What do you want to do?

Don't come over here!

——Aaron turned into a square-faced bearded man. After letting Wade take Frances away with his nagging, he turned back to look at Christine, who was suffering from various menopausal disorders. Her expression was probably like this.

I don’t want to, it’s too greasy and doesn’t have that strong taste.

"Madam, I really want to help you. If the bleeding doesn't stop..."

Aaron saw Kristine shivering, sitting on the ground and kicking her legs back and forth. He stopped a little helplessly and pointed to the wound she was covering, which was still bleeding along the gap between her fingers.

Is I that scary? It's not like he's a demon.

"You, if you really want to help me, just let me go. I can handle it myself."

Aaron thought about it and thought it was a solution, so he nodded.


...If I couldn't beat you, I would have broken your neck.

"I mean, I could let you go, but..."

"What do you want?"

"But the X-Men probably won't let you go." Aaron pointed to the sky.

Kristine looked up, but there was nothing... How about having a good time and splattering this bitch with blood.

But suddenly I saw the door of the seemingly invisible house open.

The invisible plane opened its rear hatch.

A super tough guy nearly three meters tall, covered in silver-white metal, holding hands, a goth girl with smoky makeup and an Asian girl holding a footbath knife like a big porcelain doll.

Colossus, the coolest nickname, Yukio.

"Then I'll leave first."

"Wait a moment."

The one who shouted stop was, of course, not Kristine, who had already avoided the other man's bearded face like a snake or a scorpion, but the English with a slightly tongue-in-cheek accent.

"Hey, big guy, what's up?"

"Excuse me, what's going on here, and what's going on between you and this lady?"

"Oh, I was passing by too. I don't know the details. There was a man named Francis, who was originally her companion, but he attacked her and penetrated her. I tried to save her, but she refused to let her go."

I just said it was a sneak attack on you! ...Kristen didn't argue, her heart was really tired.

"How may I call you?"

"Arthur Morgan, just call me Arthur. Oops, I finally meet someone to talk to."

"Are you a mutant too?"

"No, I'm just pretty good at boxing and kicking. I've practiced boxing for a few days."


The heavyweight boxing champion fights against three!

Forget it, I don’t want to complain, just do what you like, hurry up, I’m tired... Kristen looked disgusted.

After saying a few words, Aaron still wanted to leave, probably because the first impression was good, and the honest and honest Colossus didn't force him to stay.

"That's it. You are welcome to visit the academy when you have time." Colossus carried Christine and the two biological cabins on his shoulders before leaving.

"Stop, you can't take them away."

"Sir, you can't leave either."

Of course, those who said these words were not Aaron and Colossus.

But suddenly, a Quinjet and six Tony Stark's Iron Legion robots arrived from two directions almost at the same time.

The electronic sound of the Quinjet won't let Colossus go.

The Steel Legion robots wouldn't let Aron go.

"Agent of SHIELD, this matter falls within the scope of SHIELD investigation. These are witness evidence and you cannot take them away."

"Who are you, why are you here, and what does it have to do with this matter?"

"This is a matter related to mutants. Someone is conducting illegal mutant experiments. I think we are qualified to intervene."

"Oops, I have to explain it for the third time. Can you let Colossus talk to you? I want to leave."

The quarrel between Colossus and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Aaron has no further thoughts.

"Please cooperate with our work..."

This is another new function of the Avengers, and it is also a change in the Super Power Registration Act. Detailed identity information is no longer required, but super powers and appearance (can be a mask) must be registered.

This time it was first trialled in New York, and was also implemented by a joint department including Avengers and SHIELD.

"Sorry, I don't really want to cooperate. Francis cooperated with you. What's the result?"

Um? That's a lot of information... Colossus, who was arguing with SHIELD agents, couldn't help but turn his head and look at the bearded man with a square face. What on earth does this man know?

call out!

Aaron didn't mean to say anything more, but he blew an extremely loud whistle, and then there was a rush of horse hooves coming from the abandoned factory where the fire was gradually extinguishing.


With a faint cry, an extremely majestic black horse with a head height slightly higher than Colossus broke through the wall of the factory building and galloped towards Aaron.

"Sir, please stop what you are doing, otherwise we will take necessary measures."

The Iron Legion did not move at first, but Aaron jumped on his horse, suddenly raised his hands, and activated his palm cannon.

"Don't do it, okay? You'll get hurt."

Everyone saw the square-faced bearded man pull out a repeating rifle from the horse's backpack, the kind often seen in Western movies, put it on his shoulders, and looked down at the Iron Legion.


One S.H.I.E.L.D. agent seemed to be struck by a punchline and couldn't help but hold back his laughter. Why is this guy sick? Not only did he imitate the Western cowboy, but he still dared to show off to the Iron Legion?

Perhaps it was because of Tony's remote control. He had seen too many strange things and was not careless at all. The entire Iron Legion took off and hovered in mid-air.

"Arthur." Colossus tried to persuade him.

However, the black horse has almost turned into a black lightning, and it is extremely still and extremely moving. In an instant, it has already run dozens of meters!

The Iron Legion had a black technology locking device, turned around quickly, and fired its palm cannon!


It hit the ground and stirred up several clouds of dust.

The black horse actually violated the laws of biology, and even the laws of physics, and turned an S-turn!

"I'll step on the horse and shoot it up!"

Bang bang bang!

To everyone's surprise, the agent who was suppressing a smile even dropped his jaw. The big bearded man with a square face actually shouted an unknown and powerful voice. During the rapid movement, he fired three shots in a row, each of which hit the same spot exactly. , an Ark reactor on the chest of a steel robot.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The steel robot fell from the sky, but it had a square face and a big beard but it was unyielding. The black horse was flying in all kinds of weird ways, making S-turns, U-turns, and even U-turns. It even ran dozens of meters away from the wall. I was so angry. Newton spared his life, and the rifle in his hand kept spitting out tongues of fire.

Three shots and a steel robot fell.

In a flash of lightning, the rabbit rose and the falcon fell. When the first steel robot hit the ground, the square-faced bearded man had already stopped moving.

Just back to where I started running.

"I told you, it will get hurt, why is no one listening to me?"

The bearded man with a square face took out a cigar roll from his arms, lit it with an old-fashioned kerosene lighter, took a puff, and blew out a puff of smoke with a sigh on his face, like an old cowboy with a lot of stories.

The people at the scene, as well as the Avengers and SHIELD people watching through the Iron Legion or cameras, all looked ridiculous, wondering what kind of black technology was Stark researching?

Raise cattle!

What kind of cowboys are cheating!

"Can I leave now?"

The SHIELD agents swallowed their saliva and tried to stop them, but look at the steel robots there...

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