American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 286 287. Arrest operation (Wish all book friends good luck in the Year of the Pig)

Virginia, outside of Culver University.

Aaron was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, standing next to a tactical command vehicle, with a business smile imitating a middle-aged good man with a hairline crisis, waiting for the man in front of him who was wearing camouflage training uniforms and had three The starry white-haired old man looked at a document in his hand.

The document states that Aaron will serve as a special observer and follow the entire operation to capture Dr. Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, and is qualified to participate in the operation, allowing the military to cooperate.

That is the so-called supervisory army.

After reading the document, the three-star general looked at Aaron as if he were a class enemy. He did not hide the unhappiness on his face at all, and said in a deep voice: "Your SHIELD only needs to provide information support. You don't need to do anything extra." ."

"The order signed by the Ministry of National Defense, General Ross, I am also following the order." Aaron still didn't mean to be annoyed at all. He smiled and looked at the old man in front of him who was very iron-blooded and had too many thoughts and desires hidden. He felt calm. He said, quite like a certain middle-aged hairline.

As for whether he has a smile on his face and a muffled feeling in his heart, it is not enough for outsiders to tell.

This is the task that Black Braised Egg has given to Aron, to assist the military in the hunt for Dr. Banner.

It's just that in Hei Lu Dan's words, he didn't attach much importance to the success of this mission. Instead, he emphasized the danger of this operation. Regarding the potential threat to the public, we must grasp the principle and put the public interest first in everything.

That means keeping an eye on the military and reporting them promptly if you see them doing anything outrageous.

For example, using large-scale force to confront the Hulk or something.

Anyway, they are just looking for trouble, snitching and holding back. Don't let the military really get the Hulk. This one is reserved by Black Braised Egg. You can let the military come first, but you must make sure that the military doesn't get it.

In short, Aaron came here as a villain this time.

This can be regarded as an indecent act. The military had a hand in the Dr. Lizard incident. In the case of the Hulk, the black braised eggs in turn caused trouble for the military.

"Blonsky!" General Ross couldn't argue with Aaron, a small agent. He just glared at Aaron and went about his own business, treating Aaron as an eyesore.

Aaron wasn't bothered either, he still had a smile on his face, making it impossible to see any thoughts.

But when a short, sturdy middle-aged soldier who only reached Aaron's chest came over, Aaron couldn't help but take a second look.

According to Aaron's perception, this Emil Blonsky's powerful life breath is at least several times that of ordinary people, and there is a sense of disharmony, which is somewhat similar to Dr. Lizard's initial chaotic thinking state. But it's much weaker than Dr. Lizard, and not as chaotic.

Aaron guessed that Bronsky should have been injected with the military's super soldier serum formula.

Since the birth of the big-breasted Captain America, the military has been trying to use Captain America's blood to replicate the super soldier serum that has lost its formula and last potion, and it is not just the military, but also the Soviet spy organizations Leviathan and Hydra. , and even the Osborne Group, are all trying to copy the miracle of Captain America’s life.

This means that Captain America’s super serum is not biochemical. Otherwise, if it is not fully protected, an umbrella company will be established to stage a biochemical crisis in Marvel every minute.

It's just that all these forces just produced extremely flawed products. The Soviet Winter Soldier would be extremely violent and bloodthirsty and needed to be brainwashed into a puppet who only knew how to obey orders. Osborn's super soldier potion gave birth to the Green Goblin.

The military asked Dr. Banner to conduct further experiments with gamma rays, and the extremely powerful Hulk was born.

Blonsky is now in the early stages of the process of creating the Hulk. He was only injected with the military version of the super soldier serum, but did not pass special gamma ray irradiation because there was no experimental data from Dr. Banner.

To Aaron's observation, Bronski, a veteran who had spent his entire life fighting, had no reaction. Perhaps he was immersed in the joy of becoming stronger at this time and just wanted to quickly regain his place with the green monster.

Led by General Ross's combat command armored vehicle and several armored jeeps, a group of soldiers marched toward the campus in a mighty manner.

He had no intention of clearing the place, and he didn't know how Ross got into the three-star general. Could it be that he was just reckless and worked hard to achieve miracles?

"Yes, Director, I understand." Aron was also sitting in General Ross's car. He didn't care about the people in the car at all. He looked at him with a cold look that was incompatible with his painting style and blatantly gave him black braised eggs. General Ross is very tired of snitching.

"General, SHIELD is working hard to clear the area and needs more time." Aaron said to General Ross with a smile.

"No need, my soldiers will fight quickly, just clear the green space in the rest area." General Ross said confidently with a wave of his hand.

"I see...Hey, Director, it's me, um, General Ross, he said..."

General Ross wondered where such a top-notch thing came from, so that the bastard Nick Fury came to disgust me...

The old white people who were born before World War II may not say anything with their mouths, but what they say in their hearts will be as harsh as possible.

"Sir, Bronsky took his team to start the operation in advance!" General Ross's adjutant suddenly said.

"What! Who told him to act!" General Ross grabbed the intercom and almost roared, "Blonsky! What's going on!"

"Sir, the target has been found and the pursuit is underway."

"Don't make contact with the target! It's not the time yet! Proceed as planned! Guide the target to the designated position!" General Ross roared directly.

"Hey, Director, it's me, um, General Ross... yes, that's the former British Royal Marines mercenary..." A certain time-traveler began to blatantly talk nonsense again.

If you make any more trouble, I'll kick you down! General Ross gave Aaron another hard look.

Aaron still smiled, it's okay if you're not happy.

"Attention everyone, the operation has begun, moving forward at full speed! ...What's going on!"

General Ross was issuing an order when he was suddenly stopped and staggered. A certain smiling and generous time traveler showed his style and helped General Ross to prevent the sixty-year-old old man from slipping away. Old waist.

However, the old man didn't appreciate it either. He straightened his clothes and didn't even look at Aaron.

Aaron had a smile on his face, but in his heart...

Then I heard a female voice shouting anxiously outside: "Stop! I know you are in here, I beg you to stop, please!"

At the end of the shouting, it turned into whining and pleading.

"Sir?" General Ross's adjutant asked.

General Ross had a million words in his heart, and he didn’t know how to express them. These terrible things happened one after another, and they never stopped for a minute!

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