American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 613 615. People’s hearts fluctuate

All four members of Aaron's family are people with super powers.

Little Spider also came over to discuss it.

Gwen directly denied it, and said that if it were a mandatory bill, she would simply stop being a white hunter.

She didn't tell her family, and she didn't think it was a big deal if she didn't want to be a superhero. Someone who drank too much saliva didn't have much of a hero complex.

Laura and Lorna, two big girls, also firmly opposed it. The two were the product of an experiment. Before one was adopted by Aron, they had never felt the warmth of society at all, and their trust in Zhengax was zero.

This is especially true for Mindy Lolita. Although her family was harmed by the energetic group, in the final analysis, it was also the fault. If it weren't for Aaron and others, they would have been like the Punisher, playing with post-modern human body behavior. Art.

Moreover, Mindy Loli has recently successfully practiced the Ripple Qigong, and she can be considered a person with super powers.

So after the reunion, Little Spider's small circle also started to break up.

There is no need for Aaron to express his position. Anyway, there are already three votes against it.

Aaron also asked Wanda what she thought. The little witch was a little discouraged and even said that she should go back to Sokovia if it didn't work.

From the perspective of Midea, this is an inevitable process.

Although it will definitely make people panic, it has to be done. No one wants to dominate the beauty and become the father of the whole world. There are so many unstable factors around him. There are a lot of super sleeping on the side of the bed. Grandpa Ability, this is intolerable.

Now that the opinions are unified, no matter how chaotic it is outside, the situation at home has stabilized and life goes on as usual.

Gwen and the two big girls are very good friends. They take good care of the slightly sickly Wanda, and their relationship is getting better and better.

The result is that someone is going to Ego more and more often.

Only then did Sister Qin complain.

"Can you go back to the academy for me and check on the situation?"

Sister Qin naturally sneered at this bullshit bill, but she was a little worried about it when it came to X Academy, but she was too lazy to bother with it, so she went back to her usual routine of looking for Alon Ameng when she was in doubt.


Others said it was fine, just a quick trip, but when Sister Qin said she would go for her, she was not going in her name, but just like last time, she was going as her.

Aaron said that it is impossible to dress up as a woman again, and it is impossible to awaken the interest in this aspect in this life.

If he was stared at by Cyclops's resentful little eyes again, he would have gone crazy, and X Academy would no longer have to consider the issue of the registration bill.

"Tsk, smelly Aaron is really boring." Sister Qin said angrily.

No matter how much he said this time, "Okay, okay, be obedient, big sister will give you a reward," Alon still resolutely controlled himself, not really fragrant.

...So I got the Cyclops eye, that little look that makes me want to take off my glasses and take a closer look.

X College, Professor X’s office.

Aaron, who looked like he was chewing your brother, with his hair parted and beautiful, was hugged by Sister Qin who looked happy, smiling awkwardly, and his heart was broken.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have considered the issue of women's clothing...

"Qin, welcome back, how are you doing?"


"What do you think of the bill?" After a few pleasantries, Sister Qin decisively got to the point.

"I'm inclined to talk about it."

"What's there to talk about? You have a lot of ideas, but how much can you change the other person's mind with just one mouth? In the end, it's not compromising again and again, at most it's just delaying some time."

Sister Qin really didn't want to save face for the professor. Her words were a bit like what Magneto said. They were harsh, but they also revealed the professor's temperament.

Fortunately, Sister Qin just doesn't like the professor's ideas, but she is not like Lao Wan, who always wants to take advantage of the confrontation with the professor to cause trouble.


"That's what your friend, ZHU-WU, is called, right? What's his attitude?" The professor then thought about it again. From another perspective, if Qin really insisted on getting involved, maybe it could be solved easily?

[Asking you, what is your attitude? 】

[The old man wants us to take the blame. 】

[It doesn’t matter, so what? 】

[I don’t want to interfere too much in the affairs of the earth, especially the world that affects ordinary people...]

【so troublesome. 】

Aaron told Sister Qin his attitude again.

Although the style of Phoenix Force is about having fun, and those who dare not let it get burned will be burned, so it can be fun.

However, Sister Qin herself feels that Alon's idea is more reasonable, especially because she hates things that are imposed on others.

And if this situation on Earth really breaks out, can everything be burned down?


"He said that he would not interfere too much with the world of ordinary people and would not impose power on other people's will, unless that person's will was already imposed on other people and would cause great harm."

"That's it."


However, at this moment, he sighed slightly and felt a little conflicted. He felt that a storm was coming and wanted to quickly calm down the incident, but he also believed that such an attitude would be a blessing to other people on the earth.

[Then you really don’t do anything and just let it go? 】

[Let's play it by ear. If you really have an idea, we can discuss it in the long term, for example... huh? 】

【What's wrong? 】

[Magneto is here. 】Aaron is not like Sister Qin and Professor X, who are used to sensing spiritual power, but Aaron can directly sense the breath of life.

[Tch, that old guy will indeed take the opportunity to cause trouble. 】Sister Qin secretly spat.

【Let's go? 】

[Keep listening to what this old guy said? 】

[If you don’t leave, he probably won’t say it directly. If he doesn’t say it, he will have to argue. He can just ask the professor later. 】

[Tch, forget it, I’m too lazy to pay attention to him anyway, it’s you, the stinky guy, who insists on letting me come and cause trouble for this eldest sister! 】

[I...yes, yes, eldest sister, you have a lot...]

"Old friend Charles, I" Lao Wan opened the window with magnetism and floated in, only to find that Jean Gray was also there, looking at him with a half-smile, pretending to be prefaced. The child choked and went back.

"Qin..." Lao Wan rolled his eyes.

"Professor, let's leave first and contact him later." Sister Qin didn't want to ditch Lao Wan, she opened the portal and left.

Lao Wan was so choked that he rolled his eyes.

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