American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 211 213. The female benefactor who tests the Dharma is a real match for Lao Yinbi

If Zhuge is so wise, he is close to a demon.

So the voluptuous young lady with wavy red hair in front of Aron, based on her appearance and temperament alone, can be compared to the female benefactor who constantly trained Elder Tang on the journey to the west.

It's just that when Aaron looked at the red-haired young lady, his eyes were clear and impartial, with just a little appreciation and curiosity.

Aaron's reaction actually made the red-haired lady more curious about Aaron, and there was something inexplicable in that sultry look in his eyes.

And a certain veteran time traveler who once wrestled with many young ladies to exercise could tell at a glance that this was a carnivorous look.

Aaron didn't seem to be too interested in this young lady. It wasn't because Aaron's standards were too high or he was tired of aesthetics after seeing too many things. The reason why he didn't even appreciate this girl too much was because he knew that this celebrity What's going on with Miss Fa?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. still have the same image, temperament, and extremely powerful fighting ability. If he is not inferior to the "childhood idol" Punisher, who is this person? Do you still need to ask?

"Agent Romanov, thanks to you this time, otherwise the mission would be in trouble."

"It's okay, you did a good job, and just call me Natasha."

"Okay, Natasha." Aaron shamelessly gave in to the sultry eyes of the voluptuous red-haired girl.

It's one more than the big one. It's so bad that it can't be stopped.

"I've heard Clint mention you before, and Coulson also said good things about you. I was a little skeptical at first, but now that I've met..."


This sentence was not asked by Aaron, but by the nice middle-aged man with a hairline crisis who was driving in front of him.

"Not bad, but further verification is needed." Miss Natasha raised the corners of her mouth slightly and gave Aaron a flirtatious look.

"Ha, hehe... Okay, I will try my best." Facing the two people's teasing, Aaron could only laugh twice, but he didn't care. He was just happy that the task was successfully completed and he just told a few jokes. .

Perhaps the addition of a certain time traveler caused some unknown variables. The person who came to support Aaron and Coulson this time was the famous super agent who will officially appear in "Iron Man 2" - — "Black Widow" Natasha Romanoff.

Black widow, phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, order Araneidae, family Araneidae, genus Arachnid. Its name comes from the fact that the female spider eats the male spider after mating. It is a spider with strong neurotoxin and is currently the most common species. The most venomous of all spider species.

When talking about a person, I have to say this first because this analogy is appropriate.

This man lives up to his name.

Natasha Romanov, whose real name is Natalia Elianovna Romanova, was born in Stalingrad, the former Soviet Union in 1928. She was only 8 years younger than the busty Captain America and was a war orphan during World War II. , was recruited by the Soviet spy organization "Leviathan" since he was a child and trained to become an elite agent.

And he underwent genetic modification in the Soviet Union's secret facility "Red Room", which greatly slowed down his aging rate, maintained his peak condition forever, and enhanced his immune system and ability to resist attacks, reaching the limit of human physical fitness.

Coupled with years of various physical and mental training, her cunning and cunning methods, her all-consuming style, and her powerful combat power, she is worthy of the name of the deadliest Black Widow.

Later, because she still had conscience and justice in her heart, she was tired of the war, disgusted with the various methods of agents, and the Soviet Union who instigated her to use such methods. She was betrayed by Nick Fury and defected to the tip of the rice cooked in oil. , became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

From then on, I lived a truly meaningful life of breathing free air, watching the bigger and rounder rice moon, guarding world peace, and executing the justice in my heart.

It can be said to be a very mainstream Western thought setting.

This man has been engaged in espionage activities since World War II. During World War II, he met Wolverine and the busty Captain America. During the Cold War, he fought against Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier. He has been active until now and will continue to be active in the future until the future of the universe. Director Zi from the office went to Earth to snap his fingers, and this person even beat the 50% chance.

This enchanting lady with wavy red hair looks still in her prime, but she is actually 80 years old this year.

Before Alon traveled through time, none of his grandparents were 80 years old. The eldest was my grandfather, who was ninety-nine in his seventies, one year younger than this one.

So it makes sense for Aaron to act so well-behaved. I don't know if it's okay, but knowing the truth, I always feel that there is a psychological generation gap.

On the contrary, it was a red-haired and wavy girl from a carnivorous family who was very interested in Aaron.

Diet, men and women, food, sex, and sex.

In the original setting, Black Widow is a famous Marvel stamp collector. Unlike in the movie, she only has some ambiguity and affection with Dr. Hulk Bruce Banner. In other works, this Black Widow is very romantic and has interacted with many people. Superheroes have all been lovers, or fell in love overnight.

Aaron and Black Widow had just met for the first time, and he didn't know whether the famous Black Widow really wanted to exchange his wrestling experience with him, or was just a test for some purpose.

After all, this can fool the God of Mischief and Trickery.

All in all, it’s a stay-at-home order.

SHIELD, California branch, an information analysis and processing room.


The middle-aged hairline, wavy red hair, and the time traveler hanging on the wall are all staring at a display screen, weapons instructions, weapons orders, secret agreements, and documents are being opened one after another.

When a short video was decrypted, a group of armed men with turbans wrapped around their heads were shown pinning a ragged, miserable middle-aged white man on a chair to record the video.

Then a voice said: "You didn't tell us that the person you hired us to assassinate was the one and only Tony Stark, so as you can see, Obadiah Stanislav, you will be responsible for your fraud." Pay dearly for lies!"

Coulson, who had been worried ever since Tony Stark was attacked and disappeared, couldn't eat or sleep, and even had his hairline moved back at least 1 millimeter, finally couldn't help but shout.

Sure enough, we hit the jackpot! Although a bit miserable, Tony Stark is still alive!

Just stay alive!

And it more solidly demonstrates Obadiah Stanislav’s crimes!

"What's the next step, Coulson?" Black Widow Natasha has experienced too many hardships, snow, rain, wind and frost, and is more able to hold her breath. She calmed down her emotions faster than Coulson and asked. road.

"...I'll report the situation to the director first."

Coulson wanted to answer subconsciously and immediately arrest Obadiah or something. Then he realized that he was a little emotional. This matter was of great importance. If he was not careful, he might not be able to deal with it. If something unexpected happens, it's better to ask the director for instructions first.

It also allowed Mr. Black Braised Danju, who was very concerned about the whole matter, to be informed of the situation here in time.

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