American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 185 187. Prelude to the decisive battle


A temporary base for the Hand.

The place where Gunsou was locked up just now.

Mrs. Gao and Suowanda stood next to the corpses of two masked swordsmen in black, their expressions not very good.

Gunsou was indeed prepared.

As analyzed by Aaron and others, when they were attacked by the Hand and made a strategic move, they met Madam Gao and Suowanda Lianjue. Knowing that there was no chance of any more luck, they could only endure it for the time being and were very cooperative. Capture, silently note down the route, listen to the sound and identify the location, distinguish the architectural structure and terrain here, and calmly wait for the opportunity.

Mrs. Gao pretended to show off for a while, then went to call Suowanda.

One thinks it should be handed over to Suowanda, and the other thinks that Mrs. Gao is still on trial. This is the moment when the two of them are most negligent, and it is also the best opportunity for Gunsou to escape.

Sure enough, Stickman seized the opportunity and successfully escaped, but he was still almost caught up by Suowanda, and for the time being, he was still lurking cautiously in the Hand's dragnet.

Suowanda asked: "The stick man was hit by the cane I threw, and he must have been seriously injured. I also sent manpower to track it, but the plan was disrupted. Gao, what should we do now?"

Gunsou escaped, and both Mrs. Gao and Suowanda felt that they had lost face. However, they could not say who was responsible. They could only say that the enemy was too cunning. The two had known each other for so many years and had no intention of blaming each other. They both knew that they should work together to deal with it. Variables are the most correct choice.

Mrs. Gao said in a deep voice: "No wait, leave a small team behind, take back the hands of the others who have been sent out, and make arrangements immediately to lure the other party over."

At this time, the old witch no longer cared about making excuses. She weighed the pros and cons and made her choice.

But unlike before, where he acted low-key and plotted secretly, this time he chose to be direct and forceful.

I don’t know if it’s because of my always low-key style, but after coming to New York, I was repeatedly frustrated. I felt that the feng shui here was not good and too evil, so I changed my mind.

Suowanda nodded in agreement: "Okay, Gao, let's work separately. I'll recall the manpower, and you'll contact the other party."

Suowanda had just arrived in New York not long ago, so she didn't feel the same way as Mrs. Gao, but just because she had just arrived, she didn't have many views and opinions, so she just let Mrs. Gao make the decision.

Mrs. Gao gave an order, and her men and horses moved quickly.


The Punisher's stronghold.

There are still familiar faces, Aaron, Punisher, Barbara and Erica.

This time there is also a Hawkeye who is here for the first time.

Seeing the increasing number of people, and the addition of another agent, the Punisher thought that this place should be used as a gathering place in the future, and all personal belongings should be moved.

In short, it can no longer be used as a safe house.

Everyone has just returned from the Zhenshun Society, and we were just about to plan how to rescue Gunsou and how to deal with the Hand Society.

But before the chair was warmed, Erica's cell phone rang again.

Erica hurriedly took it out and took a look. It was another unknown call. She looked at everyone and saw everyone nodded. She pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone. "Hey, who is it?"

"It's me, kid, we're on the phone again."

It was still the familiar old woman's voice.

It was still the familiar tone of voice.

It was completely inaudible. This was slightly different from when Madam Gao had just caught the stick man. Apparently Madam Gao had calmed down her emotions very well.

Erica heard the evil fire hitting her forehead, but she had to restrain her emotions. After listening to what the old witch said, she lowered her head slightly, gritted her teeth, but stretched her hand forward and handed it to Aaron's direction.

Aaron leaned forward slightly and said in a deep voice: "It's you, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

Then Mrs. Gao's voice came from the phone: "Young man, do you want to see Gunsou?"

When he came, Aaron's heart sank and he asked: "What conditions do you have, just tell me."

Mrs. Gao's voice on the phone said slowly: "If you want to see Gunsou, come to No. 29, West 129th Street, Harlem. Within an hour, no wait."

Aaron knew that place was an abandoned warehouse.

"Oh, by the way, Gunsou only wants to see you and his apprentice Erica, and doesn't want to be disturbed by other people. I respect the request of my old friend, young man, I hope you will do the same."

Aaron's expression condensed, but he still said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promise you, I'll see you then."

Mrs. Gao didn't say anything more and hung up the call directly.

Everyone expected that Mrs. Gao would have such a request, and everyone knew that this was impossible. To show off as a hero, she would just give it away stupidly.

The more the opponent uses Gunsou to coerce him, the less he can comply with the other party's requests. Otherwise, Gunsou will not be able to be saved at all. Only by surprise can Gunsou have a chance of survival.

Erica also understands this truth. Although she is very worried, she has no doubts. She also will not rush past it without thinking, knowing that it will not help the stickman.

It's just that Aaron always had a vague feeling, as if something was slightly wrong. Although there was nothing wrong with Mrs. Gao's words, Aaron just felt something that he couldn't explain.

As soon as I caught the person, I contacted this place right away. I always felt that this rhythm was a bit urgent.

I'm afraid that something unexpected happened, does Gunsou still have any trump cards, or is there really something unexpected?

It's just that the frontal confrontation between the carriage and the horse is about to be revealed. I don't have time, so I have to wait until then to see it.

Chelsea to Harlem was only a dozen minutes away by car, so while there was still some time, several people urgently discussed how to proceed.

Caught off guard, in a hurry, there was no time to prepare, and there was no good plan. I just had a general direction. Stickman must be rescued. Aaron and Erica couldn't go alone. The two took the lead, and the others were lying in wait. Next, apply for a quick reaction force from SHIELD and try to come over for support, that's all.

Everything else depends on improvisation and improvisation.

After one hour.

Two figures, a man and a woman, stood in front of the gate of the place designated by Mrs. Gao, fully armed.

The man is tall and mighty, while the woman is petite and nimble. They are Aaron and Erica who came as invited.

The two of them walked a certain distance to get here. They didn't see the vehicle, nor did they see the Punisher or anyone else.

Aaron glanced at Erica beside him and asked in a deep voice: "How are you, are you ready?"

Compared to before, Erica's expression and complexion had improved a lot. There was no longer a lot of hesitation, helplessness and fear, only endless anger and fighting spirit. She said in a deep voice: "Well, let's go."

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