American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 422 423. If you offend a woman, you might as well offend the abbot.

There was a burst of space fluctuations, a moment of black cracks, and a red-skinned humanoid monster in a suit and leather shoes, with a long tail sticking out from behind.

It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao have arrived.

Red Devil Azaze, a very strange mutant.

The ability is to "become a devil".

That is, he has this form, and has the ability to control super physical strength, vitality, mental power, emit energy, survive in a specific alternate dimension, and travel through this dimension to the main plane.

Basically, he is the prototype of Satan in many myths and legends.

The Red Devil is a member of a chess club called the Hellfire Club...that mutant force.

This is an organization whose goal is to "achieve influence in human society."

They are a group of mutant gangsters who are willing to abide by the game rules of human society.

Organizational managers are named after chess pieces, black and white, king, queen, bishop, rook.

The Black King has the greatest power.

The Red Devil is a subordinate of Sebastian Shaw, the Black King.

Aaron doesn't know if Sebastian Shaw is here anymore. After all, in X-Men: First Class, this guy was a loser and was swiped by Lao Wan, but there's no guarantee that this is the setting here.

Just as he was talking about the Red Devil with Mystique, this guy suddenly appeared.

Fate, it’s so wonderful.

"Mystique, long time no see...Why are you looking like this? Are you feeling unwell?" The red devil bowed slightly and said hello to Mystique in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Azaze..." Mystique's voice was trembling like a volcano about to erupt.

"Don't really kill yourself, always ask him why he came here." Aron, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, reminded him. This man definitely didn't come to his door in a hurry.

"Who are you?" The red devil also sees people through his nostrils. How dare you sit still when the uncle is here? How shameless are you?

It is also a common practice for mutants to either look at people with their nostrils or not dare to look at them.

"Mystique, I have something to ask you... ugh!"

The Red Devil actually noticed that Mystique's mood was a little off, so he was more careful. He saw that Mystique started to fight at the slightest disagreement, and his eyes blurred. Mystique had already rushed in front of him, and her right fist was wrapped around her, making the air disappear. There was a blur of black aura, and a punch came!

The red devil was shocked and was about to escape into a different space!

But another surprise! There was a chaos in the spatial coordinates, and he failed to teleport!

After the "Coordinate Shift", Aaron added Li Min's "Secret Teleportation" in Diablo 3, which made him more sensitive to spatial fluctuations and easily interrupted the Red Devil's teleportation process.

In an instant, a fast, hard, and heavy fist easily broke through his defense. The Red Devil was punched in the abdomen, and he immediately retched. The severe pain rushed into his brain, dispersing his uncertainty, but making him even more panicked!

Why can't I send it? ? Why is Mystique, who was once so vulnerable, now so powerful that she can't resist! ?

But before he had time to think about it, in an instant, there was a storm of attacks, and Mystique's fists almost turned into phantoms, and she beat him wildly!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Xia Ji's bata was like a violent storm, containing endless anger. Every inch of the red devil's head and body received strong blows, and was almost drowned by the seemingly endless pain!

When I want to teleport, the space is constantly disturbed. When I want to dodge, I am completely beaten by Mystique.

The Red Devil has never suffered this crime as long as he can remember!

It wasn't until he was about to pass out that he heard the male voice say: "It's almost done. If you hit me again, you'll faint and you won't know the pain anymore."

It’s so close! What a damn question that almost killed me! ?

"Cough, cough, cough!" The red devil was lying on the ground like mud, with bumps and dents on his body, his arms, legs, hands and feet joints were unnaturally twisted, his face was swollen like a rotten peach, he was coughing violently, bringing out dots of bright red, and he even vomited. Several broken teeth.

Like a rag doll being ravaged by a naughty child, pull it out hard, push it out hard, or pull it out and push it out for short.

Even though he is coughing, he still seems to be quite energetic. His vitality and recovery power are not bad either.

"Ahem! Who are you?" Seeing Mystique holding back her anger and glaring at him, but still carrying out orders and prohibitions, the Red Devil also understood that this person was not Mystique's little brother, but He is the one who can make the decision. Maybe Mystique's transformations were all done by him.

"Can change... Huh!" Aaron was about to ask Mystique when he suddenly let out a soft snort.

"Ah!" The red devil followed with blood spurting from his ears, covering his ears and wailing in pain.

But this guy still wants to be clever and teleport.

"Forget it, you'd better knock him out first." Aron waved his hand angrily.


The Red Devil looked at Mystique, who was walking toward him with clenched fists and a ferocious smile, and screamed.

Just like what this scum did to Mystique more than fifty years ago, Mystique screamed helplessly.

"How about it? Can I use the Red Devil's ability?" Aaron asked curiously as he watched Mystique transform into the Red Devil.

"No, I can feel the existence of that alien space, but I can't enter it yet." Although Mystique was not reluctant at all, she still looked at the hand that turned into red claws with disgust.

"Then I have to save his life for the time being. I need to study that alien space."

"...I know, it's okay to keep him alive. I have plenty of means to slowly control him."

Mystique stared at the red devil hatefully, gnashing her teeth, and Aaron couldn't help but mourn for a second for this guy. He offended a woman and fell into her hands. Hey...

Since Mystique and the Red Devil are inextricably linked, even though the Red Devil's abilities are easy to use, Aaron has no idea of ​​using them for his own use.

Give the Red Devil illusion control, clean out all the things, and throw them to Mystique after use. It can be regarded as repaying the other in the same way.

So he was polite instead. For the first time since the Red Devil appeared, Aaron stood up from the sofa and walked to the Red Devil like a dead dog in a friendly manner.

Even if this guy passed out, his body was recovering rapidly. His face was covered in blood, but the redness and swelling had subsided, his wounds had healed, and his body's joints were restoring themselves.

"Are you interested?" Aaron waved angrily: "Mystique."

"Wrong, I was wrong, sorry, I'm already awake!"

The name Mystique was like a curse. As soon as Aaron thought about it, the red devil who was pretending to be dizzy immediately fell to his knees.

"...Tell me, why are you looking for Mystique?"

"Yes, it's the Black King's invitation..." The red devil, who was beaten again, was completely honest.

"Sebastian Xiao? What does that old guy want with me?" After beating the red devil twice, Mystique's anger subsided slightly.

"It's, it's about... the Hellfire Club, the Black Queen..." The Red Devil glanced at Aaron a little hesitantly, but he saw a pair of scarlet eyes, with black four-cornered windmills inside that kept turning.

"...That's it, Mystique..." Aaron hesitated a little as he spoke. He was really interested in what the red devil said.

"My lord, your will comes first, don't worry about what I think." Mystique said directly without any hesitation. Not to mention just using the Red Devil, as long as she and the Red Devil are not paired up again, they can form a team. It’s okay to be weird.

"Oh, I have wronged you for the time being. I will give you an explanation afterwards."

P.S: It’s holiday, let’s get going at midnight!

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