American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 1690: Retreating When Faced With Difficulties

Lin En naturally knew all this. He took the initiative to bring this up now, just to make them quit and stop quarreling here because of these things.

So now everyone is standing there very obediently, and for a while, no one is making any moves.

Lin En saw that the Red Queen was actually better than him. He didn't say anything else. "Four-ninety." He just glanced at the other people here. He rolled up his sleeves and said to them. said.

"Does anyone else want to eat noodles? If you are not full, please tell me in time. This is in my manor. Don't make you hungry again. If word gets out, you will think it's me, Lin En." I’ll give you something to eat.

After hearing Lin En's words, these people were very excited. In fact, they didn't know what Lin En's noodle cooking skills were, but they watched Hela and Black Widow guarding the bowl of noodles.

It's definitely not too bad to die in such a hurry.

Linn quickly got into the kitchen, and Hela and Black Widow were finally able to get their bowls. They were both holding their bowls and eating happily.

After a while, Lin En came out with a few more bowls of noodles, and he said to these people.

"Look at you all acting like children. You're just fighting over a few bowls of noodles. How can you still be fighting over each other like this?"

"And this is still in my manor. Fortunately, there are no outsiders here. If there are, some news will come out later saying that I scolded you and didn't even give you food. My reputation in this life will be ruined." , but it will all be in your hands."

As soon as Lin En finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing. In fact, they were just making a fuss and had no real plan to do anything.

The Red Queen has always been a straight person, and when he ate the noodles made by Lin En, he couldn't help but snort.

"I thought this noodle would be so delicious, but it turned out to be just average."

As soon as the Red Queen said this, the expressions of everyone present changed. Why did the Red Queen speak like this? Even if the noodles were not delicious, after all, Lin En had just finished cooking them, and they had cooked them again. , the Red Queen can’t say that either.

Lin En's expression has changed a bit now. Even if he regards these people as good friends, he will never tolerate these people saying such things under such circumstances.

He had no intention of cooking so much noodles, but these people were fighting over it, so Lin En cooked it. But now what the Red Queen said made Lin En feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't say anything else, he just held her shoulders here and looked at everything with a smile. All of them felt, "The more Linn is like this, the more something is wrong.

With Lin En's temperament, how could he not be anxious now? As for the Red Queen, he didn't notice anything unusual about Lin En in 4.7, so he continued to talk about it.

"This is just average. I can also cook something like this. Why don't you yell at me to cook it? Let's do this. I'll show you my skills another day."

Listening to the words of the Red Queen, Lin En smiled more and more on his face, but everyone felt that Lin En's behavior was too abnormal.

With their knowledge of Lynn. .

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