Perhaps in Black Braised Egg's view, there is a causal relationship in Ava Starr's matter. Elias Starr owed SHIELD first.

Or maybe it was because Black Braised Egg's original behavior was not so gentle, but he was still decisive in killing.

Or maybe it was because there was not a single person with superpowers in the black braised egg bag at that time, so they valued this ability too much, and they were trying to find a way to cure Ava, but they just had to make the most of it first, but in the end they couldn't find a cure.

In short, Black Braised Egg is a bit unkind in this matter.

But it is unfair for a king of secret agents to use social common sense and moral standards to demand and measure him.

This is also one of the main reasons why Black Braised Egg takes good care of Alon. Alon still thinks about repaying the favor and withdraws after repaying the favor. It is also just because of the nature of this work. Too often, career and personal feelings are at the center of the matter. conflicting with each other.

Ava Starr became a ghost agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., doing dirty work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and performing black operations. Of course, there were more private goods carried by S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra.

Ava also successfully escaped from control during the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra incident. Over the years, she has come to understand that counting on S.H.I.E.L.D. is beyond hope.

Ava then approached her father's old colleague and friend Bill Foster for help.

Dr. Bill Foster is in a similar situation to Ava's father. He couldn't stand the bad temper of his grumpy old brother Dr. Pym, so he voluntarily left his team (of course, the grumpy old man said he was fired), and also left SHIELD. bureau.

When Ava had just had an accident, Bill took care of her for a short period of time until SHIELD took her away.

Out of sympathy for Ava, we are now trying our best to help her.

However, Bill is not a super genius according to Marvel standards. He cannot be like the stream-of-consciousness god Reed Richards, who comes up with an idea at random, or Tony Stark, who develops the Extremis virus in one night. The stable formula does not delay flirting with girls.

Ava's condition is still getting worse day by day. Her body gradually cannot bear the pull back and forth between the two dimensions, and her body collapsed within the past two years.

The frequency appearing in the quantum realm is also gradually increasing.

Aaron did not wait long, as he could not sense the passage of time in the quantum realm, but after checking the information, the quantum ghost had already discovered Ava's appearance.

To be precise, first there was Ava's face, two hands, and one leg.

Then it was gone in a blink of an eye.

I don’t know if he was controlling it intentionally, or if he was pulled over uncontrollably again.

Not long after, he appeared again, in another location who didn't know how far away.

The coordinates of the quantum realm and real space do not correspond. There is no concept of "distance" in a macro sense.

But Aaron had already locked onto Ava's mental fluctuations before, and he also had a certain analysis of the entanglement of quantum states in the quantum realm, and he could already use displacement skills here.

This time Ava fully appeared, allowing Aaron to see her full face and physical condition.

[It’s hard to imagine how this girl has persisted for so many years. 】

How should I put it? Everyone knows about a technological space teleportation theory. It is instantly decomposed on one side, and through quantum entanglement, it is instantaneously reorganized on the other side to achieve the purpose of space teleportation.

With every phase shift, Ava could clearly feel the feeling of every cell in her body being completely torn apart, her whole body disintegrating and then reorganizing. It was beyond the pain of nerves, and it was a perception that erased the concept of itself.

There are two easy ways to solve her problem. One is to completely pull her into the quantum realm and quantize her, but she will become a quantum life form and stay here forever.

The second is to give her enough quantum energy to keep her full of energy and not be easily pulled over by the "gravity" of the quantum realm.

However, this treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. She is the anchor point of a tiny crack in the quantum realm in the real world. The reason why the quantum realm does not pull her is because it pulls quantum energy instead.

The last step is to close this tiny rift, but Ava has already quantized part of her body, closing the connection with the quantum realm. She will no longer be pulled and cannot enter the quantum realm to replenish energy. The quantized part of her body will also be consumed due to energy consumption. It will disintegrate completely, greatly damaging her vitality.

How to help Ava, but it's up to her what choice she makes.

San Francisco.

Private property somewhere in the woods.

A manor that has been abandoned for many years.

A tall African-American who looked to be in his fifties, with a big head and a thick neck, was debugging a very high-tech device, a control platform connected to a huge box.

"Okay, let's go in and give it a try." The African man fiddled with the control platform and said without looking back.

It was a slender figure wearing a gray-white battle suit and a fully enclosed helmet without goggles but with four cameras. Hearing this, he took off his helmet and suit, and then he saw a young hero. Indian mixed race girl.

Immediately, the girl's head, two arms, and one leg appeared in an illusory double image. She also looked like she was enduring pain, and beads of sweat instantly appeared on her forehead. She staggered into the transparent box. Body, close the door.

The African American activated the device, and waves of energy rippled through the box. When it touched the girl's body, her expression relaxed a lot.

"How's it going, Ava, are you feeling better?" The African-American's eyes were filled with love, as if he was asking his own biological daughter.

"Much better, thank you, Bill, I can finally sleep peacefully." The girl named Ava smiled tiredly, her body suddenly tilted, she slid down against the wall of the box and sat on the ground.


"It's okay, Bill, I'm just too tired, I just need to rest."

"Well, I have been wearing combat uniforms these days when I was composing the equipment. Thank you for your hard work."

"You worked hard too."

"Don't worry, with this, you can buy more time. I will start further research right away."

"Well, I believe you. If you need anything, just tell me."

"I will."

The African-American named Bill nodded and didn't say anything, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Indeed, if he wanted to conduct private quantum research, he was a university professor, and his salary was not even enough to put a dent in his teeth.

"You have a good rest, I'll come see you later."

After Bill left, Ava retched and fell to the ground, curling up and twitching slightly. After a while, her whole body was soaked in sweat, and it took a while to recover.

Since escaping from SHIELD's control, he has only relied on his suit for maintenance for a long time without enough energy. How could he recover from the torture he suffered during this period?

"Although I cannot empathize with you, I still express my utmost sympathy and apology."


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