Sister Qin came with expectations. She had complained enough about someone and made a lot of requests. She wanted to renovate a residence for her according to her requirements. She finally calmed down and left.

It's also tiring for someone.

However, it also reminded Aaron that if he talks to Gwen in the future, both of them are women, and they probably won’t be able to accept this style. They really need to free up a space and transform it into a livable environment.

Moreover, because Egox is a living being, he will naturally not allow other creatures on the planet, otherwise he will watch other creatures reincarnate on his head...

Now Aaron doesn't have so many worries. Thousands of Hydra personnel have moved here, and it's time to cultivate some living creatures.

However, even if Egg is allowed to change, he cannot change. He does not have the ability to breed non-plant life. Plants themselves are also an extension of his life, just like people growing hair and body hair.

So we have to get them from other planets, then demonize them, and then reproduce them.

Moreover, there are thousands of people living here, people eat horse chews, and there are plants provided by Ego Star. There are living conditions, but the life is much worse.

Even if these thousands of demon soul puppets are not counted, new demons will still be born in the future, not to mention that Aaron also plans to live here. After all, it is his own planet.

Relying on moving can only solve urgent needs. You can move an organization or even a city, but you cannot move your own system.

Therefore, we still need to establish a system and establish an ecosystem of intelligent races.

There is also a long way to go.

But people, even if they are the incarnation of the law, they still have to pursue something, or at least have some entertainment.

It's like a bloody romance drama between a certain death incarnation and a certain purple sweet potato spirit.

"My Planet" is also a good game.

Earth, the original S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

The black braised egg finally sat back on his throne.

Although it is just a simple wooden desk and an ordinary wooden chair, it does not have as many cool technologies and various mechanisms as before.

I only have a laptop, which is much shabby compared to before.

There is no way, the headquarters is genuine, but all the genuine things in the headquarters have been evacuated. If you can make do with a complete set of office equipment for everyone, it is already a well-organized black braised egg.


This was what Hei Lu Dan asked after he called Aron and proposed to upgrade his management level, but was rejected by him.

The agent hierarchy has been abolished and replaced by a new management model, which no longer separates information management.

As for the various level 9 and 10 top-secret information kept by Black Braised Egg, because there are still a large number of Hydra forces outside, it has not been made public. Instead, it was led by Captain America and multiple agents above level 8, who reviewed it together and chose to continue. Seal or destroy directly.

At the same time, a thorough internal investigation must be conducted, especially for senior SHIELD HYDRA agents such as Garrett. There have been a large number of overt and covert tasks in the past, involving a lot of things.

The team was purified and formed a rope, which united people's hearts and made it safe to use. However, there was a serious shortage of manpower in one section.

The black braised eggs have caused dark circles under my eyes recently. They are not shiny black, but charcoal black.

But when I wanted to give someone an extra burden to prevent him from dying suddenly from overwork, he heard a rejection.

Hei Lu Dan didn't understand it. It was obvious that Aaron was the only one who supported him at that time. Well, it was not the most ideal result for him, but it was much better than disbanding S.H.I.E.L.D.

Little did he know that someone was indeed tired.

If someone is not in his position and does not pursue his political goals, his own business will become bigger and bigger, and even spread to other planets.

Although he was a completely hands-off boss, Aaron, who had no desire to lead, felt that enough was enough.

Any more would be annoying.

It was originally just to repay the favor, but now that the person has been protected and SHIELD has been saved, he can retire with success.

The original intention is not to involve more, but if it ends up getting deeper and deeper into SHIELD, it is not the original intention.

"Director, you know, actually, I am the most angry about this incident."

"Only for me, Pierce has violated my personal boundaries."

"Actually, from a personal point of view, I want SHIELD to be disbanded more than Captain, to get away from all this, to get out of this vortex, and to protect my family."

"But I owe you, I owe SHIELD. Coulson and I are good friends. It was you who gave me the answer I always wanted. I always remember it, so I can't drag you into the water with my own hands, nor can I let you SHIELD was disbanded because of my push, and Coulson's faith cannot be allowed to collapse."

Black Braised Egg was silent, originally thinking that Aaron put justice first and was devoted to S.H.I.E.L.D.

It turns out that I still value feelings.

This is the reason why he values ​​Aron, the reason why he trusts Alon, because he values ​​feelings and bonds.

It’s still a transaction.

But here, it’s a favor.

Aaron looked at Nick Fury and said in a deep voice: "Director, I have decided to resign from SHIELD."

Not only refuse, but also give up.

"It seems that you have made up your mind." Black Braised Dan was still thinking about how to redeem himself, but he heard the most decisive words and saw the most determined eyes.

"I'm not sure what options I would have if I were still a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent next time something similar happens."

"Okay, I respect your choice." Black Braised Egg sighed, looking slightly sad.

"Thank you for your understanding, Director."

"You can call me Nick now." Hei Lu Dan finally smiled in relief, knowing that there was no way to keep him. Rather than staying and staying and becoming a grudge, it would be better to let go and still maintain a good relationship.

Maintain the relationship... Hey, this little guy, in the blink of an eye, can also influence the situation of major events.

The black braised egg is also a pity. The fate of someone, even him, is the only one he has seen in his life.

"Thank you, Nick."

"What are your plans for the future?"

"Spending more time with my family will also allow me to engage in related activities as an Avenger."

"In other words, if Steve and Natasha have a mission..."

"If necessary, I will provide help as an avenger." Aaron heard the song and understood the elegant meaning, and he still had to do something.

"Colson, there is something I want to tell you personally..."

After leaving the Black Braised Egg office, Aaron dialed another number.

Colson gave his blessing and understanding in the end, but to be honest, he didn't accept it as quickly as Hei Braised Egg.

After all, it was S.H.I.E.L.D. that he loved most and devoted all his life to. Although he understood and supported Aaron's choice for his family, it was human nature to have a little emotion.

It is also conceivable that Coulson himself will not ask him for help in the future unless it is a big event that he cannot handle.

I can only let time dilute everything. I hope that my good friend can completely figure things out and no longer be a colleague, but also a good friend and comrade-in-arms.

"Does your director agree?"

After returning the documents and equipment, going through the formalities, and signing the confidentiality agreement, I returned home and heard Gwen ask.

This kind of "big event" naturally needs to be discussed with Gwen in advance to make sure that Aaron is not a moment of excitement and indignation, but has been carefully considered, and Gwen also expressed his support.

"Well, from today on, I'm no longer an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"That's good, it saves you the trouble of being so busy all day long." Aaron sighed a little, but Gwen took it as a slight sadness and hugged Aaron and comforted her softly.

"...Yeah." Someone hugged Gwen and was about to say that he was fine, but then he rolled his eyes and looked pitiful again, looking sad and begging for a hug.

Then he buried his face in the rough waves.

Only Gwen's warm bosom can make me feel a little comfort.

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