American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 431: Substances That Corrode Metals!

The signal jamming bomb launched by Tiangong before is still in effect, and the electromagnetic field is still reverberating around. The enemy's fighter planes are now wandering randomly in the universe without destination.

And these floating objects, just like your fighters, have no destination at all, because they are lighter in weight and float faster.

Not long after, a group of floating objects collided with the fighter planes of the soldiers.

At the moment when the two collided, a flash of flames passed by fiercely.

In the next instant, the entire fighter plane was on fire without any warning!

There are about a dozen fighter planes affected, and the flames burning in the darkness can be described as very dazzling.

Inside the Tiangong, everyone turned their heads and looked backward, only to see clusters of flames lit up.

A few people were stunned, "What's the situation? Why did the fighter jet burn by itself?"

"Is it because of these floating objects? The function of this thing is~ like this?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lynn suddenly fell into deep thought.

It can be seen that the power of this weapon is indeed sturdy...

"No, the universe is a vacuum environment, and flames need oxygen to burn!"

"What if this burning flame does not require oxygen?"

For a while, everyone in the spaceship fell into an argument.

But seeing Hong Hou walking slowly from the corner, "Is there a possibility that these are not normal flames, or that the nature of this thing is completely different from flames?"

After getting the cosmic data, Hong Hou has a more thorough understanding of these things.

All of a sudden, Gwen and the girls cast curious eyes on the red queen.

"Exactly, what exactly is this thing?"

"Don't stop talking halfway, it's really touching!"

Outside the earth, the world is much more complicated.

"This is a corroded luminous body, and it is corroding metal objects now, which means that these fighters are now corroded." It won't be long before they will be corroded.

The Red Queen's words were somewhat authoritative, but when everyone heard that the metal was corroded, they immediately looked in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? Something that corrodes metal?"

"That's right, it's the item floating in the universe that can corrode metals, and

Just like before, the Red Empress was halfway through her words and didn't continue to elaborate.

0......seeking flowers......

But the corroded fighter behind him brought the answer to everyone.


I saw a flame lit up, the fighter plane exploded directly, and at the same time, the wind and waves pushed the remaining floating objects to the side of the companion.

More and more fighter planes collided with the floating objects, and the number of people affected is skyrocketing!

For a moment, Lynn couldn't help but feel lucky that he retreated fast enough. If the Tiangong encounters something like this...

No matter how hard Vibranium is, it corrodes metal!

At that time, such things as defense power will not be worth mentioning at all, and it won't be long before the entire spaceship will be corroded into an empty frame!

Lynn Hela and the Red Queen are fine, but Gwen and the others are different. They cannot survive in the universe. It can be said that they will die in a very short time after leaving the spaceship!

"It can be seen that these people really want to kill us."

"Thanks to Gwen this time, if it weren't for Spider Telepathy, we wouldn't have realized that something was wrong.

"I didn't expect that the other party actually had such a big killer hidden in his hand!"

Lynn frowned, the other party's behavior completely angered Lynn!.

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