American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 131 132. Agent cram school

It's not that SHIELD really knows how to do it. Aaron didn't say that he was cheating. The time traveler is awesome and doesn't explain it. Those who want to hug him quickly come over and line up.

Whether it's S.H.I.E.L.D. or S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra, people may not necessarily take it seriously.

When doing things, all favorable and unfavorable conditions and possibilities must be taken into consideration.

Alon is not without countermeasures and precautions. After all, he is a cheater. He can divert his attention with just a few flirtations. But he really doesn’t have the heart to bother with this. Isn’t it better to upgrade with peace of mind? Director of the Universal Family Planning Office, King of Ring Snaps ·The purple sweet potato essence is stuck there, time waits for nothing!

Let’s go back to SHIELD’s agent level classification.

Level 5 agents, also known as "affiliated secrets" or "ordinary secrets" access rights, can learn most of SHIELD's general information and some special secrets allowed by superiors, usually specialized information.

Agents who do not go out in the field such as information analysis and scientific research and development are basically at this level. For example, the members of Coulson's "Skybus" in the future and the combination of nerdy scientist Fitz-Simmons are at this level.

Level 6~7 agents have high-level secret clearance access rights, which are only granted by top agents. The secrets they learn are often related to national security. Some senior scientific research and development personnel and medical staff also belong to this level.

For example, in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series, the short one with a lot of twin brothers, Aaron’s neighbor sister Barbara, and the future big-breasted Captain America’s neighbor girl, Peggy Carter’s niece Sharon Carter .

Double undercover Big Ward Brother-Grant Ward, Coulson's contemporary, Grant Ward's recruiter, Aegis Hydra's "clairvoyant" John Garrett, "Iron Rider" Melinda May, the bald man's world Negative teaching material, Jasper Sitwell, a young boy who has become bald but still not strong, etc.

This is the real backbone and backbone of S.H.I.E.L.D., the elite agents, most of whom are named but not the most well-known, are of this level.

In the setting of the movie universe, Black Widow and Hawkeye are also level 7 agents.

Level 8~9 agents have top-secret information authorization. Generally, level 8 agents must have served the organization for at least ten years. They have passed the rigorous assessment of Black Braised Egg and are truly included in the core of Black Braised Egg.

Agents of this level are extremely rare. Phil Coulson, Victoria Hand, and Hei Lu Dan's adjutant Maria Hill are all Hei Lu Dan's trustworthy candidates.

But there are exceptions. Unless they are very special talents or are working on extremely sensitive projects, they will be granted a temporary level 8 authority by Black Braised Egg. For example, in Captain America 2, when Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. jointly operate, Captain America will be granted Temporary senior agent authority.

Finally, there are level 10 agents. There are no special instructions. They have absolute core secrets. Only a few people known to have this authority.

In the movie universe, only Hei Luo Dan is level 10. In other works, Black Widow is the person Hei Luo Dan trusts most and is also given level 10 authority. There is also Shockwave Girl, who Hei Luo Dan regards as her own. He took over from Black Braised Egg and became the second-generation director, the third level 10 agent.

Aaron didn't know what the specific situation was here. He had only seen three famous ones, and not even a trace of the black braised eggs. The future is long.


Operations Department.

"Sir, First Class Agent Aaron Walker, come and report."

Aaron straightened his chest and raised his head, looking intently, and the person he was greeting was none other than Barbara Morse, who asked someone a while ago, "Do you want me to call you sir, little sister~".

This time I came to SHIELD headquarters again, two weeks later, and it was time for the "Agent Crash Course" to end.

The night Aaron officially joined the company, he was sent to SHIELD Academy to participate in a short-term intensive agent training.

Aaron works as usual during the day and attends "night school cramming classes" in his spare time. After taking enough courses, he can pass the assessment.

Along with Aaron, there were more than thirty strangers who participated in this training. They were all unfamiliar with and curious about SHIELD, and they also had some enthusiasm and ideals. Most of them had real opinions based on the situation. The idea of ​​joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

Relatively speaking, those who can be favored by SHIELD are all outstanding talents from all walks of life. They are young and promising, and have strong receptive and learning abilities. However, they don't have much communication. They are all new here, and they are not familiar with it. Being an agent always makes me a little nervous and defensive.

The requirements here are not high, they just teach some basic things. At each stage, it is a time for both parties to examine each other's intentions. SHIELD has no idea of ​​directly training elite agents.

How to disguise, how to perform various espionage missions, how to use various equipment, equipment, tools, props, vehicles, how to maintain a dual identity, psychological adjustment, etc. are all just basic lectures, and it is also a cram-like teaching.

I tell you all this, regardless of whether you accept it or not. That means someone is cheating and has a photographic memory. Otherwise, like a few people at the same time, you will be confused and confused.

This is also very practical knowledge and skills for Aaron, and Aaron is also studying hard.

Aaron learned a lot of knowledge, but didn't show much. Everyone is an elite. If you stand out from the crowd, it will be easy to attract attention. Except for what SHIELD already knows, such as fighting skills and shooting skills, the others are just relative. excellent.

Aaron's assessment results and instructors' evaluations are all among the best, but he is not the most special. His attitude towards SHIELD is not the most passionate and positive, and he is not the top priority for development. object.

During this period, Aaron also underwent a set of procedures such as blood drawings, photos, physical examinations, etc., which were much more complicated than ordinary hospital examinations. There were many equipment that Aaron could not recognize. They looked very high-end, and there were all kinds of equipment on his body and head. Colorful lights were shining back and forth. Fortunately, the system prompts were all primary lottery energy, and Aaron felt reassured.

Therefore, Aaron has no way of knowing the specific test reports, but the conclusion must be that Aaron is just a normal human being. His physical fitness may be too good and too healthy, but it does not exceed the normal range.

It's nothing more than the peak of human physical fitness. Even if it's one in a million, the base numbers are there, so it's not particularly unusual.

So a certain time-traveling wall hanging passed the test perfectly, and all the evaluations he received were excellent. His physical fitness is no less than that of a professional athlete, his excellent learning ability, and his potential as a super agent. He can be attracted and attracted. If he can truly join, then It can then be cultivated vigorously.

During the training period, not to mention that Aaron actually met some "acquaintances", such as the interns from the science department who were responsible for the physical examination project, the Fitz-Simmons combination, the little fresh meat Leo Padfitz and Huaji Girl Jemma Simmons, an outstanding scientist in the future.

And Jemma Simmons was one of the main reasons why Sitwell embarrassed the bald world. Sitwell accidentally caught him doing something, and after a disagreement, he shot the good-for-nothing little bald guy with a sleeping gun.

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