American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 434 435. New Neighbor II, Susan’s Gossip

Susan Storm was just going for a regular morning run on an ordinary weekend.

But I met a very interesting new neighbor.

And coincidentally, this neighbor's little girlfriend also had a relationship with her.

I originally wanted to ask Gwen and Aaron about gossip, such as how they met, how they lived here, and what Aaron did.

But before we even talked for a few words, Aaron said, "I heard about a man named Reed Richards," which aroused feelings that had been sealed for a long time.

It was even gossiped about by two new neighbors.

Anyway, Susan's mind was already aroused, so she simply opened up her chat box, which would make her feel more comfortable.

Aaron and Gwen also found out that Reed Richards was Susan's college boyfriend and they were in the same grade.

Then a year later, Reed graduated, took postgraduate entrance examinations, and studied for a Ph.D., becoming addicted to learning and scientific research and unable to extricate himself.

Bookworms are quite cute when we first get along with each other. But once we get along with each other for a long time, when we don’t need him to be cute but need him to be considerate, romantic, and caring, he will still be like “girlfriend or something, it’s too much of a delay in studying.” This kind of person looks stupidly cute to outsiders, but in the eyes of my girlfriend, it is hateful.

Susan, on the other hand, really has true feelings for Reed. She is not young and impulsive, and she is not the type to break up just for fun.

It was precisely because of this that Reed's repeated neglect made her even more sad, and in the end, her fate was over.

Reed was exhausted by his strength.

And Reed finally discovered that Susan was really a gift from God. Without Susan, he would have been alone, but it was too late.

"I'm sorry that you have to listen to so many complaints." Susan was aroused and unknowingly talked about a lot of her old past. She felt a little more comfortable, but also a little embarrassed.

"Aaron, Gwen, we are back!"

Before the two of them could say a word of comfort or anything, they were interrupted by Mindy's yelling.

"Aaron, hurry up, you promised to teach us to fuck you until you're hungry! Oh, we have guests." Mindy and Laura, two big girls, held hands and ran into the hall, only to find that there was a guest. A big sister I don’t know.

Because Aron wanted to teach Laura how to control her own power, he wanted to teach her some outer kung fu to lay the foundation. Mindy, the great loli, found out about this and started clamoring to learn it. Mindy has always been envious of her. Aaron has been secretly thinking about his skills.

Susan was a little confused about the sudden appearance of two big girls. Are these girls so big? Kuoyi... No, no, she's my sister, right?

"This is our neighbor, Susan. This is Laura, the child of a distant relative of mine who is temporarily living with us. This is her good friend Mindy."

"Haha, hello, hello." Susan laughed awkwardly.

But this also resolved the embarrassment very well. Susan said a few more words, then stood up and left.

Gwen took care of the two little ones, and Aaron sent Susan out. As soon as he walked to the roadside, he heard a burst of violent metal rock and the roar of an engine from far to near.

Then Susan covered her face.

"Do you know him?" Alon asked casually, which means Cao Cao has arrived.

"Sorry, it's my brother." Susan had a dark look on her face.

"Hi, sister, yo, I flirted with a handsome boy! You can do it." The handsome guy on the motorcycle gave Susan a thumbs up.

As soon as Susan finished speaking, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle drove over with deafening and violent music, braked suddenly, and stopped in front of the two of them.

The rider was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. He was tall and tall. He took off his helmet. He was a handsome guy with short blond hair. Not to mention, he had a two-thirds resemblance to Captain America, but it was just because they were both the same type of handsome blond white guy.

Especially this man's naughty smile, which is also a bit arrogant and frivolous. Compared with the cheerful and cheerful Captain America, it is a million miles away.

Moreover, not only does this guy have a frivolous smile, but his body is also frivolous. The faint dark circles under his eyes make him look like he has been crazy for a night, all thanks to his youthful firepower. If he cannot become the Human Torch, he will have to be like the old playboy before Tony in the future. Time is a virtue.

"Jonathan Storm!" Susan gritted her teeth and glared at the handsome rider, using his full name. She wanted to yell "Shut up!" and slap him twice on the back of the head.

He was completely defeated by his humiliated brother.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have let this stupid Doudou come to her house to cheat her with food and drink when his pockets were cleaner than his face, leaving him to fend for himself.

"Hello, I'm your new neighbor." Aaron smiled, thinking that he also had a bad brother, and maybe he and Brother Hammer could have a lot in common.

"Oh, cool..." Classmate Jonathan raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry, I made you laugh. Let's talk some other time." Susan hurriedly left, knowing that if we chatted for a few more words, her unlucky brother might have to say something stupid.

"Let's chat for a few words. What's the rush? Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!" This person was quite familiar.

"Go home!" Susan was so angry that she grabbed Jonathan's ears and yelled in a low voice.

"Then please relax, how can I drive?" Jonathan was not annoyed at all, he just begged for mercy with a playful smile. The relationship between the siblings was very good.

"Push it away! Don't you think it's enough to disturb the neighbors? Do you want to be complained for the third time!" Susan grabbed Jonathan's ear and left. I dare not blame this guy for his incorrigible face, but I don't blame her for being like this. Angry.

F4 saw the two of them. Do you have a chance to meet them, as well as Doctor Doom, who is skilled in both technology and magic? Looking at the Storm siblings walking away, Aaron was thoughtful.

Stark Tower.

"Tony, do you know what's going on with Reed Richards' investment project?" Aaron asked.

"What, are you interested? Or is it your asshole?"

"Just ask, a neighbor of my new home happens to be Reed's old acquaintance, his ex-girlfriend."

"Really, what's going on?"

"...Hey, I just said that person is a nerd." After Tony finished listening to the gossip, he explained with satisfaction: "Dr. Richards' current project is actually good, but he really doesn't know how to sell it. He is obviously a real talent. Practical learning, but because it is too advanced, people think it is a lie."

As both scientists, Tony still agrees with Reed Richards, but in business, Tony, who is still a successful businessman, is less interested in Reed.

In addition, Tony has recently officially entered the ranks of singles abusers, and it feels like he is suppressing little brother Reed in all aspects.

Tony was very interested in talking about this: "In addition, sometimes he is really too ahead of his time. There are still some profits from the early hype concepts, but in the industry, the current business model and market are simply not enough to support his inventions." Producing benefits, several investments failed, and he has been blacklisted by many investors. I heard that he is going bankrupt recently."

"If it weren't for the Ark Energy Project, it wouldn't hurt to give him some funding, but right now, there's nothing I can do to help."

Tony shrugged and ended his speech. He suddenly rolled his eyes and looked at Aaron with a wicked smile: "What, you want to see who you are targeting and short their stock in advance?"

Of course, otherwise I'm sorry for the expired spoiler gesture... Aaron didn't say that: "No, I'm just a little interested. So you are actually quite optimistic about their project? Tell me about it?" "

[It is indeed a cosmic energy storm. 】Stocks and the like are just dispensable routine operations. The reason why the Fantastic Four were born is the focus of his attention.

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