin En looked at the chimpanzee and actually smiled. He thought he was dazzled because this guy could still smile.

Is he kidding himself?

The chimpanzee left here quickly. He was very familiar with the terrain here.

He quickly left Linn and watched the chimpanzee leave. He could no longer chase him.

Lynn already knew that the behemoth that appeared in his manor was this chimpanzee, and that the monster's footprints were left by this chimpanzee.

Lin En ran out of the woods quickly. Qin and Honghou were still spraying water into the woods with pipes outside. Lin En ran out and looked at their actions and said to them.

"Are you two kidding me? You made such a small pipe and sprayed water into it. How could you possibly put out this fire々||?"

"Lynn, then we have no other way. We can't watch you burn to death inside. We still want to save your life. The conditions here are limited, so we only have these few pipes. These pipes are connected to the faucets, and water is sprayed here to put out the fire."

Lin En knew that they had good intentions and that they wanted to save him. When Qin saw that Lin En was not injured, he said to Lin En.

"Were you dueling with that big chimpanzee in there just now? What did that guy look like? Is he fierce?"

When Lin En heard what he said, what was going through his little mind all day long.

He also wanted to see what the big chimpanzee looked like and how powerful he was. If he didn't let them see it, they would always remember it.

Linn couldn't even imagine what would happen if the big chimpanzee rushed out of the woods. If that guy rushed out, would his entire manor be destroyed?

Linn had been here for so long, and he didn't even know that there was such a terrifying gorilla in the woods behind his manor.

This guy is too scary, Lin En said to Qin and Red Queen.

".||You should be more careful. That gorilla will eat you when he comes out. Do you still want to see him?"

The two people scratched their heads when they heard what Linn said.

They didn't even see what the gorilla looked like.

That's why they were curious, and they wanted to see if it was as scary as Lynn said. (Is Zhao Zhao)

Jean said to Lynn.

"Lynn, are you trying to scare us on purpose? Is there such a scary gorilla that can really eat people?"

"You don't believe it, right? If you don't believe it, go into the woods and see if the gorilla will eat you."

When Qin heard Lin En's words, he was still full of curiosity.

He walked slowly towards the edge of the woods. When Lin En saw that this guy was really desperate, he really dared to look at it. .

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