American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 653: Thanos Fleet, Intelligence Gathering

The dark space, the strange atmosphere, it seems that everyone present is shrouded in gloom.

This kind of atmosphere is suffocating, but for the Zita Swiss soldier, this kind of thing can't cause any psychological fear at all.

Without fear, most of the events you face in combat are absent.

Thinking of this, Mie Shi smiled even more.

"The character of the Chitauri army is dead, that's all, come on, answer my questions. 17

At the same moment, in the dormant compartment of Thanos' mothership, more and more soldiers woke up from stupor.

When these soldiers opened their eyes and found that they were in the dormant cabin, their faces were filled with astonishment.

Obviously, they were still wandering in the universe in the last second, and now they returned to Thanos' mothership in the blink of an eye. This kind of thing may sound very sci-fi, but it is true.

And at the gate of the sleeping room, there was another soldier yelling, "All awakened soldiers go to the hall to meet Lord Thanos!"

The intelligence of just one soldier may not be enough, Mie wants to gather countless intelligences to find out the most accurate ones.

In the hall, the Zeta Swiss Soldiers faced Thanos and immediately began to tell his story.

Definitely, this language does not communicate directly with Thanos, but requires a series of translations.

Just listening to the soldiers on the side began to translate for Thanos.

"My lord, I heard about Dwarf and Nidawi, that's where they lost.

"As you might expect, the one who beat them was Lynn."

Hearing these speeches, Mie Shi's expression suddenly became more gloomy.

"So in the end it was this little boy who defeated my carefully cultivated army?"

"It's hard to imagine, this universe will be more and more interesting, isn't it?"

Although Thanos said these words in a very calm tone, it was obvious that At the moment was already very angry inside.

"My lord, important information, Lord Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive have been killed, and the corpses are likely to be on the Nidawi planet. As for whether the other party will retaliate against the corpses, it is unknown.

The translator was talking on his own, but Thanos' expression was full of sadness.

"I'm sorry for not being able to recover the body of Proxima Midnight, these two have been under my command for many years after all.

"If I can't even take back the bodies of the two, I may be ashamed of the title of monarch."

In just a few days, Thanos lost three generals, which greatly weakened the overall strength of Thanos' army.

Not long after, the second soldier was also brought into the hall.

Followed by the third, the fourth.

These are soldiers who have just woken up from the sleeping cabin, and they were brought here forcibly before they realized what was going on.

For a while, the 127 halls in the hall were crowded with people, and Thanos was sitting on the throne.

"Okay, let's ask the question from the beginning again, I want to get the exact information.

After saying that, Thanos turned his head to the side, as if the rest of the work had nothing to do with him.

"Good sir."

After translating, he immediately turned his head to look at the soldiers.

Thus began the boring interrogation session.

Rao is that Thanos' army has been galloping in the universe for many years, and has never encountered such a thing.

The death of three generals in succession made Thanos even more furious at the moment.

"He will pay for what he did."


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