"Dr. Trask, Mystique, you said it was for a special reason. After all, the Red Devil cannot teleport, and we believe it, but how do you explain that Jean Gray is not affected by your invention?"

Secret congressional hearings.

The Trask Group's operation was green-lighted all the way, but unexpectedly, it suffered repeated setbacks. Not only did Mystique fail to be caught, but X Academy's operation also failed.

Then there was this accountability meeting.

Bolivar Trask has a short stature but a very calm demeanor.

Even this action was a serious blow to his strength and reputation.

With the support of Zhengaxe, he managed to create ten sentry robots, but all of them were destroyed. Even his own confidence was shaken.

Without achievements, Zhengaxe's support is not unlimited.

But he still said in a deep voice with confidence: "Gentlemen, don't forget, Jean Gray showed her disregard for mutant neutralization ability in the last mutant cure plan. Our problem this time is that we can't find it. The human Jean Gray just appeared unexpectedly."

"What about Mystique? How do you explain it?"

"If you call what Mystique does in the video a mutant ability, I have nothing to say."

Trask shrugged, and then said in a deep voice: "Gentlemen, you have also seen that the equipment of the Red Devil is obviously a means other than mutants. It is more likely that some force is involved, and mutants no longer completely rely on it. Isn’t this enough for you to be more vigilant if you use your own abilities instead of relying on external forces?”

The officials fell silent.

"So, now you should not question my invention, but increase your efforts to cooperate with my plan, and Mystique is the key. Only by capturing her can our plan truly succeed."

The officials discussed for a while, and then one of them said: "Dr. Trask..."

But he was interrupted by Trask with an apologetic look: "Sorry, I have to take a call. It may be an emergency..."

Time went back a little, and "Jean Gray" showed off her power, repelling the armed forces that invaded the academy with one blow, and then teleported away.

Siberia, Gulag.

In the secret base, there are four more sentry robots.

Previously at the Even the sentry robots all collapsed.

Instead, someone played a fancy trick. According to the surprise research of Whipcord and others, the four sentry robots cut off their energy, teleported away, and their "disintegration" was just a sound and light effect.

I checked it first before taking it to the base.

"The technological content is average, I mean in terms of mechanics and dynamics." The most influential person in this regard commented.

"This remote biological DNA detection device should be the core technology. It can even detect the X gene. What a genius idea." Maya Hansen and Doctor Octopus discussed.

"The material contains Edman metal, and it should be funded by a third party. Otherwise, these ten robots alone could almost buy half of the Trask Group."

Aaron allowed the science team to continue their research.

Instead, they found Vulture, Doctor Doom, Alexandra and others who were in charge of various forces.

"... Let's check based on these and see if we can find Trask's secret research base."

Because there is an X-gene detection device, Mystique cannot infiltrate the Trask Group or the relevant Forbidden City department to find out information about it. We can only collect as much information as possible and cast as wide a net as possible.

Sure enough, I found something useful.

Although no real secrets were found, those that only Trask alone knew.

However, there are always clues to be found in the various subsidies provided by Zhengaxe.

Finally, one of the secret manufacturing bases of the Sentinel robots was traced.

There was that emergency call that Trask had to answer.

After learning that "Jean Gray" directly dismantled the secret manufacturing base.

Someone says no, but his body is honest.

It was a pleasure to dismantle it and also to move it.

And she was very confident: Sister Qin said she would use it!

It's just that we still haven't come into contact with the core secrets, there are no design drawings, various parameters, and research data.

The core command CPU of the Sentinel robot and the production line of the X-gene detection device are not here either.

But Trask didn't expect that the mutants' revenge would come so quickly, and that they could track down such hidden secrets, so he immediately panicked.

This guy who cherishes his own little life very much has been hiding in the dark and his whereabouts are secretive since he had the plan to eliminate mutants. After the start of the sentinel robot project, he never appeared in the public eye and could not be found at all. The trap and whereabouts were finally revealed.

"As expected, there is still a secret base."

Someone has uncovered all of Trask's secrets and found the legendary hidden treasure.

Sentinel robots and X-gene detection, design drawings and core parameters of suppression devices, as well as various experimental data including mutant research, etc., are all here.

And when Trask targets Mystique so much, he is indeed targeting her X-gene.

There are already preliminary ideas for the next generation of sentry robots.

Someone continues to eat and drink.

A few weeks later.

Trask House.

Trask was wearing pajamas, with wine stains and dirt all over his chest. He was slovenly and looked down and out.

The most core secrets, including the backups that only Trask himself knew, were all taken away. Trask had no value at all to Midi's True Axe.

Even if Trask had to do it all over again, there would be no previous data or experimental samples. Not to mention that Trask did not have the ability to fully remember. Even if he did, there was no telling when he would be able to succeed.

Zheng Ax will not give him time or chance.

Two-legged mad scientists who are willing to target mutants are everywhere, but they are definitely easier to find than three-legged mutants.

The Sentinel program was immediately halted and withdrawn completely.

Trask's stud, which he risked his fortune and life on, failed.

Only the government will pay for this kind of design that is completely targeted at mutants. Especially after "Jean Grey" has such a strong response, it is unlikely that any force will be willing to take such a risk.

The plan was already half successful. The first step was a golden avenue, but the next step was a step into the void and into an abyss.

Not only was his career ruined, his life was also in danger.

Even if Mystique ignores the past grievances, she will not settle the consequences.

Even if the ones who took away his unseen experimental data were mutants, and they came knocking on his door, he would still be a dead man.

Ax will not care, but will hope that Trask can make the final contribution to calm the anger of the mutants.

Even in order to prevent him from grabbing randomly, throwing dirty water to silence him is a common trick.

Trask, who felt like breathing was all wrong, almost collapsed.

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