American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 661: Comments On The Press Conference

"Come on, I'm definitely useless compared to this guy. That's it. It doesn't matter. I will create a battle armor that fits my body."

As Tony said, he stuffed a bite of the burger into his mouth.

For a moment, the mellow aroma of cheese instantly penetrated Tony's entire mouth, making people linger.

Looking at the cheese on the other hand, Banner's meal is obviously not worth it.

"Okay, I suddenly remembered that I am planning to lose weight recently, so I can't eat these high-protein foods."

After saying that, Banner put the untouched food back on the dining table.

It can be seen that this is the immobility of a middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Lynn was immediately miserable.

"At this age, what's the point even if your body is out of shape? Don't you want to compare with the captain to see whose body can last longer?~"

Obviously, this is impossible, the captain's self-discipline is too strong.

After hearing this, Banner let go of his worries and picked up his own food.

But having said that, the gathering of several people this time is not just for eating.

"Okay Lynn, let's talk, do you have anything to say about Tony's plans?"

At the dinner table, Banner was the first to speak. Since the two people around him were unwilling to mention this matter, he would do it himself.

It doesn't matter, this is for the sake of all mankind, and Banner's question is also well-intentioned.

Hearing this, Lynn visibly paused.

"I don't think I have anything to say. Since Tony wants to do it, let's do it. It doesn't matter. If you want me to come forward, you can do it on the same day."


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Tony slammed the table and stood up.

"That's right, on the day you came out, some people saw your figure, you entered the Tiangong, and this scene was also captured by someone."

"That is to say, you must admit your identity at this level, and then you will participate in the press conference as an experimenter."

"No matter the various scenes in the universe, you just need to tell them a little bit. You don't need too many embellishments, just fool these people."

Tony seemed to have a preliminary plan for this matter, but how to realize these became the key issue.

"If there are chattering reporters at that time, can I just greet them with a punch?"

"Lyn, this is definitely not allowed. We are public figures at the press conference. Will public figures beat people?"

...ask for flowers...

If it was in private, no one would stop Lynn no matter what crazy moves he did.

Hearing this, Lynn could only restrain himself a little.

And at the moment, Banner, who was sitting across from Tony, was obviously a little restless.


"Lyn, I have a question, I don't know if it would be presumptuous to ask.

Regarding the universe, where have you been on this trip?"

Nowadays, humans can observe galaxies far away, but these galaxies can only be observed, and it is impossible to get close.

The light of these stars is likely to come from several light-years away.

How scary is this data?

The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. If calculated by transposition, even if a human drives a spaceship at the speed of light, it will take several years to reach it.

But Lynn and the others ascended into space this time, which is different from the previous space explorations.

Lynn has a Space gem in his hands, and Banner is sure that Lynn has probably reached a galaxy beyond human observation!.

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