American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 621 623. On the verge of breaking out


The mutant city is also a country.

The current population exceeds twenty-five thousand and continues to increase.

"Do we need to check everyone's intentions? Are they really here to live, or do they have ulterior motives?"

"No, this is an invasion of everyone's privacy. We have just been established, do we have to use white rule?"

"But you can't deny that there are definitely many people with ulterior motives."

"However, every move we make is under the watchful eye of the outside world, and any inappropriate behavior will be infinitely magnified."

"We can develop more complete measures, such as mutual supervision, and invest more efforts and in-depth observation..."

"Everyone, I think these issues can be postponed. What we should pay more attention to is the outside world's view of us..."

This is also a presidential parliamentary system, but it is still a grassroots team. Magneto is the first president, the White Queen is the Secretary of State, and the Blue Beast is the Grand Prosecutor and the Chief Justice.

The remaining officials were mostly former adjutants of the Brotherhood of Mutants, with a small number of others recruited by Lao Wan as supplements.


Huang Mao's beautiful and naughty brother also stayed here, saying that he was Jean Grey's liaison. According to the agreement, he would provide combat help, but he would only take action when he had to defend against external attacks.

Not knowing how expensive food, rice, oil and salt are, Lao Wan thought that after being the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants for so many years, they were all leaders, so they should be similar.

But in the excitement, I forgot the factors that lead to qualitative changes due to quantitative changes. As the scale expands, everything must be arranged for proper operation and maintenance.

Even Magneto, White Queen, and Blue Beast, who have a lot of management experience, still feel a little inadequate.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about people's livelihood. All buildings and infrastructure, municipal systems, power systems, etc. are in place, and food and medicine are sufficient.

Moving mountains, filling seas, and reorganizing matter are the innate abilities of Yigo's star soul. With Alon's support, the ability can be used on other planets. With the support of Latovinia and Lao Wan and others' own It is no problem to prepare and maintain the lives of the people here.

It's just that there is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and there is a lack of manpower. We need to wait until the system is fully established and people register their personal information to recruit manpower.

In short, it is developing in a good direction.

Until a month later, when the place had just stabilized.

The Union Pot is finally taking action.

"Tony Stark, what are you doing here? What do you Avengers mean?"

But it was Tony who brought War Machine Roddy and Vision to the True Ax office building in Kenosha.

Also coming to this island were more people with registered superpowers.

"I am now the new leader of the Superpower Registration Act response department, and on behalf of the Avengers and SHIELD, I am here to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Magneto, do you, as a country, want to be recognized by the United Cauldron?"

"Let's be honest, what conditions did you bring?"

"The 193 member states of the United Pot unanimously agree..."

"That's impossible, Tony Stark! 'Aid'? It's clearly assistance. What's the difference between this and the previous bill? What kind of situation will it put my citizens in..."

The environment really trains people. Lao Wan always made a big fuss when he disagreed, and now he has learned to argue.

It was also Guo Jia's first creation, and it was still in its infancy. The internal affairs involved a lot of energy, and Lao Wan was also a bit on thin ice.

It's just that arguing is unpleasant. The United Cauldron has made it clear that it will not allow mutants to build the cauldron. It is simply here to add to the trouble. The many harsh and almost rude demands almost made Lao Wan angry. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, but still Be patient and control your emotions.

But Tony didn't have the pride of "I just like that you want to kill me, but you can't do anything about it."

This incident is not trivial. If he is not good, he will be recorded in history. It is not the positive comment that he wants most, such as "leading the scientific progress of mankind."

"...Magneto, this is not the attitude you have for negotiation. This will not produce good results."

"If I compromise even a little bit, it will be the worst result for Kenosha and the compatriots here."

This is the number of times Tony and Lao Wan have broken up on bad terms.


"Magneto, I'm sorry, this is the last condition of the joint pot. If you don't accept it, it will be an ultimatum."

"I'm waiting for the ultimatum to be delivered."

After many days of quarreling, Magneto lost his last bit of patience.

"...Eric, promise me, try to exercise restraint and never make it too much. You know, if you go too far, I will stop you."

"I know, don't worry, just Tony Stark, with his little special abilities, can't do anything to us, just let them see our strength."

"Be sure to restrain yourself."


Knowing that the next step was to do something, Professor A love-and-kill attitude.

Lao Wan felt that the United Cauldron's coming to find Iron Man was a total failure. Tony Stark was also full and dizzy, so he came here specifically to seek abuse.

There is no Thor or Hulk. Vision also inquired about the news and found out that he has a body made of vibranium and a war machine. Each of the three of them counts, which one is enough for Magneto to take care of him in two blows?

Let's scare him away with a big scene in a relaxed and happy way, Lao Wan thought.

Then he saw Iron Man, War Machine, and Vision suspended in the air, each protected by a special energy shield that prevented him from feeling their metallic magnetic fields.

Behind them were thirty robots with the same energy shields.

Similar to Black Braised Eggs, by making friend deals with those in power, even Tony, a great man, gained a lot of money, including channels, resources, technical reserves, and many other things that money could not buy.

On the ground were hundreds of people with superpowers who had been recruited, or ordinary people in disguise.

There are heroes and villains, but now they all have to add "front-", and now they are all called the thugs of the Axis... well, employees, temporary.

"Magneto, be careful. Each of them has a powerful anti-mind control device. I can't help much in this battle." The White Queen's voice in the earphones made Lao Wan frown secretly.

I'm careless, I'm carried away...

The environment is really good at training people. Lao Wan, who was so confident and arrogant, actually started to reflect on himself.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Fortunately, Lao Wan was not unprepared, but he could not control the opponent. But controlling metal attacks, Lao Wan was also the most ferocious mage turret.

There is also the Brotherhood of Mutants, who have recruited dozens of powerful mutants after the war. When pressed, almost everyone can join forces. The old man is also full of confidence, which is not false at all.

So the war is about to break out!

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