American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 209 211. Infiltration operation, target Lao Yinbi

In fact, both Nick Fury and Obadiah Stane are using Tony Stark as a chicken that lays golden eggs.

It's just that Obadiah is tired of serving the chicken anymore and wants to kill the chicken to get the eggs.

Black Braised Egg, on the other hand, has a more sinister vision and a longer-term vision. He sees that Tony Stark's true potential is a fighting chicken among egg-laying roosters, and he wants to continue to be this nanny.

"...Yes, I know, Ye'sir, I will."

"48 hours."

Coulson waited for the other party to hang up the call and said to Aaron: "We first conducted the investigation cautiously using conventional means, but counting from the moment Tony Stark's accident occurred, more than 48 hours later, the Afghan side was still If there is no progress, we will resort to unconventional means and measures."

Don't worry, let alone forty-eight hours, even for one hundred and forty-eight hours, we won't find anyone in Afghanistan.

Just like what was said in "Ouchi Secret Agent Ling Ling Fa", the more you look for something, the less you can find it. When you don't want to look for it, it will appear on its own with a "pop".

As the saying goes, lucky people have their own destiny. If you wait a little longer, Tony Stark will suddenly appear on his own. Well, if nothing unexpected happens.

A certain time traveler who mastered the spoiler gesture thought so.

Then let's slow down a little, and don't push Obadiah's old Yinbi too hard to avoid any changes.

Two days later, night.

It has been more than 48 hours since Tony Stark was attacked by militants in Afghanistan and lost contact with the outside world.

Greater Los Angeles area, Malibu, a certain villa area.

A single-family villa covering an area of ​​about 2,500 square meters belongs to Obadiah Stani.

Compared with other single-family villas, it is either quiet or very noisy.

Although the place is also brightly lit, there are armed personnel in groups of three or two scattered everywhere, wearing tactical vests, listening earphones, and holding miniature submachine guns with the "Stark Industries" imprint.

Either standing sentry, or constantly moving around on patrol.

This style of painting does not look like the villa of a well-known entrepreneur in the United States, but more like the lair of a Mexican drug lord.

However, given that this star entrepreneur is engaged in the arms business, the second largest shareholder of Stark Group, and its largest shareholder has recently had trouble in the Middle East, it is not unreasonable to be in a state of turmoil here.

And looking at an agile black figure lurking in the shadows around the villa, this is really the right precaution...

This figure is tall and muscular, wearing a Kevlar tights, a tactical vest, tactical gloves, tactical boots, and a ski mask with only the eyes cut out, and goggles on top. It was wrapped tightly, and it was all black.

This man did not carry a weapon, but had a tactical bag hanging on his waist, and a tactical tablet on his left arm. What was displayed on the LCD screen was the floor plan of the villa.

The man looked towards the direction of the villa, stretched out his hand to his right ear, and spoke in a low voice. It was Aron's voice: "Alpha one (A1), This is Bravo two (Here is B2), I'm in position (I Already arrived at the designated location)."

"B2, this is A1, hold your position, B1, what's your progress?"

In Aaron's earphones, the voice of the good old Coulson, a middle-aged man with a hairline crisis, came. At this time, the good old man's amiable tone could not be heard at all, only concentration and seriousness.

Colson was also sitting in the bed of a van near the villa owned by Obadiah.

This car looks ordinary and unremarkable on the outside, but there is something special inside. It is actually a surveillance car of SHIELD.

The LCD screen Coulson was looking at also displayed Obadiah's villa. It was just an aerial view taken in real time by a drone, and it was an infrared thermal imaging grayscale digital image, with bright white figures, Very vivid against the black background.

About 30 seconds later, a voice came from Aaron and Coulson's headphones.

"A1, this is B1, I'm already in position."

The voice that answered Colson's question belonged to a young woman. It sounded slightly hoarse, very magnetic, and more rhythmic.

Coulson said in a deep voice: "Get ready for action, B1, on you."

"B1" The magnetic voice came from the earphones: "Roger, three, two, one."

As soon as the word "one" was spoken, the lights in the villa suddenly dimmed, but the light returned immediately.

Just at this moment, there was a slight commotion inside the villa. The moment the lights went out, Aaron sprang out like an agile panther and rushed towards the villa at the speed of a professional athlete sprinting 100 meters.

But in an instant, Aaron rushed to the wall of the villa, put a little force on his feet, jumped up immediately, touched the wall with his toes, used the force to jump, stretched out his hand to catch the upper edge of the wall that was more than three meters high, and with a little force, he relaxed He crossed sideways and landed quietly.

A set of movements flowed like clouds and flowing water, and Aaron himself nodded secretly.

This acting skill has improved again.

The agility attribute of 25.8 points is ten times more than the limit of human physical ability. Let alone three meters, thirteen meters does not require such effort.

I don't have any acting skills, how can I be so natural and not artificial?

Aaron's figure didn't pause, and immediately sprang out again, using the cover of the night and shrubs and trees to bypass the patrolling personnel and quickly approach the main building of the villa.

"B2, take cover, your three o'clock position, patrol officer."

Hearing Coulson's reminder coming from the earphones, Aaron kept walking, but turned around and turned behind a bush to block his own breath. It was as if he had turned into a stubborn stone. If you didn't look carefully, you would subconsciously notice it. ignored.

Aaron waited for the patrol to pass by, thinking that it was a pity that this was not a "unparalleled stealth" game. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to such trouble, and he could just go through it with "Kang's Stealth Method".

Or maybe it's like a super agent named after a snake, hiding in a cardboard box so others can't find him.

This time when I come to Obadiah to find evidence, I must not trigger the old Yinbi's vigilance, otherwise Tony Stark's situation may be even more unfavorable.

This stealth mission will be considered a failure as long as it is discovered.

It's equivalent to the hardcore difficulty level in the game, the kind where you'll die in the light of day.

"Okay, B2, you can continue."

In this way, following Coulson's prompts, Aaron successfully sneaked into the main building of the villa.

"A1, this is B2, we are in position again, preparing for the second phase of the mission." Aaron found a secret place and whispered into the earphones.

"Copy that, stay put, B1?"

"In progress." The magnetic young lady's voice only said this, and then nothing more happened.

The waiting time was a little longer this time. After about 1 minute, the young lady's voice came again: "A1, this is B1, it's already in place, ready to cover the camera signal."

"Ready for action, B1, on you."

"Three, two, one, B2, go!"

"Go, go, go!"

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