American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 167 168. The other eye, Eagle Eye

Hawkeye, whose real name is Joracol Mihawk, is the world's greatest swordsman and the king of the Shichibukai... Oh, I'm cheating, let's start over.

Hawkeye, whose real name is Clinton Francis Barton, also known as Clint, is an orphan who grew up in the circus. He learned a lot of good skills in the circus, and he can shoot accurately with a hundred steps.

Hawkeye studied under two circus seniors, "Swordsman" and "Trick Shot". As the name suggests, one progresses and the other ranges, so although Hawkeye in the movie has little chance to show off, his close combat ability is also It is quite impressive, and the big sword is very easy to play. In other works, it has been transformed into a superhero "ronin", putting down the bow and arrow and fighting with a single sword.

When Hawkeye was living in New York, he also had a character name. In New York back then, when people mentioned "Hawkeye" or "The World's Strongest Sniper" from the circus in Coney Island, Brooklyn, they were quite famous. .

This hero is very close to the hero template of DC’s “Sugar Brother” Green Arrow. They both have strong shooting skills and good melee combat abilities. They are especially good at using arrows of various technologies to fight. Even one of his images is Hooded beard, very similar to a certain version of Sugar Man.

Hawkeye has reached the limit of human physical strength. He can draw a bow with a pulling force of 250 pounds (an ordinary person with professional training can draw 75 pounds), can accurately hit the target with an arrow while moving at high speed, and has a spiritual sense far beyond that of ordinary people.

So this is a superhero with no superpowers but many practical skills. His combat power is quite good and he can compete with many people with ordinary superpowers.

Hawkeye started out as a street hero with a heart for justice, and was later recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although Hawkeye is a level 7 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., his situation is somewhat similar to Aaron's. He is a half-way monk and an art master.

Unlike his good partner and Avengers comrade Black Widow, who has received long-term professional training as an agent, Hawkeye became a super agent by relying on his strong personal strength.

By the way, in the story of the main Marvel universe, Hawkeye and Mockingbird are husband and wife. Yes, they are Aaron's neighbor sister Barbara.

However, from the way Aaron looked at Barbara when she talked about Hawkeye, it was probably just an ordinary relationship between colleagues. At most, he was a little admired because of Hawkeye's strength.

I don’t know if it’s not developed to that point yet, or if it’s following the setting of the movie universe, Hawkeye has another wife and three children.

Only Aaron, a time traveler who has mastered many messy spoiler gestures, feels that "Barbara and Hawkeye team up to do Bullseye" is a bit strange. Although Bullseye and Hawkeye have no direct connection, there are not many interaction, but in "Dark Reign", Bullseye became the Hawkeye of the "Dark Avengers" who replaced the "Avengers".

Unexpectedly, the two of them were going to fight each other this time, so apart from not knowing whether Aron could completely match up with the character information, there was no spoiler gesture to use this time.

Hell's Kitchen.

Rankelhoff Brothers Taxi \u0026 Transport.

This is a building that combines a factory and a three-story office building. Taxis and minivans are busy coming in and out here, all with the words "Rankhoff Brothers" as their logo.

Two streets away from here, there is a high-rise building. It is a 21-story unfinished building. Only the main structure has been built and there are no external walls.

"Sir, this is Barbara. We have arrived at the reserved location. Where are you? What's going on?"

On the 11th floor of the unfinished building, Barbara stood not far from the edge, looking in the direction of Rankhof's company, and asked into the earphones slightly out of breath, her voice very anxious.

Behind Barbara stood Aaron and Erica. The three of them were all fully armed as they were when they formed a group to clear the book. The Punisher was not there, and it was unknown where he had gone or whether he was here or not.

Aaron and the others were called here by Hawkeye on his own initiative. Just when they had discussed with the Punisher about using Bullseye and were about to report it to the bureau, Hawkeye came first.

Barbara frowned, her face was gloomy and her eyes were solemn, because at the agreed time and at the agreed place, there was no sign of the person who had agreed. There was only a damaged tablet computer thrown on the ground, a military type, 7-inch It has a display screen and a thick camouflage shock-proof protective shell. It is lighter and lighter than a brick, and there is also a handle that can be held directly.

What broke this tablet turned out to be a playing card!

Although it is not deep, it is stuck on the display screen.

However, when Barbara pulled out the playing cards with a little force, she discovered a clue. The playing cards were made of a special polymer organic synthetic material. She couldn't tell what the specific material was, but she could also feel that it was tougher than ordinary playing cards. It is more elastic, thinner but heavier, but even so, it is far from the hardness of metal. It is still quite exaggerated to be able to do this.

There are arrows and various bits and pieces scattered around, including playing cards, toothpicks, rings, nail files, everything. Some arrows and small objects are scattered on the ground, and some are nailed to the wall and On the pillar.

The marks on the ground are very messy, but they can still be distinguished as the footprints of two people.

Aaron's senses were extremely sharp and he could smell the faint smell of blood remaining in the air. He looked around but could not find any traces of blood.

You can tell without asking, it must be Hawkeye and Bullseye, staring at each other.

No wonder Aaron felt something was wrong when he arrived.

"Uh! I'm a little busy! Locate me!" In Barbara's ears, what came from the built-in wireless earphones was a very magnetic male voice. The voice was neither young nor calm, but a little passionate. It felt as if he was doing some strenuous exercise, and the rapid breathing made the male voice only speak one word after another.

Moreover, the male voice tried his best to lower his voice, as if he was whispering, but he was holding his breath when speaking, which was very weird, and then he only said a few words and stopped.

Barbara could still hear the occasional "whoosh" sound coming from the earphones, and the sound of objects hitting each other. Obviously, this violent movement did not contain the elements of love and harmony.

Barbara didn't ask any questions like "Are you okay?" to distract Hawkeye. His voice didn't sound like he was hurt. He calmed down a little bit with his heart hanging in his throat, clicked on the earphones twice and said: "Punisher, you heard me, look for Hawkeye and Bullseye! Aaron!"

At the same time, Barbara took out a tablet of the same model as the one that was damaged on the ground from her waist. After a few operations, she unfolded and enlarged a map. The white dot in the center of the screen was exactly where Barbara and the three of them were. Another red drop-shaped mark with a pointed tip appeared not far from the center of the screen.

Barbara held the computer in one hand and waved her other hand. Aaron stepped forward in response, holding the anchor launcher and aiming downstairs.

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