Gwen's house.

Gwen slipped in from the window on the second floor wearing a Spider battlesuit, and her battle suit was drenched due to coming back from the heavy rain.

"Miss Gwen, do you need to turn on the heating mode.

"It can evaporate all the water on the battle suit.

"Is there such a function?"

Gwen was a little surprised: "Turn on the heating mode.

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of water vapor immediately emitted from the battle suit: "Wow, this function is awesome."

"Red Queen, is this what you think or what Lin thinks."

"It's the master's idea, and most of the functions on the battle suit are designed by the master.

Hearing this answer, Gwen felt warm in his heart.

After changing her clothes, Gwen went downstairs.

Just happened to meet George coming back, seeing that Gwen was at home at this time, George asked in surprise: "We didn't leave school today, did you help?"

"No, so I will come back to see my dearest parents."

The couple grinned at the same time.

"Ready to eat."

Gwen's mother has prepared dinner for the two tonight, and the father and daughter walked over together talking and laughing.

It's basically the stuff of Lynn's novels.

Gwen's mother, who couldn't get along, suddenly became curious.

Are those novels really that good?

As a housewife, she also had some interests for a while.

The content on the TV is playing the press conference of Hammer Industries.

?For this grand conference, Justin Hammer did not know how many media were called.

And he is willing to give them money so that they must broadcast their press conference live.

To record this historic moment.

"Dad, don't you need to go to the scene to maintain order?

Gwen asked curiously.

Generally, such a large venue requires the police from the beautiful country to go to the scene to maintain order.

One is the fear of a stampede happening.

The other is worrying that anti-social elements will pick up guns and pop up at the scene.

In such an environment where guns are not allowed, nothing will be too surprising.

George was stunned: "Gwen, you used to call me Dad..."

Gwen realized that it was not good, and she called Lynn's mouth these days.

Immediately explained: "Because the school drama club recently invited me to play a cameo, I played the king's daughter.

"It's called Shunkou..."

That's how it turned out...

George understood.

"Originally I was going, but when I thought about this kind of boring press conference again, I had to go sooner.

"Anyway, there are enough security personnel at the scene, even if something happens, they can be suppressed."

George was right.

After all, 720 is a press conference jointly held by the military and Hammer Industries, and the military personnel on the scene are all arranged.

Prevent all accidents from happening.

If there were people shooting with guns, they would probably be knocked down and shot on the spot by the military people hiding in the auditorium before the guns started.

Therefore, the security force of the New York Police Department is not so important.

It is rare for George to be lazy for a while.

Originally, George wanted to change the channel to watch the real-time news, but almost all the programs were live broadcasting the press conference simultaneously.

"Damn rich!"

As the commissioner of the NYPD, he definitely knew what Justin Hammer was up to.

I can only make small complaints about this.

He had no choice but to watch this boring press conference.

He believes that if there is any sudden and major case in New York City, it will be interrupted as soon as possible.

Now let's have dinner with the family first.

But soon George stopped eating, because there was a riot at the press conference.

Tony showed up, and then the steel soldiers from Hammer Industries started shooting indiscriminately.

The people in the military anticipated all possible situations, but they didn't expect that the ghosts were actually the robots above.

George stood up from his seat at once: "Damn it, I'll go there right now!"

The scene became chaotic, and many live broadcast signals were interrupted at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of real-time news came in.

"Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared on the streets of New York City, with electric current all over his body.

"This individual is most likely a Mutant..."

On the TV screen, a person from Blue is looking around blankly, and many onlookers are watching curiously.

Pick it up, put it away, take a photo and post it on your social circle.

As more and more people watched, the confusion in that person's eyes became heavier.

"What is this again!"

It's either okay.

It's all big right from the start.

George is now incapable of duplication, and everyone is paralyzed.

After thinking for a while, George immediately picked up his mobile phone: "Call a group of people and follow me to the block square."

In George's heart, it is clear that the safety of the people's lives is even more important.

There are already my colleagues there, plus Iron Man is on the scene.

There should be no problem.

To take a step back, even if there is a problem.

It was also an accident caused by the military itself and Hammer Industries, and no one else could be blamed.

George didn't say hello, just put on his clothes and left the house.

Gwen's mother looked at the person with the blue light on the TV, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Mom, I'm full too." (afba)

"I'll go upstairs to do the experiment first..."

After speaking, Gwen went upstairs without waiting for her mother to answer.

"Father and daughter both have the same personality, in a hurry.

After returning upstairs, Gwen immediately put on Ghost 2 and asked the Red Queen to turn on the projection.

"Red Empress, what happened to that person?"

"Miss Gwen, I can't be sure for now, because of the mutation, and I can't find any personal information about him.

"Judging from the current situation, it looks like a Mutant who just Awakened his own Ability and was confused.


This kind of thing......

"Red Empress, please contact Sister Qin.

Qin was still in a meeting with a group of people at Xavier's School, when she suddenly received a call from Gwen.

After apologizing, he left the office.

"Gwen, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

"Sister Qin, it seems that a Mutant who has just been Awakened has been found in the New York City area, and I am now passing the information to the doctor.

"Take a look."


Qin immediately agreed.

The emergence of new mutants can be big or small, if the opponent's strength is only a first-level mutant Ability.

That's easy to deal with.

But what if it's level five or even Omega level...

This new Mutant must not be taken away by the people of the beautiful country first.

Now the X-Men and the Mutant Brotherhood are the same enemy.

Qin immediately replied to the office: "Everyone, suddenly, a new Mutant has been discovered in the New York City area."

The faces of the people in the room changed upon hearing this.

Qin walked to the computer, and after a little operation, she received the screen that was turned by the red queen.

Professor X took a look, and the seasoned man immediately saw it: "Elemental Mutant will be activated under the corresponding elemental conditions."

"The strength is conservatively estimated at level three!"

The third-level Mutant is not very strong, but it is definitely not weak.

In the downtown area, it is enough to cause a city-destroying disaster.

"Are we going to go out there now and bring him back?"

"This is an opportunity for the X-Men to show their faces, and it's time for us to increase our popularity among the public."

Professor X realized that their opportunity had come.

"Jean, you go with Logan and Brat."

"Bring him back to Xavier's School.

Professor X's arrangement definitely has his considerations in it.

First of all, Qin's spiritual power can help Mutant who just Awakened stabilize his emotions.

If the opponent is unsteady and a fight breaks out, Logan, who is Wolverine, can step forward and suppress.

Rascal can take the opportunity to absorb his Super Ability.

Although it is only temporary, it can be subdued quickly.

"This time you are on a mission, not only to bring people back, but remember to be as high-profile as possible.

"Let more people discuss X-Men spontaneously, good or bad!"

Soon, the three X-Men left District Academy together.

Gwen here.

Arrived at this place almost at the same time as George.

Gwen landed perfectly and came to a police officer, who was holding a horn in his hand, trying to figure out the identity of the other party.

But the man ignored him completely.

Gwen reached out to signal him to take the horn, and the police officer passed it over directly.

After these days, the police officers in New York City have long regarded Spider-man as their own.

As soon as Gwen took the microphone, she called out to him, "Hey, I'm Spider-man."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"If you can, please speak out directly, and I will help you?"

On the way here, the red queen has already been popularized by Gwen Cop, and the Mutant who just Awakened needs psychological intervention.

Familiarize yourself with your own power, otherwise, once you lose control of your emotions, it is likely to cause his power to lose control.

Moreover, the Red Queen also analyzed that this Mutant has mastered the calendar area of ​​electricity.

Once the electricity is released in this kind of space, the consequences will be very serious.


Finally, Max reacted and looked in Gwen's direction: "Spider-man, it's really you."

"definitely, true to false.

"What can i do for you?"

"Even you forget me? Spider-man, do you really not remember who I am?"

Being forgotten by the idol caused Max's mood to fluctuate slightly.

The electric current on his body also started to scurry around.

Gwen immediately comforted: "Hey, I remember you, but you are different now."

"So I need to think about it."

"Can you give me a hint? We met there, when?"

Seeing Spider-man talking to himself, Max's mood gradually calmed down.

"You helped me get my briefcase back this morning."

The Red Queen immediately searched for that kind of business card, and Gwen remembered it too.


"yes, it's me!"

"Spider-man, you recognize me."

Gwen knew that his mood had stabilized.

Going up immediately, the officer wanted to stop Gwen from getting close to Mutant.

Gwen exclaimed, "Don't worry, he's my friend."

"Maybe he's just having a little difficulty, let me talk to him, ok?"

George also changed his clothes and squeezed in.

Seeing Spider-man approaching that strange man actively, George felt a surge of trust in Spider-man for no reason.

Immediately gave an order to his headset: "All snipers don't do anything, wait for Spider-man to solve it."

With Gwen, a friendly neighbor, as a voucher.

The onlookers present also quieted down, but there were still

These flashing lights are blinking.

"Red Queen, hack into these people's devices and turn them off."

"Yes, Miss Gwen."

Soon Gwen came to Max, and Max had a look of grief: "Spider-man, I don't know what's wrong with me.


Max tried hard to explain his experience to Gwen.

The Red Queen also analyzed Max's Ability through the analysis function of the mask.

"Miss Gwen, the analysis has been completed."

"Just as we guessed."

Gwen knew that it had to be delayed until Qin and the others arrived, and only they had experience in dealing with this kind of mutant.

But At the moment is in the dark.

A sniper has targeted Gwen and Electro.

"Damn Mutant."

"Go to hell with me, and you too, Spider-man!"

There are many people with racial discrimination in the crowd.

Especially in the beautiful country.

When everything is considered free, it is easy to breed disaster.

Like this moment.

The sniper pulled the trigger regardless of George's orders.

The muzzle of the gun immediately burst into sparks, and the moment the bullet was ejected from the chamber.

Gwen sensed the danger.

She can dodge.

But the electric man in front of him couldn't dodge at all, so Gwen chose to launch the cobweb mark in desperation.

Hope it can deviate from the trajectory of the bullet.

"Gwen, leave it to me!"

"Sister Qin!"

When the bullet approached the two of them, it was blocked, as if there was an invisible air wall in front of their eyes.

The sound of the bullet being fired also attracted the attention of everyone present.

The sound of gunfire has the same fear as ptsd for all beautiful Chinese people.

For a while, the scene also panicked.

As a black man, Max felt even more flustered.

But when he saw that Spider-man was still there, he didn't seem very nervous.

George was furious: "Who fired the shot, did you not receive my order.

"Look, who is that?"

Qin fell slowly from the air and came to Gwen's body.

If he hadn't arrived in time just now, maybe the shot would have hurt Gwen.

Using the Psychic Ability, the shooter was found in Rome.

The man raised his hands in a daze.

George saw each other too.

Immediately, I lost my temper. This person is a well-known racist in the New York Police Department.

Just couldn't find any evidence of him.

My favorite thing to do is to stop black people when I see them on patrol.

He once nearly shot an innocent 15-year-old black kid if he hadn't been accompanied by colleagues.

"After closing the team, come to my office by yourself!"

"It's a mutant!"

In the crowd, someone immediately guessed Qin's identity.

Logan and the little rascal also walked over at this time, and they were relieved immediately.

Fortunately, there were no casualties at the scene.

Otherwise, all Mutants will be labeled again.

Compared to Spider-man, obviously X-Men is not so famous.

After all, the official side is deliberately suppressing X-Men's information, and the thing to be wary of is that too many people know about X-Men.

Instead, it changed the public's perception of Mutant.

Most people's perception of Mutant right now is unkind.

So when Qin appeared, the crowd began to discuss.

"Everyone, don't worry."

"They're all my friends."

With Spider-man doing the vouching, everyone calmed down.

After all this time, Spider-man has such a huge fan base.

The right to speak is naturally there.

Gwen held the loudspeaker and continued: "Don't worry everyone, the crisis has been resolved."

"Thanks to the help of the X-Men this time!"


This term is unfamiliar to most people, but if you are willing to look it up online.

You can still find some cobweb traces.

Under the Ability of Little Rascal and Jean, Max returned to his original state.

But also collapsed and fainted.

"The first time Awakening Ability, this is normal."

Jean explained to Gwen.

"Then what is he going to do now?"

Little Rascal stood up: "The transfer and absorption of Ability is only temporary, we are going to take him back to Xavier's School now.

"We are X-Men from Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys, we are Mutant, and we specialize in Mutant incidents."

The speaker in Gwen's hand was still on, so everything that Rascal said was broadcast.

These words are definitely taught by Professor X.

Coming out this time, the main focus is a high profile!

Logan blushed, and really didn't want to say this line: "Now, we're going to bring this Mutant back to the Xavier Academy for Gifted Boys."

"He will learn how to control his power in the future and become an X-Men who can help everyone.

shame, shame....

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