American Comics: Silver Super, Picked Up Gwen At The Beginning

Chapter 79 The Female Elf Savannah, The Shura Field Or The Sisterhood?

Xavier's School.

After this period of network fermentation, coupled with Professor X's water army strategy.

Now that X-Men includes Mutant, the stereotype of the public has been reversed to a certain extent.

"Qin, I am really grateful for your friend's help to be able to achieve this level."

Professor X is clear, if it is not because of the other party's network technology.

Their posts and trolls have long been wiped out.

Qin smiled faintly: "Professor, I brought your thanks for this matter."

"The next step is the second phase of the plan, which may take your friend Spider-man's job."

"Hope she doesn't mind.

"No, I've already told her."

Qin still remembered that when she told Gwen about this last time, Gwen was so happy that it was too late.

I can have a good rest.

"That's fine, then I'll call them all in and start working on the second phase.

Qin suddenly thought of another thing: "Then what about Magneto and the others?"

"Can't we be the ones who are always looking for favors?"


When Professor X heard this term for the first time, it felt quite fresh, but it did fit what they were doing now.

This word is also where Qin heard from Lynn.

Last time, Qin and Lynn talked about the Professor X plan, and Lynn said that Professor X's plan to build a good impression is good.

Finally, he is no longer the licking dog of the high-level officials in the beautiful country.

"Definitely, Eric will assist us there.

"They have the most contact with the underworld, so it is easier for them to collect some materials than us."

"With their help, we can easily eliminate a lot of criminal organizations."

"The inside should cooperate with the outside."

Qin was stunned for a while.

Can you still play like this?

It seems that my brain is still a little worse than Professor X's.

"Okay, now I'm going to call them all in for a meeting, definitely this time I also called a new friend.

"Next, our tasks must also cooperate with their work during the Seventh Five-Year Plan."

Professor X clapped his hands.

The door of the office opened immediately, and Qin's eyes moved when he saw someone coming.

Because he knew the person coming.

Gwen's father, George.

"Hello, Miss Jean Gray."

"I was busy with another case that day, so I left first."

George smiled and shook Jean's hand.

"Hello, Mr. Inge Stacy.

" are this?"

Qin's curious look made Professor X smile, and then explained: "After you left the New York Police Department last time, I found a chance to meet with Mr. George alone."

"And said something about the X-Men helping him take down criminal organizations.

"In return. Hope Mr. George has a nice word for the X-Men at the press conference."

I see.

But Qin still didn't understand, according to most of the information she got.

It basically shows that George does not like to cooperate with the so-called superhero, why did he agree to cooperate with Professor X this time?

Is it because of Gwen?

Jean immediately dismissed the idea.

Because George doesn't know Spider-man's true identity at all, the only reasonable explanation is after so many things.

George's heart has changed for superhero.

That's why the Professor X project went so smoothly.

"Mr. Lynn, Gwen."

"You two really helped Mutant a lot."

The difference is that Lynn helped directly or indirectly.

Gwen inadvertently changed George's view of superhero.

"Charles, I admire you for running this school by yourself for so many years.

George knew the existence of Xavier's School before.

But stepping into understanding is the first time.

When I came here, I had already visited Xavier's School. The more I visited, the more I was surprised by Xavier's school.

He asked himself, he can not do this level.

If I were a Mutant, I might find a place to live my life safely without thinking too much.

Just do your best to hide your identity.

The so-called nothing to do with oneself hangs high.

For George's compliment, Professor X just smiled: "Compared to Mr. George's protection of the safety of the entire New York City."

"I'm so insignificant."

While the two were humbled by each other, the other X-Men also arrived, except Logan.

Now Logan is over there with Mutant Brotherhood.

Acting as a bridge of relaxation between the forces on both sides.

Because Professor X has been saying that the first cooperation between the two Mutant forces will soon be ushered in.

As for when.

I don't know.

"Now that everyone is here, our meeting will officially begin..."

In Lynn Manor.

Lynn received another piece of good news, the Red Queen stood by Lynn's side.

Jin Bing's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Lynn, after our price regardless of the cost.

"The movie "Big Hero 6" has been filmed, and all the conditions for its release have been met."

"It can be released at any time."

Hearing what Jin Bing said, Lynn was also taken aback.

It really is money ability!

How long does it take for such a high-quality movie?

But before that, you still need to pass Lynn.

"Okay, you send the master tape first, and if there is no problem after I watch it, it will be released directly."

"What about the announcement?"

Jin Bing was stunned for a moment. If there is no publicity work in the early stage of a movie's release, where will the traffic come from?

Usually those movies have leaked resources, set leaks, heroine gossip and so on.

In fact, they are all publicity operations before the release.

After earning enough traffic, release the trailer.

This is the normal announcement process for movies.

So Jin Bing thinks that he has to be busy for a while before releasing it.

"Don't worry about the publicity, someone will help us publicize it.

"Just upload the master tape to me first."

"That's fine, Mr. Lynn."

"If there is anything you are not satisfied with, please tell me right away."

"I'll have someone modify it immediately."

Jin Bin's attitude, Tian Fen's humility.

After hanging up the phone, Lynn looked at the red queen: "Did it pass?"

"Yes, it has been uploaded to my server."

"The master can watch it anytime he wants."

"Let's go tonight, let's watch together when Jean and Gwen come back.

Lynn stood up from the recliner, stretched and said, "Sign in."

"Sign in successfully and get a magical elf egg."


Lynn immediately called up the properties of the elf egg to check.

[Magical Elf Egg: There is a cute elf inside, if it can be hatched, it will become your most loyal partner. 】

"It's still possible to sign something like this."

Lynn subconsciously thought, could it be some Pokemon or something.

After all, in his memory, only those little things fit this statement.

If a powerful Pokemon is hatched!

Hmm, interesting!


With a gesture of Lynn's hand, an egg with a Pink pattern appeared in front of her.

After looking at it curiously.

Lynn found that even her own clairvoyance could not see through the egg body.

"Red Empress, can you scan the composition of this thing?"

After scanning for a while, the Red Queen shook her head at Lynn: "No, materials that I have never seen before."

"There was no sign of life inside either."

"Just give me elf eggs, but there is no way to hatch them..."

Looking at the elf egg in front of her, Lynn also felt a little troubled.

I have no experience in hatching eggs myself.

"Try it."

"Hatching an egg is all about time and temperature."

Lynn raised her hands, and two mysterious magic circles appeared in each palm.

Left Hand Red, Petroleum Green.

"Fire magic, temperature rise."

"Time Magic‧Time Acceleration!"

The two kinds of magic are cast together, and the two kinds of light appear on the Pink egg and begin to alternate.

Gradually, the color of the egg body becomes darker and darker.

"it works!"

Lynn's face brightened: "Time Magic Triple Speed!"

The space around the egg body vibrates constantly.

After about ten minutes, there was a crisp "click" sound on the eggshell.

It's done!

Lynn immediately stopped the magic in her hand.

Curiously leaning over, even the Red Queen couldn't restrain the curiosity in her heart.

The cracks in the pink eggshell are becoming more and more obvious, click!

Suddenly, a White's slender arm pushed open the eggshell.


"Human hands?"

Lynn recognized it at a glance, it was a human hand, could it be a human-shaped elf?

Immediately afterwards, the eggshell cracked faster.

In just an instant, the entire eggshell turned into starlight with a click.

Then all the starlight quickly gathered and condensed into a human form.

This level of light may be dazzling to others, but Lynn is completely fine.

Take a good look inside.

"Damn, it's really an elf!"

Rao even Lynn couldn't help but let out a sound of wonder.

Because there are indeed elves in it, but not those elves in Pokemon.

It's the elves in "Lord of the Rings" who have human shapes but pointy ears.

And the one in front of him is a female elf.

Having just been born from an eggshell, the elf has little else on her body.

When the golden light on her body dissipated, the female elf opened her eyes.

Blue's pupils seemed to have starlight, looking at Lynn.

Lynn immediately sang: "Create magic!"

The elements converged, and a long white dress appeared on the female elf.

The female elf looked at her new clothes without any surprise on her face.

"Are you the one who summoned me into this world?"

"From now on, you are my master."

The female elf knelt on one knee, kneeling in front of Lynn as if discriminating.

"May I have your name?"

The female elf shook her head: "Our elves are bred on the tree of the goddess, and will only be born when called by the brave."

"We don't have a name, we have to be given by the master."

"If the master is dissatisfied with my existence, canceling the summoning now will allow me to return to the Goddess Tree, but once you give me my name, you will sign a contract..."

"To live and die with the master!"

Lynn rubbed her chin with one hand, and looked at the female elf in front of her with interest.

This is quite interesting.

Suddenly there was an elf servant.

"Then I'll give you a name."

Hearing that Lynn was willing to stay with her, the female elf lowered her head again: "Master please order people for me.


Lynn remembered the most beautiful elf cosplayer in her previous life, her name was Savannah.

Known all over the world for cosplaying a female elf.

But in the final analysis, COS is the genuine female elf in front of COS after all.

Whether it is temperament or appearance, she is more than a star and a half stronger than Savannah.


The elf muttered her name: "From now on, my name will be Savannah Lynn!"

The suffix indicates that it is Lynn's private elf.

Lynn doesn't care. He just reminded: "In front of outsiders, you can just call yourself Savannah.

"By the way, the elves should know magic, right?"

"Definitely, master."

Savannah stood up, White's magic circle began to appear in the palm, and a pure White bow slowly emerged from it.

Bow and arrow, the attack method of the elves.

The length of the bow is about half the height of Savannah, and Savannah draws the bow to the full.

Soon, an arrow composed of elements appeared on the bow.

Fire Elemental Magic. "

Lynn felt it all at once, the above was fire elemental magic.

call out!

The arrow soared into the sky and exploded in the air, like a gorgeous flaming meteor.

"Master, this is the attack magic that the elves are good at. I have two kinds of arrows, ice element and fire element."

Speaking of Savannah, an icicle began to emerge from the other hand.

That holy look, and a mouthful of a master.

There is a strong sense of contrast.

"Besides, there are auxiliary magic."

As he said that, a holy white light began to appear on Savannah's body, where the white light shone.

It made Lynn feel warm.

"Physical recovery."

"Very well, come back.

The magic, Lynn will too.

And the power is much stronger than Savannah, Savannah put away her bow.

The demeanor is extremely proud.

At least that's how it looks from the outside.

Only then did Savannah notice the red queen beside Lynn: "Who are you?"

"The Red Queen, the master's artificial intelligence."

Lynn nodded: "It can be regarded as my servant, and the two of you will be colleagues in the future.

Savannah nodded blankly.

Obviously, this world is a bit beyond her cognition.

At least she doesn't know what artificial intelligence is.

Lynn also saw it, maybe he was summoned from a world of brave men and demon kings.

That kind of era is basically the Shicongmu of the Middle Ages.

"Red Empress, take Savannah to visit the house, and explain the world to her by the way."

"Good master."

"Savannah, please follow me."

Since they all called Master Lynn, the Red Queen did not honor Savannah as Miss.

Instead, she called Savannah by her first name.

Savannah also quickly caught up with the red queen, and everything made her full of wonder.

Lynn shook her head amused.

Unexpectedly, there was an extra female elf in the family for no reason.

I don't know what Gwenqin will think after seeing it.


The time soon came to night.

Living room location.

Qin and Gwen looked at the new female elf in the family with great curiosity.

Under Lynn's flickering, the two women believed in the multi-universe theory, and there is indeed a multi-universe in this world.

So it's much easier to explain.

"So she's a female elf from the wizarding world?"

Gwen looked at Savannah in disbelief, and Savannah looked at Gwen fearlessly.

"Then can she do magic?"

"Definitely, we elves are the darlings of the earth, born with affinity with the natural elements.

Savannah opened her hands, a flame in one hand, and toilet water.

Two diametrically opposite forces appeared on her body in an incomparably harmonious form.

Jean and Gwen are different.

Qin knows that there is magic in this world, although she is surprised in her heart.

But still within the acceptable range.

But Gwen was different.

Gwen immediately said: "Savannah, you are really amazing."

"Can you teach me?"

"Can you teach her? Master."

Savannah looks at Lynn.

Jean and Gwen also looked at Lynn at this time.


Lynn pinched the bridge of her nose: "She called me master as soon as she came, and I can't help it."

"I see, Mr. Lynn, Gwen and I are not enough..."

Qin said with some yin and yang.

The Shura field is here!

Then he took Savannah's hand: "Come on, let's go back to the room, and you tell us what's going on.

"Tell me in detail."

Gwen also made a face at Lynn: "Liu, bastard..."

"Cheat the little girl!"


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