American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 292 293. Banner’s whereabouts, second pursuit (third update, please support, thank you)

A combat conference room at a military base in Virginia.

It was full of people, most of them in military uniforms, but there were also many in suits and ties like Aaron. Some of their suits had the American Empire flag badge pinned to their collar, and some had FBI and HDS logos on their chests. Badge.

It's just that Super Soldier Blonsky, who has been resurrected with full health and full health, is not here.

"General, as per your request, the FBI has monitored Dr. Ross's communication equipment and network accounts to prevent Dr. Banner from contacting her. Police in various places have also issued BOLOs and set up checkpoints and checkpoints. As long as there is news We will know as soon as possible.”

General Ross listened to his adjutant's report, thought for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Banner will not be discovered so easily. He has not been discovered for five years before. Except for ordinary means, we More resources are needed.”

General Ross said, turning to look at Aaron.

Aaron nodded and said: "SHIELD will fully cooperate. We have connected the network of this military base. Everyone will know the news as soon as possible."

Hearing this answer, General Ross nodded slightly. After so many days, this kid had such a pleasant word. General Ross then said: "Keep an eye on the 'Mr. Lan' who has been in contact with Banner. Banner will definitely contact him again, this is our best chance to find Banner."

After finishing the meeting, Aaron suddenly received a call from an unknown number. After the call was answered, he heard the voice of a strange middle-aged man on the receiver saying: "Hello, this is Stern. Is this Stephen Z?" Sir?"

"Sorry, I'm not, you made the wrong call." Aaron's heart moved and he said calmly on the surface.

"Really? I'm sorry."

After the other person apologized, he immediately hung up the call. Aaron took back his phone, suddenly changed direction, and walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as Aaron walked into the bathroom, he saw Bronski, dressed in training uniform, washing his face in the sink.

Aaron smiled and nodded to Bronsky. Bronsky was not annoyed and just glanced at him indifferently, as if he didn't notice anything was wrong with Bronsky at all.

Not to mention that this guy's pale face is mixed with an unhealthy deep red, his eyes are bloodshot, and his forehead is sweating. He looks like he is seriously ill, but his whole body is tense, as if he is full of energy and has inexhaustible energy. Power looks so weird and contradictory.

In Aaron's perception, Bronski's life breath became more chaotic and mixed, with irrepressible anger, confusion, manic thoughts, and even murderous intentions.

Moreover, there is a violent power contained in his body. Aaron secretly compared in his mind that this guy's physical fitness is no worse than before he drew the intermediate character card.

Is this another injection of the military's super soldier serum? He looked a little confused.

Although compared with the original Super Soldier Serum of the big-breasted American team, the military version does not have the extreme feature of "good guys are better and bad guys are worse", nor does it have Howard Stark's set of processes, so it is not an optimization, but It is weakened and simplified, that is, the strengthening effect, and the psychological impact are much worse than the original version.

It only makes the psychological impact smaller, but if there are multiple overdoses, the military speculates that the impact will be greater.

Because no one survives an overdose.

No one can even resist the psychological impact of the serum during the first injection like Bronski.

Blonsky is actually a special case with extraordinary talents. Otherwise, why would General Ross have already mastered the military version of the serum in the original play, but only he can become an abomination?

When Aaron left the bathroom, Bronsky was still staring at the mirror in a daze. When Bronsky also left, no one else had entered the bathroom since Aaron came in, but another one walked out of a cubicle. A soldier wearing a training uniform and an unremarkable face came.

The soldier kept walking and walked out of the military base with ease. Then he found a secluded place and disappeared with a flash of light.

"Hey, it's me, Mr. Z. I'm looking for Stern...well, Raven, it's me, how's the situation?" The person who spoke was the inconspicuous soldier just now, dressed in casual clothes, not far from the military base. Somewhere in a deserted town, I was making a call with a burner phone.

"With the help of your subordinate, it has been cleaned up." Mystique's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

"Well, tie up the finishing touches and make sure not to miss anything." The popular-faced soldier said solemnly.

"I understand, don't worry and leave it to us."

The popular face said a few more words to Mystique, hung up the call, then crushed the disposable phone to pieces, then formed a seal with both hands, and with a "bang" sound, it disappeared into a puff of smoke.

At the same time that the public face disappeared, Aaron, who was in a certain information processing room at the military base, cooperating with General Ross's subordinates to search for the whereabouts of Dr. Banner, suddenly froze for a moment with a smile, but the corners of his mouth suddenly turned upward again. cocked.

At this moment, General Ross's adjutant suddenly stood up and trotted away.

Aaron's heart moved, so he took out his mobile phone and connected to SHIELD's internal network. After one operation, he frowned, got up and left quickly.

Dr. Bruce Banner didn't know the reason, maybe he was still holding on to a bit of luck, but he found a place and sent an email to Mr. Blue in the name of Mr. Green, telling him that the data had been accidentally destroyed, and could we discuss it again? Let’s look at other ways.

This is why General Ross was still livid even after he obtained the position of Dr. Banner and the identity of Mr. Lan.

All the experimental data for the birth of the Hulk were destroyed. Now only Dr. Bruce Banner, a living person, holds the most information.

General Ross decided not to wait any longer, and just sent a small team to find Mr. Blue, Dr. Samuel Stern, and then began to assemble a large force and headed towards the location of Dr. Banner, a border town on the border between the United States and Canada. .

Aaron naturally followed him, but he sighed secretly in his heart. After many calculations, he still failed to account for all the variables.

It doesn't matter to Dr. Stern. Let Mystique and the shadow clone control him first, clear out all the items and information, and then hypnotize Dr. Stern. Just go overseas to avoid the limelight for a while. .

But on Dr. Banner's side, a war is probably inevitable, and it's still in a town. Although it's not New York, it's led by himself, so it's hard to ignore it.

It’s hard to say that I have to do it again.

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